/* -*- C++ -*- */ // $Id$ // ============================================================================ // // = LIBRARY // ACE // // = FILENAME // Local_Name_Space_T.h // // = AUTHOR // Prashant Jain (pjain@cs.wustl.edu), Irfan Pyarali // (irfan@wuerl.wustl.edu), and Douglas C. Schmidt // (schmidt@cs.wustl.edu). // // ============================================================================ #if !defined (ACE_LOCAL_NAME_SPACE_T_H) #define ACE_LOCAL_NAME_SPACE_T_H #include "ace/Name_Space.h" #include "ace/Naming_Context.h" #include "ace/SString.h" #include "ace/Local_Name_Space.h" // A short-hand name for our set of name/value/type tuples passed back // to callers. typedef ACE_Unbounded_Set ACE_WSTRING_SET; // Simplify later usage by defining typedefs. #if (1) #include "ace/Hash_Map_Manager.h" typedef ACE_Hash_Map_Manager MAP_MANAGER; typedef ACE_Hash_Map_Iterator MAP_ITERATOR; typedef ACE_Hash_Map_Entry MAP_ENTRY; #else #include "ace/Map_Manager.h" typedef ACE_Map_Manager MAP_MANAGER; typedef ACE_Map_Iterator MAP_ITERATOR; typedef ACE_Map_Entry MAP_ENTRY; #endif /* 0 */ template class ACE_Name_Space_Map : public MAP_MANAGER { // = TITLE // This class serves as a Proxy that ensures our process always // has the appropriate allocator in place for every operation // that accesses or updates the Map Manager. // // = DESCRIPTION // We need this class because otherwise the ALLOCATOR // pointer will be stored in the Map_Manager that resides within // shared memory. Naturally, this will cause horrible problems // since only the first process to set that pointer will be // guaranteed the address of the ALLOCATOR is meaningful! public: ACE_Name_Space_Map (ALLOCATOR *alloc); // Constructor. // = The following methods are Proxies to the underlying methods // provided by . When they are called, they // acquire the lock, set the allocator to the one specific to this // process, and then call down to perform the intended operation. int bind (const ACE_NS_String &, const ACE_NS_Internal &, ALLOCATOR *alloc); int unbind (const ACE_NS_String &, ACE_NS_Internal &, ALLOCATOR *alloc); int rebind (const ACE_NS_String &, const ACE_NS_Internal &, ACE_NS_String &, ACE_NS_Internal &, ALLOCATOR *alloc); int find (const ACE_NS_String &, ACE_NS_Internal &, ALLOCATOR *alloc); int close (ALLOCATOR *alloc); }; template class ACE_Local_Name_Space : public ACE_Name_Space { // = TITLE // Maintaining accesses Local Name Server Database. Allows to // add NameBindings, change them, remove them and resolve // NameBindings. // // = DESCRIPTION // Manages a Naming Service for a local name space which // includes bindings for node_local and host_local naming // contexts. All strings are stored in wide character format. // A Name Binding consists of a name (that's the key), a value // string and an optional type string (no wide chars). public: // = Initialization and termination methods. ACE_Local_Name_Space (void); // "Do-nothing" constructor. ACE_Local_Name_Space (ACE_Naming_Context::Context_Scope_Type scope_in, ACE_Name_Options *name_options); // Specifies the scope of this namespace, opens and memory-maps the // associated file (if accessible) or contacts the dedicated name // server process for NET_LOCAL namespace. int open (ACE_Naming_Context::Context_Scope_Type scope_in); // Specifies the scope of this namespace, opens and memory-maps the // associated file (if accessible) or contacts the dedicated name // server process for NET_LOCAL namespace. ~ACE_Local_Name_Space (void); // destructor, do some cleanup :TBD: last dtor should "compress" // file virtual int bind (const ACE_WString &name, const ACE_WString &value, const char *type = ""); // Bind a new name to a naming context (Wide character strings). virtual int rebind (const ACE_WString &name, const ACE_WString &value, const char *type = ""); // Overwrite the value or type of an existing name in a // ACE_Local_Name_Space or bind a new name to the context, if it // didn't exist yet. (Wide charcter strings interface). virtual int unbind (const ACE_WString &name); virtual int unbind_i (const ACE_WString &name); // Delete a name from a ACE_Local_Name_Space (Wide charcter strings // Interface). virtual int resolve (const ACE_WString &name, ACE_WString &value, char *&type); virtual int resolve_i (const ACE_WString &name, ACE_WString &value, char *&type); // Get value and type of a given name binding (Wide chars). The // caller is responsible for deleting ! virtual int list_names (ACE_WSTRING_SET &set, const ACE_WString &pattern); virtual int list_names_i (ACE_WSTRING_SET &set, const ACE_WString &pattern); // Get a set of names matching a specified pattern (wchars). Matching // means the names must begin with the pattern string. virtual int list_values (ACE_WSTRING_SET &set, const ACE_WString &pattern); virtual int list_values_i (ACE_WSTRING_SET &set, const ACE_WString &pattern); // Get a set of values matching a specified pattern (wchars). Matching // means the values must begin with the pattern string. virtual int list_types (ACE_WSTRING_SET &set, const ACE_WString &pattern); virtual int list_types_i (ACE_WSTRING_SET &set, const ACE_WString &pattern); // Get a set of types matching a specified pattern (wchars). Matching // means the types must begin with the pattern string. virtual int list_name_entries (ACE_BINDING_SET &set, const ACE_WString &pattern); virtual int list_name_entries_i (ACE_BINDING_SET &set, const ACE_WString &pattern); // Get a set of names matching a specified pattern (wchars). Matching // means the names must begin with the pattern string. Returns the // complete binding associated each pattern match. virtual int list_value_entries (ACE_BINDING_SET &set, const ACE_WString &pattern); virtual int list_value_entries_i (ACE_BINDING_SET &set, const ACE_WString &pattern); // Get a set of values matching a specified pattern (wchars). Matching // means the values must begin with the pattern string. Returns the // complete binding associated each pattern match. virtual int list_type_entries (ACE_BINDING_SET &set, const ACE_WString &pattern); virtual int list_type_entries_i (ACE_BINDING_SET &set, const ACE_WString &pattern); // Get a set of types matching a specified pattern (wchars). Matching // means the types must begin with the pattern string. Returns the // complete binding associated each pattern match. virtual void dump (void) const; virtual void dump_i (void) const; // Dump the state of the object // = I just know this is going to cause problems on some platform... typedef ACE_Allocator_Adapter > ALLOCATOR; private: #if defined (ACE_WIN32) int remap (EXCEPTION_POINTERS *ep); // Remap the backing store #endif /* ACE_WIN32 */ int shared_bind (const ACE_WString &name, const ACE_WString &value, const char *type, int rebind); int shared_bind_i (const ACE_WString &name, const ACE_WString &value, const char *type, int rebind); // Factor out code from bind() and rebind(). int create_manager (void); int create_manager_i (void); // Allocate the appropriate type of map manager that stores the // key/value binding. ALLOCATOR *allocator_; // Pointer to the allocator ACE_Name_Space_Map *name_space_map_; // Pointer to the allocated map manager. ACE_Naming_Context::Context_Scope_Type ns_scope_; // Scope of this naming context (e.g., PROC_LOCAL, NODE_LOCAL, or NET_LOCAL). ACE_Name_Options *name_options_; // Keep track of the options such as database name etc TCHAR context_file_[MAXPATHLEN + MAXNAMELEN]; // Name of the file used as the backing store. ACE_LOCK *lock_; // Synchronization variable. }; #if defined (ACE_TEMPLATES_REQUIRE_SOURCE) #include "ace/Local_Name_Space_T.cpp" #endif /* ACE_TEMPLATES_REQUIRE_SOURCE */ #if defined (ACE_TEMPLATES_REQUIRE_PRAGMA) #pragma implementation ("Local_Name_Space_T.cpp") #endif /* ACE_TEMPLATES_REQUIRE_PRAGMA */ #endif /* ACE_LOCAL_NAME_SPACE_T_H */