// $Id$ #include "ace/Ping_Socket.h" #if defined (ACE_HAS_ICMP_SUPPORT) && (ACE_HAS_ICMP_SUPPORT == 1) #include "ace/INET_Addr.h" #include "ace/Log_Msg.h" #include "ace/OS_NS_string.h" #include "ace/OS_NS_sys_time.h" #include "ace/OS_NS_sys_socket.h" #if !defined (__ACE_INLINE__) # include "ace/Ping_Socket.inl" #endif /* !__ACE_INLINE__ */ ACE_RCSID (ace, Ping_Socket, "$Id$") ACE_BEGIN_VERSIONED_NAMESPACE_DECL ACE_ALLOC_HOOK_DEFINE (ACE_Ping_Socket) ACE_END_VERSIONED_NAMESPACE_DECL //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Better to arrange some os_include/netinet/ip.h and // os_include/netinet/icmp.h files ? //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- #if !defined (ACE_WIN32) /* * This is where ICMP-related stuff is defined on any sane system... */ #include /**/ #include /**/ #include /**/ #else /* #if ! defined (ACE_WIN32) */ /* * This was a surpise to me... This stuff is not defined anywhere under MSVC. * These values have only been checked for NT4 and Win2K. They were taken from * the MSDN ping.c program and modified. */ #define ICMP_ECHO 8 #define ICMP_ECHOREPLY 0 struct ip { unsigned int ip_hl:4; // length of the header unsigned int version:4; // Version of IP unsigned char tos; // Type of service unsigned short total_len; // total length of the packet unsigned short ident; // unique identifier unsigned short frag_and_flags; // flags unsigned char ip_ttl; // Time to live unsigned char proto; // protocol (TCP, UDP etc) unsigned short checksum; // IP checksum unsigned int sourceIP; unsigned int destIP; }; struct icmp { unsigned char icmp_type; unsigned char icmp_code; // type sub code unsigned short icmp_cksum; unsigned short icmp_id; unsigned short icmp_seq; unsigned long icmp_data; // time data }; #endif /* #if ! defined (ACE_WIN32) */ ACE_BEGIN_VERSIONED_NAMESPACE_DECL int const ICMP_MIN = 8; // Minimal size of ICMP packet, header only int const ICMP_DATA_LENGTH = 56; // For ICMP data with Echo request ACE_Time_Value const ACE_Ping_Socket::time_default_ (0, 500000); void ACE_Ping_Socket::dump (void) const { ACE_TRACE ("ACE_Ping_Socket::dump"); } ACE_Ping_Socket::ACE_Ping_Socket (void) { ACE_TRACE ("ACE_Ping_Socket::ACE_Ping_Socket"); } ACE_Ping_Socket::ACE_Ping_Socket (ACE_Addr const & local, int protocol, int reuse_addr) : sequence_number_ (0), connected_socket_ (0) { ACE_TRACE ("ACE_Ping_Socket::ACE_Ping_Socket"); ACE_OS::memset (icmp_send_buff_, 0, sizeof (icmp_send_buff_)); ACE_OS::memset (icmp_recv_buff_, 0, sizeof (icmp_recv_buff_)); if (this->open (local, protocol, reuse_addr) == -1) { ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, ACE_LIB_TEXT ("ACE_Ping_Socket::ACE_Ping_Socket: %p\n"), ACE_LIB_TEXT ("open"))); return; } // trying to increase the size of socket receive buffer - some // protection from multiple responces e.g., when falling to the // multi-cast address int size = 64 * 1024; ACE_SOCK::set_option (SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVBUF, (void *) &size, sizeof (size)); } ACE_Ping_Socket::~ACE_Ping_Socket (void) { ACE_TRACE ("ACE_Ping_Socket::~ACE_Ping_Socket"); } int ACE_Ping_Socket::open (ACE_Addr const & local, int protocol, int reuse_addr) { ACE_TRACE ("ACE_Ping_Socket::open"); return inherited::open (local, protocol, reuse_addr); } int ACE_Ping_Socket::receive_echo_reply (ACE_Time_Value const * timeout) { ACE_TRACE ("ACE_Ping_Socket::receive_echo_reply"); ACE_Time_Value before = ACE_OS::gettimeofday (); ACE_Time_Value after; ACE_Time_Value time_left; ACE_Time_Value *wait_time = const_cast (timeout); const ACE_Time_Value half_millisec (0, 500); ACE_OS::memset (icmp_recv_buff_, 0, sizeof icmp_recv_buff_); do { int rval_recv = inherited::recv (icmp_recv_buff_, sizeof icmp_recv_buff_, 0, wait_time); if (rval_recv < 0) { if (errno == EINTR) { after = ACE_OS::gettimeofday (); time_left = *timeout - after + before; // If more than .5 ms left, wait on select() if (time_left > half_millisec) { wait_time = &time_left; // coming back to wait on select() continue; } else { break; } } return -1; } else if (!this->process_incoming_dgram (icmp_recv_buff_, rval_recv)) { return 0; //= success } else { after = ACE_OS::gettimeofday (); if ((after - before) >= *timeout) { errno = ETIMEDOUT; break; } // new timeout, we are coming back to sit on select *wait_time = *timeout - after + before; } } while (*wait_time >= half_millisec); errno = ETIMEDOUT; return -1; } int ACE_Ping_Socket::process_incoming_dgram (char * ptr, ssize_t len) { unsigned char hlen1; int icmplen; struct ip * ip; struct icmp * icmp; ip = (struct ip *) ptr; // start of IP header // Warning... using knowledge of IP header layout. This avoids a maze of // #if blocks for various systems. The first byte of the header has the // IP version in the left-most 4 bits and the length in the other 4 bits. #if 0 hlen1 = ip->ip_hl; // length of IP header #else hlen1 = static_cast(*ptr); hlen1 <<= 4; // Bump the version off hlen1 >>= 4; // Zero-extended length remains #endif hlen1 <<= 2; // Now it counts bytes, not words icmp = (struct icmp *) (ptr + hlen1); // start of ICMP header if ((icmplen = len - hlen1) < ICMP_MIN) { ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, ACE_LIB_TEXT ("(%P|%t) ACE_Ping_Socket::process_incoming_dgram") ACE_LIB_TEXT (" - ICMP length is %d < 8.\n"), icmplen)); ACE_ERROR_RETURN ((LM_ERROR, ACE_LIB_TEXT ("(%P|%t) ACE_Ping_Socket::process_incoming_dgram - ") ACE_LIB_TEXT ("The ICMP header either not received or is corrupted.")), -1); } if (icmp->icmp_type == ICMP_ECHOREPLY) { ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, ACE_LIB_TEXT ("(%P|%t) ACE_Ping_Socket::process_incoming_dgram") ACE_LIB_TEXT (" - ICMP_ECHOREPLY received.\n"))); if (icmp->icmp_id != getpid ()) { ACE_ERROR_RETURN ((LM_ERROR, ACE_LIB_TEXT ("(%P|%t) ACE_Ping_Socket::") ACE_LIB_TEXT ("process_incoming_dgram ") ACE_LIB_TEXT ("- The ICMP header received is a reply") ACE_LIB_TEXT (" to request of another process.")), -1); } if (icmplen < 16) { ACE_ERROR_RETURN ((LM_ERROR, ACE_LIB_TEXT ("(%P|%t) ACE_Ping_Socket::") ACE_LIB_TEXT ("process_incoming_dgram - ICMP length ") ACE_LIB_TEXT ("is %d < 16."), icmplen), -1); } ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, ACE_LIB_TEXT ("(%P|%t) ACE::Ping_Socket::process_incoming_dgram - ") ACE_LIB_TEXT ("received ") ACE_LIB_TEXT ("ICMP datagram with length of %d bytes (not counting ") ACE_LIB_TEXT ("IP-header): seq=%u, ttl=%d.\n"), icmplen, icmp->icmp_seq, ip->ip_ttl)); return 0; //= success } ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, ACE_LIB_TEXT ("(%P|%t) ACE::Ping_Socket::process_incoming_dgram - ") ACE_LIB_TEXT ("received datagram that is not ICMP_ECHOREPLY.\n"))); return -1; } int ACE_Ping_Socket::send_echo_check (ACE_INET_Addr &remote_addr, int to_connect) { if (this->get_handle () == ACE_INVALID_HANDLE) { errno = EBADF; return -1; } sockaddr_in *addr_connect = 0; addr_connect = (sockaddr_in *) remote_addr.get_addr (); /* * Nulling port field to prevent strange behavior, when a raw * socket is "connected" to a sockaddr_in with a non-nulled port. */ ACE_OS::memset ((void*) &addr_connect->sin_port, 0, sizeof (addr_connect->sin_port)); // to connect the socket if (to_connect && !this->connected_socket_) { if (ACE_OS::connect (this->get_handle (), (sockaddr*) addr_connect, remote_addr.get_size ()) == -1) { if (errno != EINTR) return -1; } this->connected_socket_ = 1; } ACE_OS::memset (this->icmp_send_buff_, 0, sizeof this->icmp_send_buff_); int datalen = ICMP_DATA_LENGTH; struct icmp *_icmp; _icmp = (struct icmp *) this->icmp_send_buff_; _icmp->icmp_type = ICMP_ECHO; _icmp->icmp_code = 0; _icmp->icmp_id = getpid (); _icmp->icmp_seq = sequence_number_++; #if defined (ACE_WIN32) _icmp->icmp_data = GetTickCount (); #else /* #if defined (ACE_WIN32) */ gettimeofday ((struct timeval *) &_icmp->icmp_data, 0); #endif /* #if defined (ACE_WIN32) */ int length_icmp = ICMP_MIN + datalen; // checksum ICMP header and data. _icmp->icmp_cksum = 0; _icmp->icmp_cksum = inherited::calculate_checksum ((u_short *) _icmp, length_icmp); int rval_send = -1; if ((rval_send = send ((void const *) icmp_send_buff_, length_icmp, remote_addr)) != length_icmp) { return -1; } return 0; } int ACE_Ping_Socket::make_echo_check (ACE_INET_Addr & remote_addr, int to_connect, ACE_Time_Value const * timeout) { int rval_send = -1; if ((rval_send = this->send_echo_check (remote_addr, to_connect)) == -1) return -1; ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, ACE_LIB_TEXT ("(%P|%t) ACE_Ping_Socket::make_echo_check - sent %d.\n"), rval_send)); return this->receive_echo_reply (timeout); } ACE_END_VERSIONED_NAMESPACE_DECL #endif /* ACE_HAS_ICMP_SUPPORT == 1 */