/* -*- C++ -*- */ // $Id$ // ============================================================================ // // = LIBRARY // ace // // = FILENAME // ARGV.h // // = AUTHOR // Doug Schmidt, Everett Anderson // // ============================================================================ #ifndef ACE_ARGUMENT_VECTOR_H #define ACE_ARGUMENT_VECTOR_H #include "ace/ACE.h" #if !defined (ACE_LACKS_PRAGMA_ONCE) # pragma once #endif /* ACE_LACKS_PRAGMA_ONCE */ #include "ace/Containers.h" class ACE_Export ACE_ARGV { // = TITLE // Transforms a string <buf> into an <argv> style vector of // strings or an <argv> style vector of string <buf>, performing // environment variable substitutions if necessary. public: // = Initialization and termination. ACE_ARGV (const ASYS_TCHAR buf[], int substitute_env_args = 1); // Converts <buf> into an <argv>-style vector of strings. If // <substitute_env_args> is enabled then we'll substitute the // environment variables for each $ENV encountered in the string. // The subscript and argv() operations are not allowed on an // ACE_ARGV created this way. ACE_ARGV (ASYS_TCHAR *argv[], int substitute_env_args = 1); // Converts <argv> into a linear string. If <substitute_env_args> // is enabled then we'll substitute the environment variables for // each $ENV encountered in the string. // The buf() operation is not allowed on an ACE_ARGV created // this way. ACE_ARGV (ASYS_TCHAR *first_argv[], ASYS_TCHAR *second_argv[], int substitute_env_args =1); // Creates an ACE_ARGV which is the concatenation of the first_argv // and the second argv. The argv arguments should be null pointer terminated. ACE_ARGV (int substitute_env_args = 1); // Entry point for creating an ASYS_TCHAR *[] command line iteratively // via the add() method. The argv() and buf() method calls are // allowed, and the result is recreated when called multiple times. // The subscript operator is not allowed. ~ACE_ARGV (void); // Destructor. // = Accessor arguments. const ASYS_TCHAR *operator[] (size_t index); // Returns the <index>th string in the ARGV array. ASYS_TCHAR **argv (void); // Returns the <argv> array. Caller should not delete this memory // since the <ARGV> destructor will delete it. If the caller // modifies the array in the iterative mode, the changes are not // saved to the queue. size_t argc (void) const; // Returns <argc>. const ASYS_TCHAR *buf (void); // Returns the <buf>. Caller should not delete this memory since // the <ARGV> destructor will delete it. void dump (void) const; // Dump the state of an object. ACE_ALLOC_HOOK_DECLARE; // Declare the dynamic allocation hooks. int add (const ASYS_TCHAR *next_arg); // Add another argument. This only works in the ITERATIVE state. int state (void) const; // What state is this ACE_ARGV in? // These are the states possible via the different constructors. enum States { TO_STRING = 1, // ACE_ARGV converts buf[] to ASYS_TCHAR *argv[] TO_PTR_ARRAY = 2, // ACE_ARGV converts ASYS_TCHAR *argv[] to buf[] ITERATIVE = 3 // Builds buf[] or ASYS_TCHAR *argv[] iteratively with add() }; private: int create_buf_from_queue (void); // Creates buf_ from the queue, deletes previous buf_. int string_to_argv (void); // Converts buf_ into the ASYS_TCHAR *argv[] format. int argv_to_string (ASYS_TCHAR **argv, ASYS_TCHAR *&buf); // Returns the string created from argv in buf and // returns the number of arguments. int substitute_env_args_; // Replace args with environment variable values? int state_; // Current state marker. size_t argc_; // Number of arguments in the ARGV array. ASYS_TCHAR **argv_; // The array of string arguments. ASYS_TCHAR *buf_; // Buffer containing the <argv> contents. size_t length_; // Total length of the arguments in the queue, not counting // separating spaces ACE_Unbounded_Queue<ASYS_TCHAR *> queue_; // Queue which keeps user supplied arguments. This is only // active in the "iterative" mode. }; #if defined (__ACE_INLINE__) #include "ace/ARGV.i" #endif /* __ACE_INLINE__ */ #endif /* ACE_ARGUMENT_VECTOR_H */