/* -*- C++ -*- */ // $Id$ template <class STREAM> ssize_t ACE_Streambuf_T<STREAM>::send (char *buf, ssize_t len) { return peer_->send_n (buf,len); } template <class STREAM> ssize_t ACE_Streambuf_T<STREAM>::recv (char *buf, ssize_t len, ACE_Time_Value *tv) { return this->recv (buf, len, 0, tv); } template <class STREAM> ssize_t ACE_Streambuf_T<STREAM>::recv (char *buf, ssize_t len, int flags, ACE_Time_Value * tv) { this->timeout_ = 0; errno = ESUCCESS; ssize_t rval = peer_->recv (buf, len, flags, tv); if (errno == ETIME) this->timeout_ = 1; return rval; } template <class STREAM> ssize_t ACE_Streambuf_T<STREAM>::recv_n (char *buf, ssize_t len, int flags, ACE_Time_Value *tv) { this->timeout_ = 0; errno = ESUCCESS; ssize_t rval = peer_->recv_n (buf, len, flags, tv); if (errno == ETIME) this->timeout_ = 1; return rval; } template <class STREAM> ACE_HANDLE ACE_Streambuf_T<STREAM>::get_handle (void) { return peer_ ? peer_->get_handle () : 0; } template <class STREAM> ACE_INLINE int ACE_IOStream<STREAM>::eof (void) const { // Get the timeout value of the streambuf ACE_Time_Value *timeout = this->streambuf_->recv_timeout (0); // Reset the timeout value of the streambuf. (void) this->streambuf_->recv_timeout (timeout); char c; int rval = this->streambuf_->recv_n (&c, sizeof c, MSG_PEEK, timeout); // Timeout, not an eof if (this->streambuf_->timeout()) return 0; // No timeout, got enough data: not eof if (rval == sizeof(char)) return 0; // No timeout, not enough data: definately eof return 1; } template <class STREAM> ACE_INLINE ACE_SOCK_Dgram_SC<STREAM>::ACE_SOCK_Dgram_SC (void) { } template <class STREAM> ACE_INLINE ACE_SOCK_Dgram_SC<STREAM>::ACE_SOCK_Dgram_SC (STREAM &source, ACE_INET_Addr &dest) : STREAM (source), peer_ (dest) { } template <class STREAM> ACE_INLINE ssize_t ACE_SOCK_Dgram_SC<STREAM>::send_n (char *buf, ssize_t len) { return STREAM::send (buf, len, peer_); } template <class STREAM> ACE_INLINE ssize_t ACE_SOCK_Dgram_SC<STREAM>::recv (char *buf, ssize_t len, ACE_Time_Value *tv) { return recv (buf, len, 0, tv); } template <class STREAM> ACE_INLINE ssize_t ACE_SOCK_Dgram_SC<STREAM>::recv (char *buf, ssize_t len, int flags, ACE_Time_Value *tv) { if (tv != 0) { ACE_HANDLE handle = this->get_handle (); ACE_Handle_Set handle_set; handle_set.set_bit (handle); switch (ACE_OS::select (int (handle) + 1, (fd_set *) handle_set, // read_fds. (fd_set *) 0, // write_fds. (fd_set *) 0, // exception_fds. tv)) { case 0: errno = ETIME; case -1: return -1; default: ; // Do the 'recv' below } } int rval = STREAM::recv (buf, len, peer_, flags); #if defined (ACE_WIN32) if (rval == SOCKET_ERROR) if (::WSAGetLastError () == WSAEMSGSIZE) if (ACE_BIT_ENABLED (flags, MSG_PEEK)) rval = len; #endif /* ACE_WIN32 */ return rval < len ? rval : len; } template <class STREAM> ACE_INLINE ssize_t ACE_SOCK_Dgram_SC<STREAM>::recv_n (char *buf, ssize_t len, int flags, ACE_Time_Value *tv) { int rval = this->recv (buf, len, flags, tv); return rval; } template <class STREAM> ACE_INLINE int ACE_SOCK_Dgram_SC<STREAM>::get_remote_addr (ACE_INET_Addr &addr) const { addr = peer_; return 0; }