/* -*- C++ -*- */
// $Id$

// ============================================================================
//    ace
//    Event_Handler_T.h
//    Doug Schmidt 
// ============================================================================

#if !defined (ACE_EVENT_HANDLER_T_H)

#include "ace/Event_Handler.h"


template <class T> 
class ACE_Export ACE_Event_Handler_T : public ACE_Event_Handler 
  // = TITLE
  //     Enable a class that doesn't inherit from the
  //     ACE_Event_Handler to be incorporated into the ACE_Reactor
  //     framework.  Thanks to Greg Lavender (g.lavender@isode.com)
  //     for sharing this idea.
  //     It is sometimes the case that an application has a hierarchy
  //     of operation dispatcher classes that have their own inheritance
  //     hierarchy but also would like to integrate with the ACE_Reactor.
  //     Rather than adopt a "mixin" approach, it is often cleaner to 
  //	 define a template as a subclass of ACE_Event_Handler and paramterize it 
  //	 with an operation dispatcher type.
  //     When constructing an instantiation of the ACE_Event_Handler_T object,
  //	 a set of pointers to member functions must be provided so that 
  //     when one of the handle_* methods is called by the ACE_Reactor,
  //     the appropriate method is called on the underlying operations
  //     object.  This is done since in some cases it is useful to 
  //	 map any event that happens to the same method on an object.
  //     The ACE_Event_Handler_T template is instantiated by an operations
  //     object and registered with the ACE_Reactor, and it then calls the
  //     appropriate op_handler.  So, it's basically just another
  //     level of indirection in event dispatching. The coupling
  //     betweent the ultimate handler of the event and the
  //     ACE_Event_Handler class is relaxed a bit by have this
  //     intermediate <op_handler_> object of type <T> around. The client
  //     object can then dynamically change the bindings for the
  //     various handlers so that during the life of one of the
  //     operation objects, it can change how it wants events to be
  //     handled. It just instantiates a new instance of the template
  //     with different bindings and reregisters this new object with
  //     the ACE_Reactor.
  // = Typedefs to simplify pointer-to-member-function registration.

  // Get/set the underlying handle.
  typedef ACE_HANDLE (T::*GET_HANDLE) (void) const;
  typedef void (T::*SET_HANDLE) (ACE_HANDLE);

  typedef int (T::*IO_HANDLER) (ACE_HANDLE);
  // Handle I/O events.

  typedef int (T::*TO_HANDLER) (const ACE_Time_Value &, const void *);
  // Handle timeout events.

  typedef int (T::*CL_HANDLER) (ACE_HANDLE, ACE_Reactor_Mask);
  // Handle close events.

  typedef int (T::*SIG_HANDLER) (ACE_HANDLE
#if defined(ACE_HAS_SIGINFO_T)
, siginfo_t*, ucontext_t*
#endif /* ACE_HAS_SIGINFO_T */
  // = Initialization and termination methods.

  ACE_Event_Handler_T (T *op_handler, 
		   int delete_handler,
                   GET_HANDLE get_handle = 0,
		   IO_HANDLER input = 0,
		   CL_HANDLER close = 0,
		   SIG_HANDLER sig = 0,
		   TO_HANDLER timeout = 0,
		   IO_HANDLER output = 0,
                   SET_HANDLE set_handle = 0,
		   IO_HANDLER except = 0);
  // Initialize the op_handler.

  ~ACE_Event_Handler_T (void);
  // Close down and delete the <op_handler>

  // = Override all the ACE_Event_Handler methods and have them call
  // through to the <T> operations handler.
  virtual ACE_HANDLE get_handle (void) const;
  virtual void set_handle (ACE_HANDLE);
  virtual int handle_input (ACE_HANDLE fd = -1);
  virtual int handle_output (ACE_HANDLE fd = -1);
  virtual int handle_exception (ACE_HANDLE fd = -1);
  virtual int handle_timeout (const ACE_Time_Value &tv, const void *arg = 0);
  virtual int handle_close (ACE_HANDLE fd, ACE_Reactor_Mask close_mask);
  virtual int handle_signal (ACE_HANDLE signum, siginfo_t * = 0, ucontext_t * = 0);

  // = Get/set the operations handler.
  T *op_handler (void);
  void op_handler (T *);

  // = Get/set the target pointer-to-member-function used for
  // dispatching.
  GET_HANDLE handle_get (void);
  void handle_get (GET_HANDLE);

  SET_HANDLE handle_set (void);
  void handle_set (SET_HANDLE);

  IO_HANDLER input_handler (void);
  void input_handler (IO_HANDLER);

  IO_HANDLER output_handler (void);
  void output_handler (IO_HANDLER);

  IO_HANDLER except_handler (void);
  void except_handler (IO_HANDLER);

  TO_HANDLER to_handler (void);
  void to_handler (TO_HANDLER);

  CL_HANDLER cl_handler (void);
  void cl_handler (CL_HANDLER);

  SIG_HANDLER sig_handler (void);
  void sig_handler (SIG_HANDLER);

  void dump (void) const;
  // Dump the state of an object.

  // Declare the dynamic allocation hooks.

  T *op_handler_;
  // Pointer to the object that handles all the delegated operations.

  // = Handle input, output, and exception events.
  IO_HANDLER input_handler_;
  IO_HANDLER output_handler_;
  IO_HANDLER except_handler_;

  TO_HANDLER to_handler_;
  // Handle timeout events.

  CL_HANDLER cl_handler_;
  // Handle close events.

  SIG_HANDLER sig_handler_;
  // Handle signal events.

  int delete_handler_;
  // Keeps track of whether we need to delete the handler in the
  // destructor.

  // = Get/set underlying handle.
  SET_HANDLE set_handle_;
  GET_HANDLE get_handle_;

#if defined (__ACE_INLINE__)
#include "ace/Event_Handler_T.i"
#endif /* __ACE_INLINE__ */

#endif /* ACE_EVENT_HANDLER_H */