// $Id$ #include "Stopwatch_display.h" Stopwatch_display::Stopwatch_display (Widget &parent) { // Instantiate the sub-components of the Stopwatch_display this->frame_ = XtCreateWidget ("frame", xmFrameWidgetClass, parent, 0, 0); this->label_ = XtCreateWidget ("label", xmLabelWidgetClass, this->frame_, 0, 0); } Stopwatch_display::~Stopwatch_display (void) { //No-op } void Stopwatch_display::manage (void) { XtManageChild (this->frame_); XtManageChild (this->label_); } void Stopwatch_display::set_time (CORBA::Float time) { char buf[50]; // Format value as a string ACE_OS::sprintf (buf, "%6.3f", time); // Convert to compound string XmString xmstr = XmStringCreateSimple (buf); // Display the string in the Label widget XtVaSetValues (this->label_, XmNlabelString, xmstr, NULL); //??Can use XtSetValues with ac and al values.. // The compound string can be freed once passed to the widget XmStringFree (xmstr); }