$Id$ This directory houses a collection of tests which exercise TAO support for features defined in the RT-CORBA specification. Tests which exercise TAO-specific RT features can be found in $TAO_ROOT/performance-tests/RTCorba. OMG Real-time CORBA specification is available at: http://cgi.omg.org/cgi-bin/doc?ptc/99-05-03 (or check the OMG website for a more recent version). More information on TAO's implementation of RT-CORBA 1.0 specification is available at: $TAO_ROOT/docs/rtcorba/index.html Each individual subdirectory contains a README file with more information on the corresponding test. The list of tests so far includes the following: . Banded_Connections Test for RTCORBA::PriorityBandedConnection policy. . Client_Propagated Test for RTCORBA::PriorityModel policy with RTCORBA::CLIENT_PROPAGATED value. . Client_Protocol Test for RTCORBA::ClientProtocol policy. . Collocation Test for collocation when using thread pools and lanes. . Destroy_Thread_Pool Test for creating and destroying thread pools (with and without lanes). . Explicit_Binding Test for . . Linear_Priority Test for Linear Priority mapping. Also combines and tests several RT policies in different ways. . MT_Client_Protocol_Priority Test for multi-threaded clients using the RTCORBA::ClientProtocol policy. . ORB_init Test for creation and destruction of multiple RT ORBs. . Persistent_IOR Test for -ORBEndpoint option. Also makes sure that user cannot use thread pools and persistence simultaneously. . Policies This program tests the construction of RTCORBA policies, both through the generic ORB::create_policy interface and the RTCORBA specific interfaces. . Policy_Combinations Test that combines and tests several RT policies in different ways. . Priority_Inversion_With_Bands This test check for priority inversion when using different RTCORBA configurations. . Private_Connection Test for RTCORBA::PrivateConnection policy. . RTMutex Test for RTCORBA::Mutex. . Server_Declared Test for RTCORBA::PriorityModel policy with RTCORBA::SERVER_DECLARED value. . Server_Protocol Test for RTCORBA::ServerProtocol policy. . Thread_Pool Tests the creation and use of thread pools.