// -*- C++ -*- // $Id$ #include "ace/OS_NS_dirent.h" ACE_RCSID(ace, OS_NS_dirent, "$Id$") #if !defined (ACE_HAS_INLINED_OSCALLS) # include "ace/OS_NS_dirent.inl" #endif /* ACE_HAS_INLINED_OS_CALLS */ #include "ace/OS_NS_errno.h" #include "ace/OS_NS_string.h" #include "ace/Log_Msg.h" #include "ace/OS_NS_stdlib.h" // On Windows, we explicitly set this up as __cdecl so it's correct even // if building with another calling convention, such as __stdcall. #if defined (ACE_WIN32) && defined (_MSC_VER) extern "C" { typedef int (__cdecl *ACE_SCANDIR_COMPARATOR) (const void *, const void *); } #else extern "C" { typedef int (*ACE_SCANDIR_COMPARATOR) (const void *, const void *); } #endif /* ACE_WIN32 && _MSC_VER */ /* These definitions are missing on the original VC6 distribution. The new headers that define these are available in the Platform SDK and are defined for those that don't have it. */ #if defined (ACE_WIN32) # if !defined (INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES) # define INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES ((DWORD)-1) # endif /* INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES */ # if !defined (INVALID_SET_FILE_POINTER) # define INVALID_SET_FILE_POINTER ((DWORD)-1) # endif /* INVALID_SET_FILE_POINTER */ #endif /* ACE_WIN32 */ void ACE_OS::closedir_emulation (ACE_DIR *d) { #if defined (ACE_WIN32) && defined (ACE_LACKS_CLOSEDIR) if (d->current_handle_ != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) ::FindClose (d->current_handle_); d->current_handle_ = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; d->started_reading_ = 0; if (d->dirent_ != 0) { ACE_OS::free (d->dirent_->d_name); ACE_OS::free (d->dirent_); } #else /* ACE_WIN32 && ACE_LACKS_CLOSEDIR */ ACE_UNUSED_ARG (d); #endif /* ACE_WIN32 && ACE_LACKS_CLOSEDIR */ } ACE_DIR * ACE_OS::opendir_emulation (const ACE_TCHAR *filename) { #if defined (ACE_WIN32) && defined (ACE_LACKS_OPENDIR) ACE_DIR *dir; ACE_TCHAR extra[3] = {0,0,0}; // Check if filename is a directory. DWORD fileAttribute = ACE_TEXT_GetFileAttributes (filename); if (fileAttribute == INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES || !(fileAttribute & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY)) return 0; /* Note: the semantics of the win32 function FindFirstFile take the basename(filename) as a pattern to be matched within the dirname(filename). This is contrary to the behavior of the posix function readdir which treats basename(filename) as a directory to be opened and read. For this reason, we append a slash-star or backslash-star to the supplied filename so the result is that FindFirstFile will do what we need. According to the documentation for FindFirstFile, either a '/' or a '\' may be used as a directory name separator. Of course, it is necessary to ensure that this is only done if the trailing filespec is not already there. Phil Mesnier */ size_t lastchar = ACE_OS::strlen (filename); if (lastchar > 0) { if (filename[lastchar-1] != '*') { if (filename[lastchar-1] != '/' && filename[lastchar-1] != '\\') ACE_OS::strcpy (extra, ACE_LIB_TEXT ("/*")); else ACE_OS::strcpy (extra, ACE_LIB_TEXT ("*")); } } ACE_NEW_RETURN (dir, ACE_DIR, 0); ACE_NEW_RETURN (dir->directory_name_, ACE_TCHAR[lastchar + ACE_OS::strlen (extra) + 1], 0); ACE_OS::strcpy (dir->directory_name_, filename); if (extra[0]) ACE_OS::strcat (dir->directory_name_, extra); dir->current_handle_ = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; dir->started_reading_ = 0; dir->dirent_ = 0; return dir; #else /* WIN32 && ACE_LACKS_OPENDIR */ ACE_UNUSED_ARG (filename); ACE_NOTSUP_RETURN (0); #endif /* WIN32 && ACE_LACKS_OPENDIR */ } dirent * ACE_OS::readdir_emulation (ACE_DIR *d) { #if defined (ACE_WIN32) && defined (ACE_LACKS_READDIR) if (d->dirent_ != 0) { ACE_OS::free (d->dirent_->d_name); ACE_OS::free (d->dirent_); d->dirent_ = 0; } if (!d->started_reading_) { d->current_handle_ = ACE_TEXT_FindFirstFile (d->directory_name_, &d->fdata_); d->started_reading_ = 1; } else { int retval = ACE_TEXT_FindNextFile (d->current_handle_, &d->fdata_); if (retval == 0) { // Make sure to close the handle explicitly to avoid a leak! ::FindClose (d->current_handle_); d->current_handle_ = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; } } if (d->current_handle_ != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { d->dirent_ = (dirent *) ACE_OS::malloc (sizeof (dirent)); if (d->dirent_ != 0) { d->dirent_->d_name = (ACE_TCHAR*) ACE_OS::malloc ((ACE_OS::strlen (d->fdata_.cFileName) + 1) * sizeof (ACE_TCHAR)); ACE_OS::strcpy (d->dirent_->d_name, d->fdata_.cFileName); d->dirent_->d_reclen = sizeof (dirent); } return d->dirent_; } else return 0; #else /* ACE_WIN32 && ACE_LACKS_READDIR */ ACE_UNUSED_ARG (d); ACE_NOTSUP_RETURN (0); #endif /* ACE_WIN32 && ACE_LACKS_READDIR */ } int ACE_OS::scandir_emulation (const ACE_TCHAR *dirname, dirent **namelist[], int (*selector) (const dirent *entry), int (*comparator) (const dirent **f1, const dirent **f2)) { ACE_DIR *dirp = ACE_OS::opendir (dirname); if (dirp == 0) return -1; // A sanity check here. "namelist" had better not be zero. else if (namelist == 0) return -1; dirent **vector = 0; dirent *dp; int arena_size = 0; int nfiles = 0; int fail = 0; // @@ This code shoulduse readdir_r() rather than readdir(). for (dp = ACE_OS::readdir (dirp); dp != 0; dp = ACE_OS::readdir (dirp)) { if (selector && (*selector)(dp) == 0) continue; // If we get here, we have a dirent that the user likes. if (nfiles == arena_size) { dirent **newv; if (arena_size == 0) arena_size = 10; else arena_size *= 2; newv = (dirent **) ACE_OS::realloc (vector, arena_size * sizeof (dirent *)); if (newv == 0) { fail = 1; break; } vector = newv; } #if defined (ACE_LACKS_STRUCT_DIR) dirent *newdp = (dirent *) ACE_OS::malloc (sizeof (dirent)); #else int dsize = sizeof (dirent) + ((ACE_OS::strlen (dp->d_name) + 1) * sizeof (ACE_TCHAR)); dirent *newdp = (dirent *) ACE_OS::malloc (dsize); #endif /* ACE_LACKS_STRUCT_DIR */ if (newdp == 0) { fail = 1; break; } #if defined (ACE_LACKS_STRUCT_DIR) newdp->d_name = (ACE_TCHAR*) ACE_OS::malloc ( (ACE_OS::strlen (dp->d_name) + 1) * sizeof (ACE_TCHAR)); if (newdp->d_name == 0) { fail = 1; ACE_OS::free (newdp); break; } // Don't use memcpy here since d_name is now a pointer newdp->d_ino = dp->d_ino; newdp->d_off = dp->d_off; newdp->d_reclen = dp->d_reclen; ACE_OS::strcpy (newdp->d_name, dp->d_name); vector[nfiles++] = newdp; #else vector[nfiles++] = (dirent *) ACE_OS::memcpy (newdp, dp, dsize); #endif /* ACE_LACKS_STRUCT_DIR */ } if (fail) { ACE_OS::closedir (dirp); while (nfiles-- > 0) { #if defined (ACE_LACKS_STRUCT_DIR) ACE_OS::free (vector[nfiles]->d_name); #endif /* ACE_LACKS_STRUCT_DIR */ ACE_OS::free (vector[nfiles]); } ACE_OS::free (vector); return -1; } ACE_OS::closedir (dirp); *namelist = vector; if (comparator) ACE_OS::qsort (*namelist, nfiles, sizeof (dirent *), (ACE_SCANDIR_COMPARATOR) comparator); return nfiles; }