#include "PeerProcess.h" #include "PeerObject.h" #include "ace/OS_NS_stdio.h" #include "ace/OS_NS_string.h" #include "ace/ACE.h" #include "Invocation.h" #include "HostProcess.h" #include "Thread.h" #include "Session.h" Endpoint::Endpoint (void) : addr_ (), host_ (), port_ (), is_localhost_ (false), role_ (ER_UNKNOWN) { } Endpoint::Endpoint (const char *addr, EndpointRole role) : addr_ (), host_ (), port_ (), is_localhost_ (false), role_ (ER_UNKNOWN) { this->assign (addr, role); } Endpoint::Endpoint (const Endpoint &other) { operator = (other); } void Endpoint::assign (const char *addr, EndpointRole role) { this->addr_ = addr; this->role_ = role; size_t p = addr_.rfind (':'); this->port_ = addr_.substring(p); this->host_ = addr_.substring(0,p); this->is_localhost_ = this->host_ == "localhost" || this->host_ == "" || this->host_ == "[::1]"; } Endpoint& Endpoint::operator = (const Endpoint &other) { this->addr_ = other.addr_; this->role_ = other.role_; this->host_ = other.host_; this->port_ = other.port_; this->is_localhost_ = other.is_localhost_; return *this; } bool Endpoint::operator == (const Endpoint &other) const { if (this->port_ != other.port_) return false; if (this->is_localhost_ != other.is_localhost_) return false; if (this->is_localhost_) return true; if (this->host_ == other.host_) return true; return Session::is_equivalent (this->host_, other.host_); } bool Endpoint::operator < (const Endpoint &other) const { if (this->port_ < other.port_) return true; if (this->host_ < other.host_) return true; return false; } bool Endpoint::is_client (void) const { return this->role_ != ER_SERVER; } Transport::Transport (const char *addr, bool is_client, size_t offset) : handle_ (0), client_endpoint_ (addr, is_client ? ER_CLIENT : ER_SERVER), open_offset_ (offset), close_offset_ (0) { } char * PeerProcess::nextIdent(bool is_server) { static int count = 0; char *ident = new char[15]; ACE_OS::sprintf (ident,"%s_%d", (is_server ? "server" : "client"), count++); return ident; } PeerProcess::PeerProcess (size_t offset, bool is_server) : owner_ (0), remote_ (0), server_ep_(), is_server_role_(is_server), ssl_(false), origin_offset_ (offset), objects_ (), object_by_index_ () { this->ident_ = PeerProcess::nextIdent(is_server); } PeerProcess::~PeerProcess (void) { delete [] ident_; while (this->invocations_.size()) { Invocation *head = this->invocations_.delete_head(); delete head; } for (PeerObjectTable::ITERATOR i = objects_.begin(); i != objects_.end(); i++) { PeerObjectTable::ENTRY *entry; if (i.next(entry) == 0) break; delete entry->item(); } } void PeerProcess::set_server_addr (const ACE_CString &addr) { this->server_ep_.assign (addr.c_str(), this->is_server_role_ ? ER_SERVER : ER_CLIENT); } bool PeerProcess::match_server_addr (const Endpoint &addr) const { return this->server_ep_ == addr; } const Endpoint & PeerProcess::server_addr (void) const { return this->server_ep_; } const Endpoint & PeerProcess::last_client_addr (void) const { return this->last_transport_->client_endpoint_; } bool PeerProcess::is_server (void) const { return this->is_server_role_; } size_t PeerProcess::offset (void) const { return this->origin_offset_; } void PeerProcess::ssl (bool is_ssl) { this->ssl_ = is_ssl; } void PeerProcess::add_transport (Transport *t) { this->last_transport_ = t; this->transports_.insert_tail (t); } Transport * PeerProcess::last_transport (void) { return this->last_transport_; } Transport * PeerProcess::find_transport (long handle) { Transport *t = 0; for (ACE_DLList_Reverse_Iterator i(this->transports_); !i.done(); i.advance()) { i.next(t); if (t->handle_ == handle) { return t; } } return 0; } void PeerProcess::match_hosts (Session *session) { // This method wants to find the host process that listens // on the server addr. But if the local side is the server // then this wants to find the remote based on the Transport // instance if (this->is_server_role_) this->remote_ = session->find_host(this->server_ep_, true); else { Transport *t = 0; this->transports_.get(t,0); if (t != 0) this->remote_ = session->find_host(t->client_endpoint_, false); } } const char * PeerProcess::id (void) const { if (this->remote_ != 0) { const ACE_CString &pname = this->remote_->proc_name(); if (pname.length() > 0) return pname.c_str(); } return this->ident_; } PeerObject * PeerProcess::object_for (const char *oid, size_t len) { PeerObject *po = 0; u_long key = ACE::hash_pjw (oid,len); int result = objects_.find(key, po); if (result == -1) { long index = static_cast(objects_.current_size()); char alias[20]; ACE_OS::sprintf (alias, "obj_%ld", index); po = new PeerObject(index, alias, this); objects_.bind(key, po); object_by_index_.bind (index, po); } return po; } Invocation * PeerProcess::new_invocation (size_t req_id, Thread *thr) { if (this->find_invocation (req_id, thr->active_handle()) != 0) return 0; Invocation *inv = new Invocation (this, thr, req_id); this->invocations_.insert_tail(inv); thr->add_invocation (inv); return inv; } Invocation * PeerProcess::find_invocation (size_t req_id, long handle) { Invocation *inv = 0; for (ACE_DLList_Reverse_Iterator i(this->invocations_); !i.done(); i.advance()) { i.next(inv); if (inv->request_id() == req_id && inv->handle() == handle) { return inv; } } return 0; } Invocation * PeerProcess::find_invocation_size (size_t len) { Invocation *inv = 0; for (ACE_DLList_Reverse_Iterator i(this->invocations_); !i.done(); i.advance()) { i.next(inv); if (!inv->message_complete() && inv->expected_size() == len) { return inv; } } return 0; } void PeerProcess::set_owner (HostProcess *hp) { this->owner_ = hp; } HostProcess * PeerProcess::owner (void) { return this->owner_; } void PeerProcess::dump_summary (ostream &strm) { size_t num_transports = this->transports_.size(); if (this->remote_) strm << " " << remote_->proc_name(); else strm << " peer process " << this->ident_; strm << " is a "; if (this->ssl_) strm << "secure "; if (this->is_server_role_) strm << "server at "; else strm << "client to "; strm << this->server_ep_.host_ << ":" << this->server_ep_.port_; strm << " with " << num_transports << " connections, "; strm << " referenced " << this->objects_.current_size() << " objects in " << this->invocations_.size() << " invocations"; strm << endl; for (ACE_DLList_Iterator i(this->transports_); !i.done(); i.advance()) { Transport *tran = 0; i.next(tran); strm << " connection[" << tran->handle_ << "] "; strm << (tran->client_endpoint_.is_client() ? "to " : "from "); strm << tran->client_endpoint_.host_ << ":" << tran->client_endpoint_.port_; strm << " created line " << tran->open_offset_; if (tran->close_offset_) strm << " closed line " << tran->close_offset_; strm << endl; } } void PeerProcess::dump_object_detail (ostream &strm) { strm << this->objects_.current_size() << " Objects referenced"; if (this->is_server_role_) strm << " in "; else strm << " by "; if (this->remote_) strm << remote_->proc_name(); else strm << "peer process " << this->ident_; strm << ":" << endl; size_t count_inv = 0; for (ObjectByIndex::ITERATOR i = this->object_by_index_.begin(); !i.done(); i.advance()) { ObjectByIndex::ENTRY *entry = 0; i.next (entry); PeerObject *obj = entry->item(); obj->dump_detail (strm); count_inv += obj->num_invocations(); } strm << "Total of " << count_inv << " invocations " << endl; } void PeerProcess::dump_invocation_detail (ostream &strm) { strm << "\n " << this->invocations_.size() << " Invocations "; strm << (this->is_server_role_ ? "to " : "from "); if (this->remote_) strm << remote_->proc_name(); else strm << "peer process " << this->ident_; strm << ":" << endl; Invocation *inv = 0; bool show_handle = this->transports_.size() > 1; for (ACE_DLList_Iterator i(this->invocations_); !i.done(); i.advance()) { i.next(inv); inv->dump_detail(strm, 0, Invocation::Dump_Thread, show_handle); } }