/* -*- C++ -*- */ // $Id$ // ============================================================================ // // = LIBRARY // ace // // = FILENAME // POSIX_Proactor.h // // = AUTHOR // Irfan Pyarali , // Tim Harrison and // Alexander Babu Arulanthu // // ============================================================================ #if !defined (ACE_POSIX_PROACTOR_H) #define ACE_POSIX_PROACTOR_H #include "ace/Proactor_Impl.h" #if defined (ACE_HAS_AIO_CALLS) // POSIX implementation of Proactor depends on the family of // system calls. #include "ace/Free_List.h" #include "ace/Pipe.h" #include "ace/POSIX_Asynch_IO.h" class ACE_Export ACE_POSIX_Proactor : public ACE_Proactor_Impl { // = TITLE // // POSIX implementation of the Proactor. // // = DESCRIPTION // // There are two different strategies by which Proactor can get // to know the completion of operations. One is based on // Asynchronous I/O Control Blocks (AIOCB) where a list of // AIOCBs are stored and completion status of the corresponding // operations are queried on them. The other one is based on // POSIX Real Time signals. This class abstracts out the common // code needed for both the strategies. ACE_AIOCB_Proactor and // ACE_SIG_Proactor specialize this class for each strategy. friend class ACE_POSIX_SIG_Asynch_Accept_Handler; // For operation, this handler class does // the actual work, has to register the real-time signal with the // Proactor. public: virtual ~ACE_POSIX_Proactor (void); // Virtual destructor. virtual int close (void); // Close down the Proactor. virtual int register_handle (ACE_HANDLE handle, const void *completion_key); // This function is a no-op function for Unix systems. Returns 0. virtual int post_completion (ACE_POSIX_Asynch_Result *result) = 0; // Post a result to the completion port of the Proactor. If errors // occur, the result will be deleted by this method. If successful, // the result will be deleted by the Proactor when the result is // removed from the completion port. Therefore, the result should // have been dynamically allocated and should be orphaned by the // user once this method is called. int wake_up_dispatch_threads (void); // @@ This is a no-op on POSIX platforms. Returns 0. int close_dispatch_threads (int wait); // @@ This is a no-op on POSIX platforms. Returns 0. size_t number_of_threads (void) const; void number_of_threads (size_t threads); // @@ This is a no-op on POSIX platforms. Returns 0. virtual ACE_HANDLE get_handle (void) const; // This is a no-op in POSIX. Returns ACE_INVALID_HANDLE. // Methods used to create Asynch_IO_Result objects. We create the right // objects here in these methods. virtual ACE_Asynch_Read_Stream_Result_Impl *create_asynch_read_stream_result (ACE_Handler &handler, ACE_HANDLE handle, ACE_Message_Block &message_block, u_long bytes_to_read, const void* act, ACE_HANDLE event = ACE_INVALID_HANDLE, int priority = 0, int signal_number = ACE_SIGRTMIN); virtual ACE_Asynch_Write_Stream_Result_Impl *create_asynch_write_stream_result (ACE_Handler &handler, ACE_HANDLE handle, ACE_Message_Block &message_block, u_long bytes_to_write, const void* act, ACE_HANDLE event = ACE_INVALID_HANDLE, int priority = 0, int signal_number = ACE_SIGRTMIN); virtual ACE_Asynch_Read_File_Result_Impl *create_asynch_read_file_result (ACE_Handler &handler, ACE_HANDLE handle, ACE_Message_Block &message_block, u_long bytes_to_read, const void* act, u_long offset, u_long offset_high, ACE_HANDLE event = ACE_INVALID_HANDLE, int priority = 0, int signal_number = ACE_SIGRTMIN); virtual ACE_Asynch_Write_File_Result_Impl *create_asynch_write_file_result (ACE_Handler &handler, ACE_HANDLE handle, ACE_Message_Block &message_block, u_long bytes_to_write, const void* act, u_long offset, u_long offset_high, ACE_HANDLE event = ACE_INVALID_HANDLE, int priority = 0, int signal_number = ACE_SIGRTMIN); virtual ACE_Asynch_Accept_Result_Impl *create_asynch_accept_result (ACE_Handler &handler, ACE_HANDLE listen_handle, ACE_HANDLE accept_handle, ACE_Message_Block &message_block, u_long bytes_to_read, const void* act, ACE_HANDLE event = ACE_INVALID_HANDLE, int priority = 0, int signal_number = ACE_SIGRTMIN); virtual ACE_Asynch_Transmit_File_Result_Impl *create_asynch_transmit_file_result (ACE_Handler &handler, ACE_HANDLE socket, ACE_HANDLE file, ACE_Asynch_Transmit_File::Header_And_Trailer *header_and_trailer, u_long bytes_to_write, u_long offset, u_long offset_high, u_long bytes_per_send, u_long flags, const void *act, ACE_HANDLE event = ACE_INVALID_HANDLE, int priority = 0, int signal_number = ACE_SIGRTMIN); virtual ACE_Asynch_Result_Impl *create_asynch_timer (ACE_Handler &handler, const void *act, const ACE_Time_Value &tv, ACE_HANDLE event = ACE_INVALID_HANDLE, int priority = 0, int signal_number = ACE_SIGRTMIN); // Create a timer result object which can be used with the Timer // mechanism of the Proactor. protected: ACE_POSIX_Proactor (void); // Constructor. void application_specific_code (ACE_POSIX_Asynch_Result *asynch_result, u_long bytes_transferred, int success, const void *completion_key, u_long error); // Protect against structured exceptions caused by user code when // dispatching handles. The is not very useful // compared to that can be associated each asynchronous // operation. is implemented right now for the // POSIX Proators. virtual int post_wakeup_completions (int how_many); // Post completions to the completion port so that all // threads can wake up. This is used in conjunction with the // . protected: ACE_Handler wakeup_handler_; // Handler to handle the wakeups. This works in conjunction with the // . }; // Forward declarations. class ACE_AIOCB_Notify_Pipe_Manager; class ACE_Export ACE_POSIX_AIOCB_Proactor : public ACE_POSIX_Proactor { // = TITLE // // This Proactor makes use of Asynchronous I/O Control Blocks // (AIOCB) to notify/get the completion status of the // operations issued. // // = DESCRIPTION // friend class ACE_AIOCB_Notify_Pipe_Manager; // Handler needs to call application specific code. friend class ACE_POSIX_AIOCB_Asynch_Operation; // This class does the registering of Asynch Operations with the // Proactor which is necessary in the AIOCB strategy. // friend class ACE_POSIX_AIOCB_Asynch_Accept_Handler; // For operation class, this helper class takes care // of doing the . public: ACE_POSIX_AIOCB_Proactor (void); // Constructor. virtual ~ACE_POSIX_AIOCB_Proactor (void); // Destructor. virtual int handle_events (ACE_Time_Value &wait_time); // Dispatch a single set of events. If elapses before // any events occur, return 0. Return 1 on success i.e., when a // completion is dispatched, non-zero (-1) on errors and errno is // set accordingly. virtual int handle_events (void); // Block indefinitely until at least one event is dispatched. // Dispatch a single set of events. If elapses before // any events occur, return 0. Return 1 on success i.e., when a // completion is dispatched, non-zero (-1) on errors and errno is // set accordingly. virtual int post_completion (ACE_POSIX_Asynch_Result *result); // Post a result to the completion port of the Proactor. // = Methods used to create Asynch_IO objects. We create the right // objects here in these methods. virtual ACE_Asynch_Read_Stream_Impl *create_asynch_read_stream (void); virtual ACE_Asynch_Write_Stream_Impl *create_asynch_write_stream (void); virtual ACE_Asynch_Read_File_Impl *create_asynch_read_file (void); virtual ACE_Asynch_Write_File_Impl *create_asynch_write_file (void); virtual ACE_Asynch_Accept_Impl *create_asynch_accept (void); virtual ACE_Asynch_Transmit_File_Impl *create_asynch_transmit_file (void); protected: virtual int handle_events (unsigned long milli_seconds); // Dispatch a single set of events. If elapses // before any events occur, return 0. Return 1 if a completion // dispatched. Return -1 on errors. void application_specific_code (ACE_POSIX_Asynch_Result *asynch_result, u_long bytes_transferred, int success, const void *completion_key, u_long error); // We will call the base class's application_specific_code from // here. int register_aio_with_proactor (ACE_POSIX_Asynch_Result *result); // If the ptr is o, just check whether there is any slot free and // return 0 if yes, else return -1. If a valid ptr is passed, keep it // in a free slot. ACE_AIOCB_Notify_Pipe_Manager* aiocb_notify_pipe_manager_; // This class takes care of doing when we use // AIO_CONTROL_BLOCKS strategy. aiocb *aiocb_list_ [ACE_RTSIG_MAX]; // Use an array to keep track of all the aio's issued // currently. We'll limit the array size to Maximum RT signals that // can be queued in a process. This is the upper limit how many aio // operations can be pending at a time. ACE_POSIX_Asynch_Result *result_list_ [ACE_RTSIG_MAX]; // @@ Keeping an extra copy of the here so that we can // avoid dynamic cast when we use the result object calling back // the hook methods. size_t aiocb_list_max_size_; // To maintain the maximum size of the array (list). size_t aiocb_list_cur_size_; // To maintain the current size of the array (list). }; class ACE_Export ACE_POSIX_SIG_Proactor : public ACE_POSIX_Proactor { // = TITLE // // This Proactor implementation does compeltion querying using // POSIX Real Time signals. / call is // used to get the notify/get the completions. // The real-time signals that are going to be used with this // Proactor should be given apriori in the constructor, so that // those signals can be masked from asynchornous delivery. // // = DESCRIPTION // friend class ACE_POSIX_SIG_Asynch_Operation; // This class does the registering of Asynch Operations with the // Proactor which is necessary in the SIG strategy, because we need // to store the signal number. public: ACE_POSIX_SIG_Proactor (void); // This constructor masks only the // real-time signal. Only this signal should be used to issue // asynchronous operations using this Proctor. ACE_POSIX_SIG_Proactor (const sigset_t mask_set); // This constructor should be used to tell the Proactor to mask and // wait for the real-time signals specified in this set. Only these // signals should be used by the asynchronous operations when they // use this Proactor. virtual ~ACE_POSIX_SIG_Proactor (void); // Destructor. virtual int handle_events (ACE_Time_Value &wait_time); // Dispatch a single set of events. If elapses before // any events occur, return 0. Return 1 on success i.e., when a // completion is dispatched, non-zero (-1) on errors and errno is // set accordingly. virtual int handle_events (void); // Block indefinitely until at least one event is dispatched. // Dispatch a single set of events. If elapses before // any events occur, return 0. Return 1 on success i.e., when a // completion is dispatched, non-zero (-1) on errors and errno is // set accordingly. virtual int post_completion (ACE_POSIX_Asynch_Result *result); // Post a result to the completion port of the Proactor. // = Methods used to create Asynch_IO objects. We create the right // objects here in these methods. virtual ACE_Asynch_Read_Stream_Impl *create_asynch_read_stream (void); virtual ACE_Asynch_Write_Stream_Impl *create_asynch_write_stream (void); virtual ACE_Asynch_Read_File_Impl *create_asynch_read_file (void); virtual ACE_Asynch_Write_File_Impl *create_asynch_write_file (void); virtual ACE_Asynch_Accept_Impl *create_asynch_accept (void); virtual ACE_Asynch_Transmit_File_Impl *create_asynch_transmit_file (void); virtual ACE_Asynch_Result_Impl *create_asynch_timer (ACE_Handler &handler, const void *act, const ACE_Time_Value &tv, ACE_HANDLE event = ACE_INVALID_HANDLE, int priority = 0, int signal_number = ACE_SIGRTMIN) ; // If is -1, check with the Proactor and use one of // the signals that is present in the mask set (i.e. the signals for // which the Proactor will be waiting) of the Proactor. If there are // more than one signal, the higher numbered signal will be chosen. protected: int setup_signal_handler (int signal_number) const; // To setup the handler for a real-time signbal. static void null_handler (int signal_number, siginfo_t *info, void *context); // Dummy signal handler. This wont get called at all, since we are // going to be masking the signal in all the threads. int mask_all (void) const; // To mask all the signals in a thread. virtual int handle_events (unsigned long milli_seconds); // Dispatch a single set of events. If elapses // before any events occur, return 0. Return 1 if a completion is // dispatched. Return -1 on errors. sigset_t RT_completion_signals_; // These signals are used for completion notification by the // Proactor. The signals specified while issueing s are stored here in this set. These signals are masked // for a thread when it calls the Proactor::handle_events. }; class ACE_Export ACE_POSIX_Asynch_Timer : public ACE_POSIX_Asynch_Result { // = TITLE // This class is posted to the completion port when a timer // expires. When the of this object is // called, the 's method will be // called. friend class ACE_POSIX_Proactor; friend class ACE_POSIX_SIG_Proactor; // The factory method for this class is with the POSIX_Proactor // class. protected: ACE_POSIX_Asynch_Timer (ACE_Handler &handler, const void *act, const ACE_Time_Value &tv, ACE_HANDLE event = ACE_INVALID_HANDLE, int priority = 0, int signal_number = ACE_SIGRTMIN); // Constructor. virtual ~ACE_POSIX_Asynch_Timer (void) {} // Destructor. virtual void complete (u_long bytes_transferred, int success, const void *completion_key, u_long error = 0); // This method calls the 's handle_timeout method. ACE_Time_Value time_; // Time value requested by caller }; #if defined (__ACE_INLINE__) #include "ace/POSIX_Proactor.i" #endif /* __ACE_INLINE__ */ #endif /* ACE_HAS_AIO_CALLS */ #endif /* ACE_POSIX_PROACTOR_H */