/* -*- C++ -*- */ // $Id$ // ============================================================================ // // = LIBRARY // ace // // = FILENAME // Connector.h // // = AUTHOR // Doug Schmidt // // ============================================================================ #ifndef ACE_CONNECTOR_H #define ACE_CONNECTOR_H #include "ace/Service_Config.h" #if !defined (ACE_LACKS_PRAGMA_ONCE) # pragma once #endif /* ACE_LACKS_PRAGMA_ONCE */ #include "ace/Service_Object.h" #include "ace/Map_Manager.h" #include "ace/Svc_Handler.h" #include "ace/Strategies.h" template <class SVC_HANDLER> class ACE_Svc_Tuple { // = TITLE // Holds the ACE_Svc_Handler and its argument and // <ACE_Timer_Handle> until an asynchronous connection completes. // // = DESCRIPTION // This is a no-brainer... public: // = Initialization methods. ACE_Svc_Tuple (SVC_HANDLER *, ACE_HANDLE, const void * = 0, long timer_id = -1); // = Get SVC_HANDLER. SVC_HANDLER *svc_handler (void); // = Get/set handle. ACE_HANDLE handle (void); // Get handle. void handle (ACE_HANDLE); // Set handle. // = Get/set argument. const void *arg (void); // Get argument. void arg (const void *); // Set argument. // = Set/get timer cancellation handle. long cancellation_id (void); // Get cancellation id. void cancellation_id (long timer_id); // Set cancellation id. void dump (void) const; // Dump the state of an object. ACE_ALLOC_HOOK_DECLARE; // Declare the dynamic allocation hooks. private: SVC_HANDLER *svc_handler_; // Associated SVC_HANDLER. ACE_HANDLE handle_; // IPC <HANDLE> that we are trying to connect. const void *arg_; // Associated argument. long cancellation_id_; // Associated cancellation id. }; template <class SVC_HANDLER, ACE_PEER_CONNECTOR_1> class ACE_Connector : public ACE_Service_Object { // = TITLE // Generic factory for actively connecting clients and creating // service handlers (SVC_HANDLERs). // // = DESCRIPTION // Implements the strategy for actively establishing connections // with clients. An ACE_Connector is parameterized by concrete // types that conform to the interfaces of PEER_CONNECTOR and // SVC_HANDLER. The PEER_CONNECTOR is instantiated with a // transport mechanism that passively establishes connections. // The SVC_HANDLER is instantiated with a concrete type that // performs the application-specific service. An ACE_Connector // inherits from ACE_Service_Object, which in turn inherits from // ACE_Event_Handler. This enables the ACE_Reactor to dispatch // the ACE_Connector's handle_output method when connections // complete asynchronously. The handle_output method performs // the connector's active connection establishment and service // activation strategy. public: // = Initialization and termination methods. // typedef ACE_TYPENAME ACE_PEER_CONNECTOR_ADDR PEER_ADDR; #if defined (ACE_HAS_TYPENAME_KEYWORD) typedef ACE_PEER_CONNECTOR_ADDR ACE_PEER_ADDR_TYPEDEF; #endif /* ACE_HAS_TYPENAME_KEYWORD */ ACE_Connector (ACE_Reactor *r = ACE_Reactor::instance (), int flags = 0); // Initialize a connector. <flags> indicates how <SVC_HANDLER>'s // should be initialized prior to being activated. Right now, the // only flag that is processed is <ACE_NONBLOCK>, which enabled // non-blocking I/O on the <SVC_HANDLER> when it is opened. virtual int open (ACE_Reactor *r = ACE_Reactor::instance (), int flags = 0); // Initialize a connector. <flags> indicates how <SVC_HANDLER>'s // should be initialized prior to being activated. Right now, the // only flag that is processed is <ACE_NONBLOCK>, which enabled // non-blocking I/O on the <SVC_HANDLER> when it is opened. virtual ~ACE_Connector (void); // Shutdown a connector and release resources. // = Connection establishment methods. virtual int connect (SVC_HANDLER *&svc_handler, const ACE_PEER_CONNECTOR_ADDR &remote_addr, const ACE_Synch_Options &synch_options = ACE_Synch_Options::defaults, const ACE_PEER_CONNECTOR_ADDR &local_addr = (ACE_PEER_CONNECTOR_ADDR &) ACE_PEER_CONNECTOR_ADDR_ANY, int reuse_addr = 0, int flags = O_RDWR, int perms = 0); // Initiate connection of <svc_handler> to peer at <remote_addr> // using <synch_options>. If the caller wants to designate the // selected <local_addr> they can (and can also insist that the // <local_addr> be reused by passing a value <reuse_addr> == // 1). <flags> and <perms> can be used to pass any flags that are // needed to perform specific operations such as opening a file // within connect with certain permissions. virtual int connect_n (size_t n, SVC_HANDLER *svc_handlers[], ACE_PEER_CONNECTOR_ADDR remote_addrs[], ASYS_TCHAR *failed_svc_handlers = 0, const ACE_Synch_Options &synch_options = ACE_Synch_Options::defaults); // Initiate connection of <n> <svc_handlers> to peers at // <remote_addrs> using <synch_options>. Returns -1 if failure // occurs and 0 otherwise. If <failed_svc_handlers> is non-NULL, a // 1 is placed in the corresponding index of <failed_svc_handler> // for each <svc_handlers[i]> that failed to connect, else a 0 is // placed in that index. virtual int cancel (SVC_HANDLER *svc_handler); // Cancel a <svc_handler> that was started asynchronously. Note that // this is the only case when the Connector does not actively close // the <svc_handler>. It is left up to the caller of <cancel> to // decide the fate of the <svc_handler>. virtual int close (void); // Close down the Connector void dump (void) const; // Dump the state of an object. ACE_ALLOC_HOOK_DECLARE; // Declare the dynamic allocation hooks. protected: // = Helpful typedefs. typedef ACE_Svc_Tuple<SVC_HANDLER> AST; typedef ACE_Map_Manager<ACE_HANDLE, ACE_Svc_Tuple<SVC_HANDLER> *, ACE_SYNCH_RW_MUTEX> MAP_MANAGER; typedef ACE_Map_Iterator<ACE_HANDLE, ACE_Svc_Tuple<SVC_HANDLER> *, ACE_SYNCH_RW_MUTEX> MAP_ITERATOR; typedef ACE_Map_Entry<ACE_HANDLE, ACE_Svc_Tuple<SVC_HANDLER> *> MAP_ENTRY; // = The following two methods define the Connector's strategies for // creating, connecting, and activating SVC_HANDLER's, respectively. virtual int make_svc_handler (SVC_HANDLER *&sh); // Bridge method for creating a SVC_HANDLER. The default is to // create a new SVC_HANDLER only if <sh> == 0, else <sh> is // unchanged. However, subclasses can override this policy to // perform SVC_HANDLER creation in any way that they like (such as // creating subclass instances of SVC_HANDLER, using a singleton, // dynamically linking the handler, etc.). Returns -1 if failure, // else 0. virtual int connect_svc_handler (SVC_HANDLER *&svc_handler, const ACE_PEER_CONNECTOR_ADDR &remote_addr, ACE_Time_Value *timeout, const ACE_PEER_CONNECTOR_ADDR &local_addr, int reuse_addr, int flags, int perms); // Bridge method for connecting the <svc_handler> to the // <remote_addr>. The default behavior delegates to the // <PEER_CONNECTOR::connect>. virtual int activate_svc_handler (SVC_HANDLER *svc_handler); // Bridge method for activating a <svc_handler> with the appropriate // concurrency strategy. The default behavior of this method is to // activate the SVC_HANDLER by calling its open() method (which // allows the SVC_HANDLER to define its own concurrency strategy). // However, subclasses can override this strategy to do more // sophisticated concurrency activations (such as creating the // SVC_HANDLER as an "active object" via multi-threading or // multi-processing). virtual int handle_input (ACE_HANDLE); // Called by ACE_Reactor when asynchronous connections fail. virtual int handle_output (ACE_HANDLE); // Called by ACE_Reactor when asynchronous connections succeed. virtual int handle_exception (ACE_HANDLE fd = ACE_INVALID_HANDLE); // Called by ACE_Reactor when asynchronous connections complete (on // some platforms only). // = Dynamic linking hooks. virtual int init (int argc, ASYS_TCHAR *argv[]); // Default version does no work and returns -1. Must be overloaded // by application developer to do anything meaningful. virtual int fini (void); // Calls <handle_close> to shutdown the Connector gracefully. virtual int info (ASYS_TCHAR **, size_t) const; // Default version returns address info in <buf>. // = Demultiplexing hooks. virtual int handle_close (ACE_HANDLE = ACE_INVALID_HANDLE, ACE_Reactor_Mask = ACE_Event_Handler::ALL_EVENTS_MASK); // Terminate the Client ACE_Connector by iterating over any // unconnected ACE_Svc_Handler's and removing them from the // ACE_Reactor. virtual int handle_timeout (const ACE_Time_Value &tv, const void *arg); // This method is called if a connection times out before // completing. // = Service management hooks. virtual int suspend (void); // Default version does no work and returns -1. Must be overloaded // by application developer to do anything meaningful. virtual int resume (void); // Default version does no work and returns -1. Must be overloaded // by application developer to do anything meaningful. int create_AST (SVC_HANDLER *, const ACE_Synch_Options &); // Creates and inserts an ACE_Svc_Tuple into the <handler_map_>. // so that we can continue accepting this connection asynchronously. int cleanup_AST (ACE_HANDLE, AST *&); // Cleanup the <handler_map_> and returns the appropriate // ACE_Svc_Tuple (which is 0 if there is no associated tuple). MAP_MANAGER handler_map_; // Lookup table that maps an I/O handle to a SVC_HANDLER *. private: ACE_PEER_CONNECTOR connector_; // This is the concrete connector factory (it keeps no state so the // <ACE_Connector> is reentrant). char closing_; // Keeps track of whether we are in the process of closing (required // to avoid circular calls to <handle_close>). int flags_; // Flags that indicate how <SVC_HANDLER>'s should be initialized // prior to being activated. Right now, the only flag that is // processed is <ACE_NONBLOCK>, which enabled non-blocking I/O on // the <SVC_HANDLER> when it is opened. }; template <class SVC_HANDLER, ACE_PEER_CONNECTOR_1> class ACE_Strategy_Connector : public ACE_Connector <SVC_HANDLER, ACE_PEER_CONNECTOR_2> { // = TITLE // Abstract factory for creating a service handler // (SVC_HANDLER), connecting the SVC_HANDLER, and activating the // SVC_HANDLER. // // = DESCRIPTION // Implements a flexible and extensible set of strategies for // actively establishing connections with clients. There are // three main strategies: (1) creating a SVC_HANDLER, (2) // actively connecting a new connection from a client into the // SVC_HANDLER, and (3) activating the SVC_HANDLER with a // particular concurrency mechanism. public: ACE_Strategy_Connector (ACE_Reactor *r = ACE_Reactor::instance (), ACE_Creation_Strategy<SVC_HANDLER> * = 0, ACE_Connect_Strategy<SVC_HANDLER, ACE_PEER_CONNECTOR_2> * = 0, ACE_Concurrency_Strategy<SVC_HANDLER> * = 0, int flags = 0); // Initialize a connector. <flags> indicates how <SVC_HANDLER>'s // should be initialized prior to being activated. Right now, the // only flag that is processed is <ACE_NONBLOCK>, which enabled // non-blocking I/O on the <SVC_HANDLER> when it is opened. virtual int open (ACE_Reactor *r, int flags); // Initialize a connector. <flags> indicates how <SVC_HANDLER>'s // should be initialized prior to being activated. Right now, the // only flag that is processed is <ACE_NONBLOCK>, which enabled // non-blocking I/O on the <SVC_HANDLER> when it is opened. // Default strategies would be created and used. virtual int open (ACE_Reactor *r = ACE_Reactor::instance (), ACE_Creation_Strategy<SVC_HANDLER> * = 0, ACE_Connect_Strategy<SVC_HANDLER, ACE_PEER_CONNECTOR_2> * = 0, ACE_Concurrency_Strategy<SVC_HANDLER> * = 0, int flags = 0); // Initialize a connector. <flags> indicates how <SVC_HANDLER>'s // should be initialized prior to being activated. Right now, the // only flag that is processed is <ACE_NONBLOCK>, which enabled // non-blocking I/O on the <SVC_HANDLER> when it is opened. virtual ~ACE_Strategy_Connector (void); // Shutdown a connector and release resources. virtual int close (void); // Close down the Connector // = Define some useful typedefs traits. typedef ACE_Creation_Strategy<SVC_HANDLER> CREATION_STRATEGY; typedef ACE_Connect_Strategy<SVC_HANDLER, ACE_PEER_CONNECTOR_2> CONNECT_STRATEGY; typedef ACE_Concurrency_Strategy<SVC_HANDLER> CONCURRENCY_STRATEGY; typedef ACE_Connector <SVC_HANDLER, ACE_PEER_CONNECTOR_2> SUPER; // = Strategies accessors virtual ACE_Creation_Strategy<SVC_HANDLER> *creation_strategy (void) const; virtual ACE_Connect_Strategy<SVC_HANDLER, ACE_PEER_CONNECTOR_2> *connect_strategy (void) const; virtual ACE_Concurrency_Strategy<SVC_HANDLER> *concurrency_strategy (void) const; protected: // = The following three methods define the <Connector>'s strategies // for creating, connecting, and activating <SVC_HANDLER>'s, // respectively. virtual int make_svc_handler (SVC_HANDLER *&sh); // Bridge method for creating a <SVC_HANDLER>. The strategy for // creating a <SVC_HANDLER> are configured into the Connector via // it's <creation_strategy_>. The default is to create a new // <SVC_HANDLER> only if <sh> == 0, else <sh> is unchanged. // However, subclasses can override this policy to perform // <SVC_HANDLER> creation in any way that they like (such as // creating subclass instances of <SVC_HANDLER>, using a singleton, // dynamically linking the handler, etc.). Returns -1 if failure, // else 0. virtual int connect_svc_handler (SVC_HANDLER *&sh, const ACE_PEER_CONNECTOR_ADDR &remote_addr, ACE_Time_Value *timeout, const ACE_PEER_CONNECTOR_ADDR &local_addr, int reuse_addr, int flags, int perms); // Bridge method for connecting the new connection into the // <SVC_HANDLER>. The default behavior delegates to the // <PEER_CONNECTOR::connect> in the <Connect_Strategy>. virtual int activate_svc_handler (SVC_HANDLER *svc_handler); // Bridge method for activating a <SVC_HANDLER> with the appropriate // concurrency strategy. The default behavior of this method is to // activate the <SVC_HANDLER> by calling its <open> method (which // allows the <SVC_HANDLER> to define its own concurrency strategy). // However, subclasses can override this strategy to do more // sophisticated concurrency activations (such as creating the // <SVC_HANDLER> as an "active object" via multi-threading or // multi-processing). // = Strategy objects. CREATION_STRATEGY *creation_strategy_; // Creation strategy for an <Connector>. int delete_creation_strategy_; // 1 if <Connector> created the creation strategy and thus should // delete it, else 0. CONNECT_STRATEGY *connect_strategy_; // Connect strategy for a <Connector>. int delete_connect_strategy_; // 1 if <Connector> created the connect strategy and thus should // delete it, else 0. CONCURRENCY_STRATEGY *concurrency_strategy_; // Concurrency strategy for an <Connector>. int delete_concurrency_strategy_; // 1 if <Connector> created the concurrency strategy and thus should // delete it, else 0. }; #include "ace/Connector.i" #if defined (ACE_TEMPLATES_REQUIRE_SOURCE) #include "ace/Connector.cpp" #endif /* ACE_TEMPLATES_REQUIRE_SOURCE */ #if defined (ACE_TEMPLATES_REQUIRE_PRAGMA) #pragma implementation ("Connector.cpp") #endif /* ACE_TEMPLATES_REQUIRE_PRAGMA */ #endif /* ACE_CONNECTOR_H */