// $Id$ #define ACE_BUILD_DLL #include "ace/ATM_QoS.h" ACE_RCSID(ace, ATM_QoS, "$Id$") #if defined (ACE_HAS_ATM) #if !defined (__ACE_INLINE__) #include "ace/ATM_QoS.i" #endif /* __ACE_INLINE__ */ #if defined (ACE_HAS_FORE_ATM_XTI) || defined (ACE_HAS_FORE_ATM_WS2) #define BHLI_MAGIC "FORE_ATM" // This is line rate in cells/s for an OC-3 MM interface. const long ACE_ATM_QoS::LINE_RATE = 353207; const int ACE_ATM_QoS::OPT_FLAGS_CPID = 0x1; const int ACE_ATM_QoS::OPT_FLAGS_PMP = 0x2; const int ACE_ATM_QoS::DEFAULT_SELECTOR = 0x99; #else const long ACE_ATM_QoS::LINE_RATE = 0L; const int ACE_ATM_QoS::OPT_FLAGS_CPID = 0; const int ACE_ATM_QoS::OPT_FLAGS_PMP = 0; const int ACE_ATM_QoS::DEFAULT_SELECTOR = 0x0; #endif /* ACE_HAS_FORE_ATM_XTI || ACE_HAS_FORE_ATM_WS2 */ ACE_ALLOC_HOOK_DEFINE(ACE_ATM_QoS) void ACE_ATM_QoS::dump (void) const { ACE_TRACE ("ACE_ATM_QoS::dump"); } void ACE_ATM_QoS::set_rate (ACE_HANDLE fd, int rate, int flags) { ACE_TRACE ("ACE_ATM_QoS::set_rate"); #if defined (ACE_HAS_FORE_ATM_WS2) ACE_UNUSED_ARG (rate); #elif defined (ACE_HAS_FORE_ATM_XTI) long optlen = 0; qos_.buf = construct_options(fd, rate, flags, &optlen); qos_.len = optlen; #else ACE_UNUSED_ARG (rate); #endif /* ACE_HAS_FORE_ATM_WS2 */ } void ACE_ATM_QoS::set_cbr_rate (int rate) { ACE_TRACE ("ACE_ATM_QoS::set_cbr_rate"); #if defined (ACE_HAS_FORE_ATM_WS2) AAL_PARAMETERS_IE ie_aalparams; ATM_TRAFFIC_DESCRIPTOR_IE ie_td; ATM_BROADBAND_BEARER_CAPBILITY_IE ie_bbc; ATM_QOS_CLASS_IE ie_qos; Q2931_IE *ie_ptr; int size; ie_aalparams.AALType = AALTYPE_5; ie_aalparams.AALSpecificParameters.AAL5Parameters.ForwardMaxCPCSSDUSize = 1516; ie_aalparams.AALSpecificParameters.AAL5Parameters.BackwardMaxCPCSSDUSize = 1516; ie_aalparams.AALSpecificParameters.AAL5Parameters.Mode = AAL5_MODE_MESSAGE; ie_aalparams.AALSpecificParameters.AAL5Parameters.SSCSType = AAL5_SSCS_NULL; size = sizeof(Q2931_IE_TYPE) + sizeof(ULONG) + sizeof(AAL_PARAMETERS_IE); ie_td.Forward.PeakCellRate_CLP0 = SAP_FIELD_ABSENT; ie_td.Forward.PeakCellRate_CLP01 = cellRate; ie_td.Forward.SustainableCellRate_CLP0 = SAP_FIELD_ABSENT; ie_td.Forward.SustainableCellRate_CLP01 = SAP_FIELD_ABSENT; ie_td.Forward.MaxBurstSize_CLP0 = SAP_FIELD_ABSENT; ie_td.Forward.MaxBurstSize_CLP01 = SAP_FIELD_ABSENT; ie_td.Forward.Tagging = SAP_FIELD_ABSENT; ie_td.Backward.PeakCellRate_CLP0 = SAP_FIELD_ABSENT; ie_td.Backward.PeakCellRate_CLP01 = cellRate; ie_td.Backward.SustainableCellRate_CLP0 = SAP_FIELD_ABSENT; ie_td.Backward.SustainableCellRate_CLP01 = SAP_FIELD_ABSENT; ie_td.Backward.MaxBurstSize_CLP0 = SAP_FIELD_ABSENT; ie_td.Backward.MaxBurstSize_CLP01 = SAP_FIELD_ABSENT; ie_td.Backward.Tagging = SAP_FIELD_ABSENT; ie_td.BestEffort = 0; // Note: this must be set to zero for CBR size += sizeof(Q2931_IE_TYPE) + sizeof(ULONG) + sizeof(ATM_TRAFFIC_DESCRIPTOR_IE); ie_bbc.BearerClass = BCOB_X; ie_bbc.TrafficType = TT_CBR; ie_bbc.TimingRequirements = TR_END_TO_END; ie_bbc.ClippingSusceptability = CLIP_NOT; ie_bbc.UserPlaneConnectionConfig = UP_P2P; size += sizeof(Q2931_IE_TYPE) + sizeof(ULONG) + sizeof(ATM_BROADBAND_BEARER_CAPABILITY_IE); ie_qos.QOSClassForward = QOS_CLASS1; ie_qos.QOSClassBackward = QOS_CLASS1; size += sizeof(Q2931_IE_TYPE) + sizeof(ULONG) + sizeof(ATM_QOS_CLASS_IE); qos_.ProviderSpecific.buf = (char *) malloc(size); qos_.ProviderSpecific.len = size; ACE_OS::memset(qos_.ProviderSpecific.buf, 0, size); ie_ptr = (Q2931_IE *) qos_.ProviderSpecific.buf; ie_ptr->IEType = IE_AALParameters; ie_ptr->IELength = sizeof(Q2931_IE_TYPE) + sizeof(ULONG) + sizeof(AAL_PARAMETERS_IE); ACE_OS::memcpy(ie_ptr->IE, &ie_aalparams, sizeof(AAL_PARAMETERS_IE)); ie_ptr = (Q2931_IE *) ((char *)ie_ptr + ie_ptr->IELength); ie_ptr->IEType = IE_TrafficDescriptor; ie_ptr->IELength = sizeof(Q2931_IE_TYPE) + sizeof(ULONG) + sizeof(ATM_TRAFFIC_DESCRIPTOR_IE); ACE_OS::memcpy(ie_ptr->IE, &ie_td, sizeof(ATM_TRAFFIC_DESCRIPTOR_IE)); ie_ptr = (Q2931_IE *) ((char *)ie_ptr + ie_ptr->IELength); ie_ptr->IEType = IE_BroadbandBearerCapability; ie_ptr->IELength = sizeof(Q2931_IE_TYPE) + sizeof(ULONG) + sizeof(ATM_BROADBAND_BEARER_CAPABILITY_IE); ACE_OS::memcpy(ie_ptr->IE, &ie_bbc, sizeof(ATM_BROADBAND_BEARER_CAPABILITY_IE)); ie_ptr = (Q2931_IE *) ((char *)ie_ptr + ie_ptr->IELength); ie_ptr->IEType = IE_QOSClass; ie_ptr->IELength = sizeof(Q2931_IE_TYPE) + sizeof(ULONG) + sizeof(ATM_QOS_CLASS_IE); ACE_OS::memcpy(ie_ptr->IE, &ie_qos, sizeof(ATM_QOS_CLASS_IE)); qos_.SendingFlowspec.TokenRate = -1; qos_.SendingFlowspec.TokenBucketSize = -1; qos_.SendingFlowspec.PeakBandwidth = -1; qos_.SendingFlowspec.Latency = -1; qos_.SendingFlowspec.DelayVariation = -1; qos_.SendingFlowspec.LevelOfGuarantee = BestEffortService; // will most probably be ignored by the service provider qos_.SendingFlowspec.CostOfCall = 0; qos_.ReceivingFlowspec.TokenRate = -1; qos_.ReceivingFlowspec.TokenBucketSize = -1; qos_.ReceivingFlowspec.PeakBandwidth = -1; qos_.ReceivingFlowspec.Latency = -1; qos_.ReceivingFlowspec.DelayVariation = -1; qos_.ReceivingFlowspec.LevelOfGuarantee = BestEffortService; // will most probably be ignored by the service provider qos_.ReceivingFlowspec.CostOfCall = 0; #elif defined (ACE_HAS_FORE_ATM_XTI) ACE_UNUSED_ARG (rate); #else ACE_UNUSED_ARG (rate); #endif /* ACE_HAS_FORE_ATM_WS2 */ } char* ACE_ATM_QoS::construct_options (ACE_HANDLE fd, int rate, int flags, long *len) { #if defined (ACE_HAS_FORE_ATM_WS2) ACE_UNUSED_ARG (fd); ACE_UNUSED_ARG (rate); ACE_UNUSED_ARG (flag); ACE_UNUSED_ARG (len); return (0); #elif defined (ACE_HAS_FORE_ATM_XTI) struct t_opthdr *popt; char *buf; int qos_cells; struct t_info info; if (ACE_OS::t_getinfo (fd, &info) == -1) { ACE_OS::t_error ("t_getinfo"); return 0; } buf = (char *) ACE_OS::malloc (info.options); if (buf == 0) ACE_ERROR_RETURN ((LM_ERROR, ASYS_TEXT ("Unable to allocate %ld bytes for options\n"), info.options), 0); popt = (struct t_opthdr *) buf; if (flags & OPT_FLAGS_CPID) { // This constructs the T_ATM_ORIG_ADDR option, which is used to // signal the UNI 3.1 Calling Party ID Information Element. t_atm_addr *source_addr; popt->len = sizeof (struct t_opthdr) + sizeof (t_atm_addr); popt->level = T_ATM_SIGNALING; popt->name = T_ATM_ORIG_ADDR; popt->status = 0; source_addr = (t_atm_addr *)((char *) popt + sizeof (struct t_opthdr)); source_addr->address_format = T_ATM_ENDSYS_ADDR; source_addr->address_length = ATMNSAP_ADDR_LEN; ATMSAPAddress local_addr; struct t_bind boundaddr; boundaddr.addr.maxlen = sizeof(local_addr); boundaddr.addr.buf = (char *) &local_addr; //if (ACE_OS::t_getprotaddr(fd, &boundaddr, NULL) < 0) { if (ACE_OS::t_getname(fd, &boundaddr.addr, LOCALNAME) < 0) { ACE_OS::t_error("t_getname (local_address)"); ACE_ERROR ((LM_ERROR, ASYS_TEXT ("Can't get local address!\n"))); ACE_OS::free (buf); return 0; } ACE_OS::memcpy(source_addr->address, local_addr.sap.t_atm_sap_addr.address, ATMNSAP_ADDR_LEN); popt = T_OPT_NEXTHDR (buf, info.options , popt); } // This constructs all options necessary (bearer cap., QoS, and // Traffic Descriptor) to signal for a CBR connection with the // specified QoS in kbit/sec., and/or specify a PMP connection. // For FORE 200e cards, the adapter shapes traffic to CBR with rate // equal to PCR CLP=0+1 (traffic.forward.PCR_all_traffic) qos_cells = (rate * 1000) / (48*8); if ((qos_cells > 0 && qos_cells < LINE_RATE) || (ACE_BIT_ENABLED (flags, OPT_FLAGS_PMP))) { struct t_atm_bearer *bearer; struct t_atm_traffic *traffic; // T_ATM_BEARER_CAP: Broadband bearer capability popt->len = sizeof (struct t_opthdr) + sizeof (struct t_atm_bearer); popt->level = T_ATM_SIGNALING; popt->name = T_ATM_BEARER_CAP; popt->status = 0; bearer = (struct t_atm_bearer *)((char *) popt + sizeof (struct t_opthdr)); bearer->bearer_class = T_ATM_CLASS_X; if (qos_cells) { bearer->traffic_type = T_ATM_CBR; bearer->timing_requirements = T_ATM_END_TO_END; } else { bearer->traffic_type = 0; // UBR bearer->timing_requirements = 0; } bearer->clipping_susceptibility = T_ATM_NULL; if (ACE_BIT_ENABLED (flags, OPT_FLAGS_PMP)) bearer->connection_configuration = T_ATM_1_TO_MANY; else bearer->connection_configuration = T_ATM_1_TO_1; popt = T_OPT_NEXTHDR (buf, info.options, popt); // T_ATM_TRAFFIC: traffic descriptor popt->len = sizeof (struct t_opthdr) + sizeof (struct t_atm_traffic); popt->level = T_ATM_SIGNALING; popt->name = T_ATM_TRAFFIC; popt->status = 0; traffic = (struct t_atm_traffic *)((char *) popt + sizeof (struct t_opthdr)); traffic->forward.PCR_high_priority = T_ATM_ABSENT; traffic->forward.PCR_all_traffic = qos_cells ? qos_cells : LINE_RATE; traffic->forward.SCR_high_priority = T_ATM_ABSENT; traffic->forward.SCR_all_traffic = T_ATM_ABSENT; traffic->forward.MBS_high_priority = T_ATM_ABSENT; traffic->forward.MBS_all_traffic = T_ATM_ABSENT; traffic->forward.tagging = T_NO; traffic->backward.PCR_high_priority = T_ATM_ABSENT; traffic->backward.PCR_all_traffic = (ACE_BIT_ENABLED (flags, OPT_FLAGS_PMP)) ? 0 : qos_cells ? qos_cells : LINE_RATE; traffic->backward.SCR_high_priority = T_ATM_ABSENT; traffic->backward.SCR_all_traffic = T_ATM_ABSENT; traffic->backward.MBS_high_priority = T_ATM_ABSENT; traffic->backward.MBS_all_traffic = T_ATM_ABSENT; traffic->backward.tagging = T_NO; traffic->best_effort = qos_cells ? T_NO : T_YES; popt = T_OPT_NEXTHDR (buf, info.options, popt); } if (qos_cells > 0 && qos_cells < LINE_RATE) { struct t_atm_qos *qos; // T_ATM_QOS: Quality of Service popt->len = sizeof (struct t_opthdr) + sizeof (struct t_atm_qos); popt->level = T_ATM_SIGNALING; popt->name = T_ATM_QOS; popt->status = 0; qos = (struct t_atm_qos *)((char *) popt + sizeof (struct t_opthdr)); qos->coding_standard = T_ATM_ITU_CODING; qos->forward.qos_class = T_ATM_QOS_CLASS_1; qos->backward.qos_class = T_ATM_QOS_CLASS_1; popt = T_OPT_NEXTHDR (buf, info.options, popt); } // return actual size of options and option buffer to user *len = (char *) popt - buf; return buf; #else ACE_UNUSED_ARG (fd); ACE_UNUSED_ARG (rate); ACE_UNUSED_ARG (flag); ACE_UNUSED_ARG (len); return (0); #endif /* ACE_HAS_FORE_ATM_WS2 */ } #endif /* ACE_HAS_ATM */