// $Id$ #include "HostProcess.h" #include "Invocation.h" #include "PeerProcess.h" #include "Thread.h" #include "ace/OS_NS_stdio.h" PeerNode::PeerNode (long h, PeerProcess *p) :handle_ (h), peer_ (p) { } HostProcess::HostProcess (const ACE_CString &src, long pid) : pid_(pid), logfile_name_(src) { } HostProcess::~HostProcess (void) { for (AddrList::ITERATOR i(this->listen_endpoints_); !i.done(); i++) { delete reinterpret_cast(i.next()->item_); } for (ThreadList::ITERATOR i(this->threads_); !i.done(); i++) { delete reinterpret_cast(i.next()->item_); } #if 0 for (PeerProcs::ITERATOR i = by_addr_.begin(); i != servers_.end(); i++) { PeerProcs::ENTRY *entry; if (i.next(entry) == 0) break; delete entry->item(); } #endif } void HostProcess::proc_name (const ACE_CString &name) { this->proc_name_ = name; } const ACE_CString& HostProcess::proc_name (void) const { return this->proc_name_; } Thread * HostProcess::find_thread (long tid, size_t offset) { Thread *thr = 0; for (ACE_DLList_Iterator i(threads_); !i.done(); i.advance()) { i.next(thr); if (thr->id() == tid) return thr; } char alias[20]; ACE_OS::sprintf (alias,"Thread[" ACE_SIZE_T_FORMAT_SPECIFIER_ASCII "]", this->threads_.size() + 1); thr = new Thread (tid, alias, offset); threads_.insert_tail (thr); return thr; } Thread * HostProcess::find_thread_for_peer (const ACE_CString &addr) { Thread *thr = 0; Endpoint ep (addr.c_str()); for (ACE_DLList_Iterator i(threads_); !i.done(); i.advance()) { i.next(thr); PeerProcess *pp = thr->peek_new_connection(); if (pp == 0) continue; if (pp->match_server_addr(ep)) return thr; } return 0; } Thread * HostProcess::find_thread_for_handle (long h) { Thread *thr = 0; for (ACE_DLList_Iterator i(threads_); !i.done(); i.advance()) { i.next(thr); if (thr->active_handle() == h && thr->giop_target() != 0) return thr; } return thr; } PeerProcess * HostProcess::find_peer (const ACE_CString &addr) { PeerProcess *pp = 0; Endpoint ep (addr.c_str()); (void)this->by_addr_.find(ep,pp); return pp; } PeerProcess * HostProcess::find_peer (long h) { if (this->by_handle_.size() == 0) return 0; for (PeerArray::ITERATOR i(this->by_handle_); !i.done(); i++) { PeerNode *node = reinterpret_cast(i.next()->item_); if (node->handle_ == h) return node->peer_; } return 0; } long HostProcess::pid (void) const { return this->pid_; } bool HostProcess::has_endpoint (const Endpoint& addr, bool listen) { AddrList &list = listen ? this->listen_endpoints_ : this->client_endpoints_; for (ACE_DLList_Iterator i(list); !i.done(); ++i) { Endpoint *elem = 0; i.next (elem); if (*elem == addr) return true; } return false; } void HostProcess::add_client_endpoint(const Endpoint &addr) { this->client_endpoints_.insert_tail(new Endpoint (addr)); } void HostProcess::add_listen_endpoint(const Endpoint &addr) { this->listen_endpoints_.insert_tail(new Endpoint (addr)); } void HostProcess::add_peer(long handle, PeerProcess *peer) { peer->set_owner (this); PeerProcess *existing = this->find_peer(handle); if (existing != 0) { ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "add_peer, found existing for %d\n", handle)); } const Endpoint &addr = peer->is_server() ? peer->server_addr() : peer->last_client_addr(); int result = this->by_addr_.bind (addr,peer); if (result < 0) ACE_ERROR ((LM_ERROR,"add_peer, cannot bind to addr %s result = %d, %p\n", addr.addr_.c_str(), result, "by_addr_.bind")); PeerNode *node = new PeerNode (handle,peer); this->by_handle_.insert_tail(node); } void HostProcess::remove_peer(long h) { if (this->by_handle_.size() == 0) return; for (PeerArray::ITERATOR i(this->by_handle_); !i.done(); i++) { PeerNode *node = reinterpret_cast(i.next()->item_); if (node->handle_ == h) { this->by_handle_.remove(i.next()); return; } } } void HostProcess::dump_summary (ostream &strm) { strm << "Host process " << this->proc_name_ << " pid(" << this->pid_ << ") from logfile " << this->logfile_name_ << endl; size_t num = this->listen_endpoints_.size(); if (num > 0) { strm << " listening on "; size_t count = 0; for (ACE_DLList_Iterator t_iter (this->listen_endpoints_); !t_iter.done(); t_iter.advance()) { Endpoint *ep = 0; t_iter.next(ep); strm << ep->addr_.c_str(); if (++count < num) strm << ", "; } strm << endl; } strm << " " << threads_.size() << " threads"; #if 0 if (clients_.current_size() > 0) strm << ", client to " << clients_.current_size(); if (servers_.current_size() > 0) strm << ", server to " << servers_.current_size(); #endif strm << endl; } void HostProcess::dump_ident (ostream &strm, const char *message) { strm <<"\nHost process "; if (this->proc_name_.length()) strm << this->proc_name_; strm << " pid (" << this->pid_ << ") " << message << endl; } void HostProcess::dump_thread_detail (ostream &strm) { this->dump_ident (strm, "thread details:"); long total_sent = 0; long total_recv = 0; size_t total_bytes_sent = 0; size_t total_bytes_recv = 0; for (ACE_DLList_Iterator t_iter (this->threads_); !t_iter.done(); t_iter.advance()) { Thread *thr = 0; t_iter.next(thr); thr->dump_detail (strm); thr->get_summary (total_recv, total_sent, total_bytes_recv, total_bytes_sent); } strm << "Total requests sent: " << total_sent << " received: " << total_recv << endl; strm << "Total requests bytes sent: " << total_bytes_sent << " received: " << total_bytes_recv << endl; } void HostProcess::dump_thread_invocations (ostream &strm) { this->dump_ident (strm, "invocations by thread:"); for (ACE_DLList_Iterator t_iter (this->threads_); !t_iter.done(); t_iter.advance()) { Thread *thr = 0; t_iter.next(thr); thr->dump_invocations (strm); strm << endl; thr->dump_incidents (strm); strm << endl; } } void HostProcess::iterate_peers (int group, int operation, ostream *strm, Session *session) { bool first = true; for (PeerProcs::ITERATOR i = this->by_addr_.begin(); i != by_addr_.end(); i++) { PeerProcs::ENTRY *entry; if (i.next(entry) == 0) continue; PeerProcess *pp = entry->item(); if (pp == 0) continue; if ((group != 3) && ((pp->is_server() && group == 1) || (!pp->is_server() && group == 2))) continue; switch (operation) { case 0: entry->item()->dump_summary (*strm); break; case 1: entry->item()->dump_object_detail (*strm); *strm << endl; break; case 2: if (!first) this->dump_ident (*strm,"Invocations continued"); entry->item()->dump_invocation_detail (*strm); *strm << endl; break; case 3: entry->item()->match_hosts (session); break; } first = false; } } void HostProcess::dump_peer_detail (ostream &strm) { this->dump_ident (strm, "peer processes:"); size_t num_servers = 0; size_t num_clients = 0; strm << " total peers: " << this->by_addr_.current_size() << endl; for (PeerProcs::ITERATOR i = this->by_addr_.begin(); i != by_addr_.end(); i++) { PeerProcs::ENTRY *entry; if (i.next(entry) == 0) break; PeerProcess *pp = entry->item(); if (pp == 0) break; if (pp->is_server()) ++num_servers; else ++num_clients; } strm << " from " << num_clients << " clients" << endl; this->iterate_peers (1, 0, &strm); strm << " to " << num_servers << " servers" << endl; this->iterate_peers (2, 0, &strm); } void HostProcess::dump_object_detail (ostream &strm) { this->dump_ident (strm, "peer objects: "); this->iterate_peers (3, 1, &strm); } void HostProcess::dump_invocation_detail(ostream &strm) { this->dump_ident (strm, "invocations: "); this->iterate_peers (3, 2, &strm); this->dump_ident (strm, "end invocation report"); } void HostProcess::reconcile_peers (Session *session) { this->iterate_peers (3, 3, 0, session); }