// CDR_Stream.cpp // $Id$ // Portions of this file are: // Copyright 1994-1995 by Sun Microsystems Inc. // All Rights Reserved // CDR: Encode/Decode basic machine data types // // Implementation of OMG "Common Data Representation" (CDR) ... there // are one routine each for byte/halfword/word/doubleword put/get, // which adjust to establish "natural" alignment (the bulk of the // code) and then put or get with byteswapping as needed. // // The implementation knows that native data formats are conformant // with OMG-IDL's (and hence CDR's) size requirements, and relies on // the fact that (for example) CORBA's Long is always four bytes long // even if the environment's "int" is a different size. // // char, octet 8 bits (1 byte) // short, unsigned short 16 bits (2 bytes) // long, unsigned long, float 32 bits (4 bytes) // double, (unsigned) long long 64 bits (8 bytes) // long double 128 bits (16 bytes) // // Moreover, this "knows" that the native 'char' represents ISO // Latin/1 characters (an ASCII superset addressing Western European // characters) and that "double" and "float" comply with the IEEE // standards. (The "long double" may not be a native data type, // though.) // // THREADING NOTE: "CDR" is a data structure which must be protected // by external critical sections. #define ACE_BUILD_DLL #include "ace/CDR_Stream.h" #if !defined (__ACE_INLINE__) # include "ace/CDR_Stream.i" #endif /* ! __ACE_INLINE__ */ int CDR::grow (ACE_Message_Block *mb, size_t minsize) { // Calculate the new buffer's length; if growing for encode, we // don't grow in "small" chunks because of the cost. size_t size = mb->size(); size_t newsize = size; if (minsize == 0) { // TODO The growth strategy should be controlled using // the ORB parameters.... if (newsize == 0) newsize = CDR::DEFAULT_BUFSIZE; else if (size < CDR::EXP_GROWTH_MAX) newsize *= 2; else newsize += CDR::LINEAR_GROWTH_CHUNK; } else if (minsize + CDR::MAX_ALIGNMENT <= size) return 0; else { if (newsize == 0) newsize = CDR::DEFAULT_BUFSIZE; while (newsize < minsize + CDR::MAX_ALIGNMENT) { if (newsize < CDR::EXP_GROWTH_MAX) newsize *= 2; else newsize += CDR::LINEAR_GROWTH_CHUNK; } } ACE_Message_Block tmp (newsize); CDR::mb_align (&tmp); tmp.copy (mb->rd_ptr (), mb->length()); mb->data_block (tmp.data_block ()->duplicate ()); mb->rd_ptr (tmp.rd_ptr ()); mb->wr_ptr (tmp.wr_ptr ()); return 0; } #if defined (NONNATIVE_LONGDOUBLE) int CDR::LongDouble::operator== (const CDR::LongDouble &rhs) const { return ACE_OS::memcmp (this->ld, rhs.ld, 16) == 0; } int CDR::LongDouble::operator!= (const CDR::LongDouble &rhs) const { return ACE_OS::memcmp (this->ld, rhs.ld, 16) != 0; } #endif /* NONNATIVE_LONGDOUBLE */ // **************************************************************** ACE_OutputCDR::ACE_OutputCDR (size_t size, int byte_order, ACE_Allocator *buffer_allocator, ACE_Allocator *data_block_allocator, size_t memcpy_tradeoff) : start_ (size ? size : CDR::DEFAULT_BUFSIZE + CDR::MAX_ALIGNMENT, ACE_Message_Block::MB_DATA, 0, 0, buffer_allocator, 0, 0, ACE_Time_Value::zero, ACE_Time_Value::max_time, data_block_allocator), do_byte_swap_ (byte_order != ACE_CDR_BYTE_ORDER), good_bit_ (1), memcpy_tradeoff_ (memcpy_tradeoff) { CDR::mb_align (&this->start_); this->current_ = &this->start_; } ACE_OutputCDR::ACE_OutputCDR (char *data, size_t size, int byte_order, ACE_Allocator *buffer_allocator, ACE_Allocator *data_block_allocator, size_t memcpy_tradeoff) : start_ (size, ACE_Message_Block::MB_DATA, 0, data, buffer_allocator, 0, 0, ACE_Time_Value::zero, ACE_Time_Value::max_time, data_block_allocator), do_byte_swap_ (byte_order != ACE_CDR_BYTE_ORDER), good_bit_ (1), memcpy_tradeoff_ (memcpy_tradeoff) { // We cannot trust the buffer to be properly aligned CDR::mb_align (&this->start_); this->current_ = &this->start_; } ACE_OutputCDR::ACE_OutputCDR (ACE_Message_Block *data, int byte_order, size_t memcpy_tradeoff) : start_ (data->data_block ()->duplicate ()), do_byte_swap_ (byte_order != ACE_CDR_BYTE_ORDER), good_bit_ (1), memcpy_tradeoff_ (memcpy_tradeoff) { // We cannot trust the buffer to be properly aligned CDR::mb_align (&this->start_); this->current_ = &this->start_; } ACE_OutputCDR::~ACE_OutputCDR (void) { if (this->start_.cont () != 0) { ACE_Message_Block::release (this->start_.cont ()); this->start_.cont (0); } this->current_ = 0; } void ACE_OutputCDR::reset (void) { this->current_ = &this->start_; CDR::mb_align (&this->start_); } size_t ACE_OutputCDR::total_length (void) const { size_t l = 0; // Compute the total size. for (const ACE_Message_Block *i = this->begin (); i != this->end (); i = i->cont ()) l += i->length (); return l; } int ACE_OutputCDR::grow_and_adjust (size_t size, size_t align, char*& buf) { if (this->current_->cont () == 0 || this->current_->cont ()->size () < size + CDR::MAX_ALIGNMENT) { // Allocate the next block, it must be large enough. size_t block_size = CDR::DEFAULT_BUFSIZE; while (block_size < size + CDR::MAX_ALIGNMENT) { if (block_size < CDR::EXP_GROWTH_MAX) block_size *= 2; else block_size += CDR::LINEAR_GROWTH_CHUNK; } this->good_bit_ = 0; ACE_Message_Block* tmp; ACE_NEW_RETURN (tmp, ACE_Message_Block (block_size, ACE_Message_Block::MB_DATA, 0, 0, this->current_->data_block ()->allocator_strategy (), 0, 0, ACE_Time_Value::zero, ACE_Time_Value::max_time, this->current_->data_block ()->data_block_allocator ()), -1); this->good_bit_ = 1; // The new block must start with the same alignment as the // previous block finished. ptr_arith_t tmpalign = ptr_arith_t(tmp->wr_ptr ()) % CDR::MAX_ALIGNMENT; ptr_arith_t curalign = ptr_arith_t(this->current_->wr_ptr ()) % CDR::MAX_ALIGNMENT; int offset = curalign - tmpalign; if (offset < 0) offset += CDR::MAX_ALIGNMENT; tmp->rd_ptr (offset); tmp->wr_ptr (tmp->rd_ptr ()); // grow the chain and set the current block. tmp->cont (this->current_->cont ()); this->current_->cont (tmp); } this->current_ = this->current_->cont (); // Now we are ready to set buf.. // recompute the position.... buf = ptr_align_binary (this->current_->wr_ptr(), align); this->current_->wr_ptr (buf + size); return 0; } CDR::Boolean ACE_OutputCDR::write_string (CDR::ULong len, const char *x) { if (len != 0) { if (this->write_ulong (len + 1)) { return this->write_char_array (x, len + 1); } } else { // Be nice to programmers: treat nulls as empty strings not // errors. (OMG-IDL supports languages that don't use the C/C++ // notion of null v. empty strings; nulls aren't part of the OMG-IDL // string model.) if (this->write_ulong (1)) { return this->write_char (0); } } return 0; } CDR::Boolean ACE_OutputCDR::write_wstring (CDR::ULong len, const CDR::WChar *x) { if (x != 0) { if (this->write_ulong (len + 1)) { return this->write_wchar_array (x, len + 1); } } else { if (this->write_ulong (1)) { return this->write_wchar (0); } } return 0; } CDR::Boolean ACE_OutputCDR::write_octet_array_mb (const ACE_Message_Block* mb) { // If the buffer is small and it fits in the current message // block it is be cheaper just to copy the buffer. for (const ACE_Message_Block* i = mb; i != 0; i = i->cont ()) { size_t length = i->length (); // If the mb does not own its data we are forced to make a copy. if (ACE_BIT_ENABLED (i->flags (), ACE_Message_Block::DONT_DELETE)) { if (! this->write_array (i->rd_ptr (), CDR::OCTET_SIZE, CDR::OCTET_ALIGN, length)) { return 0; } continue; } if (length < this->memcpy_tradeoff_ && this->current_->wr_ptr () + length < this->current_->end ()) { if (! this->write_array (i->rd_ptr (), CDR::OCTET_SIZE, CDR::OCTET_ALIGN, length)) { return 0; } continue; } ACE_Message_Block* cont = ACE_Message_Block::duplicate (i); if (cont != 0) { cont->cont (this->current_->cont ()); this->current_->cont (cont); this->current_ = cont; } else { this->good_bit_ = 0; return 0; } } return 1; } CDR::Boolean ACE_OutputCDR::write_1 (const CDR::Octet *x) { char *buf; if (this->adjust (1, buf) == 0) { *ACE_reinterpret_cast(CDR::Octet*, buf) = *x; return 1; } return 0; } CDR::Boolean ACE_OutputCDR::write_2 (const CDR::UShort *x) { char *buf; if (this->adjust (CDR::SHORT_SIZE, buf) == 0) { #if !defined (ACE_ENABLE_SWAP_ON_WRITE) *ACE_reinterpret_cast(CDR::UShort*,buf) = *x; return 1; #else if (!this->do_byte_swap_) { *ACE_reinterpret_cast (CDR::UShort *, buf) = *x; return 1; } else { CDR::swap_2 (ACE_reinterpret_cast (const char*, x), buf); return 1; } #endif /* ACE_ENABLE_SWAP_ON_WRITE */ } return 0; } CDR::Boolean ACE_OutputCDR::write_4 (const CDR::ULong *x) { char *buf; if (this->adjust (CDR::LONG_SIZE, buf) == 0) { #if !defined (ACE_ENABLE_SWAP_ON_WRITE) *ACE_reinterpret_cast(CDR::ULong*,buf) = *x; return 1; #else if (!this->do_byte_swap_) { *ACE_reinterpret_cast (CDR::ULong *, buf) = *x; return 1; } else { CDR::swap_4 (ACE_reinterpret_cast (const char*, x), buf); return 1; } #endif /* ACE_ENABLE_SWAP_ON_WRITE */ } return 0; } CDR::Boolean ACE_OutputCDR::write_8 (const CDR::ULongLong *x) { char *buf; if (this->adjust (CDR::LONGLONG_SIZE, buf) == 0) { #if !defined (ACE_ENABLE_SWAP_ON_WRITE) *ACE_reinterpret_cast(CDR::ULongLong*,buf) = *x; return 1; #else if (!this->do_byte_swap_) { *ACE_reinterpret_cast (CDR::ULongLong *, buf) = *x; return 1; } else { CDR::swap_8 (ACE_reinterpret_cast (const char*, x), buf); return 1; } #endif /* ACE_ENABLE_SWAP_ON_WRITE */ } return 0; } CDR::Boolean ACE_OutputCDR::write_16 (const CDR::LongDouble *x) { char* buf; if (this->adjust (CDR::LONGDOUBLE_SIZE, CDR::LONGDOUBLE_ALIGN, buf) == 0) { #if !defined (ACE_ENABLE_SWAP_ON_WRITE) *ACE_reinterpret_cast(CDR::LongDouble*,buf) = *x; return 1; #else if (!this->do_byte_swap_) { *ACE_reinterpret_cast (CDR::LongDouble *, buf) = *x; return 1; } else { CDR::swap_16 (ACE_reinterpret_cast (const char*, x), buf); return 1; } #endif /* ACE_ENABLE_SWAP_ON_WRITE */ } return 0; } CDR::Boolean ACE_OutputCDR::write_array (const void *x, size_t size, size_t align, CDR::ULong length) { char *buf; if (this->adjust (size * length, align, buf) == 0) { #if !defined (ACE_ENABLE_SWAP_ON_WRITE) ACE_OS::memcpy (buf, x, size*length); return 1; #else if (!this->do_byte_swap_) { ACE_OS::memcpy (buf, x, size*length); return 1; } else { // I cannot see any fast way out of this.... typedef void (*SWAPPER)(const char *, char *); SWAPPER swapper; switch (size) { case 2: swapper = CDR::swap_2; break; case 4: swapper = CDR::swap_4; break; case 8: swapper = CDR::swap_8; break; case 16: swapper = CDR::swap_16; break; default: // TODO: print something? this->good_bit_ = 0; return 0; } const char *source = ACE_reinterpret_cast (const char *, x); const char *end = source + size*length; for (; source != end; source += size, buf += size) { (*swapper)(source, buf); } return 1; } #endif /* ACE_ENABLE_SWAP_ON_WRITE */ } this->good_bit_ = 0; return 0; } CDR::Boolean ACE_OutputCDR::write_boolean_array (const CDR::Boolean* x, CDR::ULong length) { // It is hard to optimize this, the spec requires that on the wire // booleans be represented as a byte with value 0 or 1, but in // memoery it is possible (though very unlikely) that a boolean has // a non-zero value (different from 1). // We resort to a simple loop. const CDR::Boolean* end = x + length; for (const CDR::Boolean* i = x; i != end && this->good_bit (); ++i) { this->write_boolean (*i); } return this->good_bit (); } // **************************************************************** ACE_InputCDR::ACE_InputCDR (const char *buf, size_t bufsiz, int byte_order) : start_ (buf, bufsiz), do_byte_swap_ (byte_order != ACE_CDR_BYTE_ORDER), good_bit_ (1) { this->start_.wr_ptr (bufsiz); } ACE_InputCDR::ACE_InputCDR (size_t bufsiz, int byte_order) : start_ (bufsiz), do_byte_swap_ (byte_order != ACE_CDR_BYTE_ORDER), good_bit_ (1) { } ACE_InputCDR::ACE_InputCDR (ACE_Message_Block *data, int byte_order) : start_ (data->data_block ()->duplicate ()), do_byte_swap_ (byte_order != ACE_CDR_BYTE_ORDER), good_bit_ (1) { this->start_.rd_ptr (data->rd_ptr ()); this->start_.wr_ptr (data->wr_ptr ()); } ACE_InputCDR::ACE_InputCDR (ACE_Data_Block *data, int byte_order) : start_ (data), do_byte_swap_ (byte_order != ACE_CDR_BYTE_ORDER), good_bit_ (1) { } ACE_InputCDR::ACE_InputCDR (const ACE_InputCDR& rhs, size_t size, CDR::Long offset) : start_ (rhs.start_.data_block ()->duplicate ()), do_byte_swap_ (rhs.do_byte_swap_), good_bit_ (1) { char* newpos = rhs.start_.rd_ptr() + offset; if (this->start_.base () <= newpos && newpos <= this->start_.end () && newpos + size <= this->start_.end ()) { this->start_.rd_ptr (newpos); this->start_.wr_ptr (newpos + size); } else { this->good_bit_ = 0; } } ACE_InputCDR::ACE_InputCDR (const ACE_InputCDR& rhs, size_t size) : start_ (rhs.start_.data_block ()->duplicate ()), do_byte_swap_ (rhs.do_byte_swap_), good_bit_ (1) { char* newpos = rhs.start_.rd_ptr(); if (this->start_.base () <= newpos && newpos <= this->start_.end () && newpos + size <= this->start_.end ()) { // Notice that ACE_Message_Block::duplicate may leave the // wr_ptr() with a higher value that what we actually want. this->start_.rd_ptr (newpos); this->start_.wr_ptr (newpos + size); CDR::Octet byte_order; this->read_octet (byte_order); this->do_byte_swap_ = (byte_order != ACE_CDR_BYTE_ORDER); } else { this->good_bit_ = 0; } } ACE_InputCDR::ACE_InputCDR (const ACE_InputCDR& rhs) : start_ (rhs.start_.data_block ()->duplicate ()), do_byte_swap_ (rhs.do_byte_swap_), good_bit_ (1) { this->start_.rd_ptr (rhs.start_.rd_ptr ()); this->start_.wr_ptr (rhs.start_.wr_ptr ()); } ACE_InputCDR& ACE_InputCDR::operator= (const ACE_InputCDR& rhs) { if (this != &rhs) { this->start_.data_block (rhs.start_.data_block ()->duplicate ()); this->start_.rd_ptr (rhs.start_.rd_ptr ()); this->start_.wr_ptr (rhs.start_.wr_ptr ()); this->do_byte_swap_ = rhs.do_byte_swap_; this->good_bit_ = 1; } return *this; } ACE_InputCDR::ACE_InputCDR (const ACE_OutputCDR& rhs, ACE_Allocator* buffer_allocator, ACE_Allocator* data_block_allocator) : start_ (rhs.total_length () + CDR::MAX_ALIGNMENT, ACE_Message_Block::MB_DATA, 0, 0, buffer_allocator, 0, 0, ACE_Time_Value::zero, ACE_Time_Value::max_time, data_block_allocator), do_byte_swap_ (rhs.do_byte_swap_), good_bit_ (1) { CDR::mb_align (&this->start_); for (const ACE_Message_Block *i = rhs.begin (); i != rhs.end (); i = i->cont ()) this->start_.copy (i->rd_ptr (), i->length ()); } ACE_InputCDR::~ACE_InputCDR (void) { } CDR::Boolean ACE_InputCDR::read_string (char *&x) { CDR::ULong len; this->read_ulong (len); if (len > 0) { ACE_NEW_RETURN (x, CDR::Char[len], 0); if (this->read_char_array (x, len)) return 1; delete [] x; } x = 0; return 0; } CDR::Boolean ACE_InputCDR::read_string (ACE_CString &x) { CDR::Char *data; if (this->read_string (data)) { x = data; delete [] data; return 1; } x = ""; return 0; } CDR::Boolean ACE_InputCDR::read_wstring (CDR::WChar*& x) { CDR::ULong len; this->read_ulong (len); if (this->good_bit()) { ACE_NEW_RETURN (x, CDR::WChar[len], 0); if (this->read_wchar_array (x, len)) return 1; delete [] x; } x = 0; return 0; } CDR::Boolean ACE_InputCDR::read_array (void* x, size_t size, size_t align, CDR::ULong length) { char* buf; if (this->adjust (size * length, align, buf) == 0) { #if !defined (ACE_DISABLE_SWAP_ON_READ) if (!this->do_byte_swap_ || size == 1) { ACE_OS::memcpy (x, buf, size*length); } else { // I cannot see any fast way out of this.... char *target = ACE_reinterpret_cast (char*, x); char *end = target + size*length; switch (size) { case 2: for (; target != end; target += size, buf += size) { CDR::swap_2 (buf, target); } break; case 4: for (; target != end; target += size, buf += size) { CDR::swap_4 (buf, target); } break; case 8: for (; target != end; target += size, buf += size) { CDR::swap_8 (buf, target); } break; case 16: for (; target != end; target += size, buf += size) { CDR::swap_16 (buf, target); } break; default: // TODO: print something? this->good_bit_ = 0; return 0; } } #else ACE_OS::memcpy (x, buf, size*length); #endif /* ACE_DISABLE_SWAP_ON_READ */ return this->good_bit_; } return 0; } CDR::Boolean ACE_InputCDR::read_boolean_array (CDR::Boolean *x, CDR::ULong length) { // It is hard to optimize this, the spec requires that on the wire // booleans be represented as a byte with value 0 or 1, but in // memoery it is possible (though very unlikely) that a boolean has // a non-zero value (different from 1). // We resort to a simple loop. for (CDR::ULong i = 0; i != length && this->good_bit_; ++i) { this->read_boolean (x[i]); } return this->good_bit_; } CDR::Boolean ACE_InputCDR::read_1 (CDR::Octet *x) { if (this->rd_ptr () < this->end ()) { *x = *ACE_reinterpret_cast (CDR::Octet*,this->rd_ptr()); this->start_.rd_ptr (1); return 1; } this->good_bit_ = 0; return 0; } CDR::Boolean ACE_InputCDR::read_2 (CDR::UShort *x) { char *buf; if (this->adjust (CDR::SHORT_SIZE, buf) == 0) { #if !defined (ACE_DISABLE_SWAP_ON_READ) if (!this->do_byte_swap_) { *x = *ACE_reinterpret_cast (CDR::UShort*, buf); } else { CDR::swap_2 (buf, ACE_reinterpret_cast (char*, x)); } #else *x = *ACE_reinterpret_cast(CDR::UShort*,buf); #endif /* ACE_DISABLE_SWAP_ON_READ */ return 1; } return 0; } CDR::Boolean ACE_InputCDR::read_4 (CDR::ULong *x) { char *buf; if (this->adjust (CDR::LONG_SIZE, buf) == 0) { #if !defined (ACE_DISABLE_SWAP_ON_READ) if (!this->do_byte_swap_) { *x = *ACE_reinterpret_cast (CDR::ULong*, buf); } else { CDR::swap_4 (buf, ACE_reinterpret_cast (char*, x)); } #else *x = *ACE_reinterpret_cast(CDR::ULong*,buf); #endif /* ACE_DISABLE_SWAP_ON_READ */ return 1; } return 0; } CDR::Boolean ACE_InputCDR::read_8 (CDR::ULongLong *x) { char *buf; if (this->adjust (CDR::LONGLONG_SIZE, buf) == 0) { #if !defined (ACE_DISABLE_SWAP_ON_READ) if (!this->do_byte_swap_) { *x = *ACE_reinterpret_cast (CDR::ULongLong *, buf); } else { CDR::swap_8 (buf, ACE_reinterpret_cast (char*, x)); } #else *x = *ACE_reinterpret_cast(CDR::ULongLong*,buf); #endif /* ACE_DISABLE_SWAP_ON_READ */ return 1; } return 0; } CDR::Boolean ACE_InputCDR::read_16 (CDR::LongDouble *x) { char *buf; if (this->adjust (CDR::LONGLONG_SIZE, CDR::LONGLONG_ALIGN, buf) == 0) { #if !defined (ACE_DISABLE_SWAP_ON_READ) if (!this->do_byte_swap_) { *x = *ACE_reinterpret_cast (CDR::LongDouble *, buf); } else { CDR::swap_16 (buf, ACE_reinterpret_cast (char*, x)); } #else *x = *ACE_reinterpret_cast(CDR::LongDouble*,buf); #endif /* ACE_DISABLE_SWAP_ON_READ */ return 1; } return 0; } CDR::Boolean ACE_InputCDR::skip_string (void) { CDR::ULong len; if (this->read_ulong (len)) { if (this->rd_ptr () + len <= this->end ()) { this->rd_ptr (len); return 1; } this->good_bit_ = 0; } return 0; } CDR::Boolean ACE_InputCDR::skip_bytes (size_t len) { if (this->rd_ptr () + len <= this->end ()) { this->rd_ptr (len); return 1; } this->good_bit_ = 0; return 0; }