/* -*- C++ -*- */

 *  @file    SOCK_Stream.h
 *  $Id$
 *  @author Doug Schmidt

#include "ace/pre.h"

#include "ace/SOCK_IO.h"

#if !defined (ACE_LACKS_PRAGMA_ONCE)
# pragma once

#include "ace/INET_Addr.h"

 * @class ACE_SOCK_Stream
 * @brief Defines the methods in the <ACE_SOCK_Stream> abstraction.
 * This adds additional wrapper methods atop the <ACE_SOCK_IO>
 * class.
 * <buf> is the buffer to write from or receive into.
 * <len> is the number of bytes to transfer.
 * The <timeout> parameter in the following methods indicates how
 * long to blocking trying to transfer data.  If <timeout> == 0,
 * then the call behaves as a normal send/recv call, i.e., for
 * blocking sockets, the call will block until action is possible;
 * for non-blocking sockets, EWOULDBLOCK will be returned if no
 * action is immediately possible.
 * If <timeout> != 0, the call will wait for data to arrive no longer
 * than the relative time specified in *<timeout>.
 * The "_n()" I/O methods keep looping until all the data has been
 * transferred.  These methods also work for sockets in non-blocking
 * mode i.e., they keep looping on EWOULDBLOCK.  <timeout> is used
 * to make sure we keep making progress, i.e., the same timeout
 * value is used for every I/O operation in the loop and the timeout
 * is not counted down.
 * The return values for the "*_n()" methods match the return values
 * from the non "_n()" methods and are specified as follows:
 * - On complete transfer, the number of bytes transferred is returned.
 * - On timeout, -1 is returned, errno == ETIME.
 * - On error, -1 is returned, errno is set to appropriate error.
 * - On EOF, 0 is returned, errno is irrelevant.
 * On partial transfers, i.e., if any data is transferred before
 * timeout/error/EOF, <bytes_transferred> will contain the number of
 * bytes transferred.
 * Methods with <iovec> parameter are I/O vector variants of the I/O
 * operations.
 * Methods with the extra <flags> argument will always result in
 * <send> getting called. Methods without the extra <flags> argument
 * will result in <send> getting called on Win32 platforms, and
 * <write> getting called on non-Win32 platforms.
class ACE_Export ACE_SOCK_Stream : public ACE_SOCK_IO
  // Initialization and termination methods.
  /// Constructor.
  ACE_SOCK_Stream (void);

  /// Constructor (sets the underlying <ACE_HANDLE> with <h>).

  /// Destructor.
  ~ACE_SOCK_Stream (void);

  // = I/O functions.

  /// Try to recv exactly <len> bytes into <buf> from <handle>.
  ssize_t recv_n (void *buf,
                  size_t len,
                  int flags,
                  const ACE_Time_Value *timeout = 0,
                  size_t *bytes_transferred = 0) const;

  /// Try to recv exactly <len> bytes into <buf> from <handle>.
  ssize_t recv_n (void *buf,
                  size_t len,
                  const ACE_Time_Value *timeout = 0,
                  size_t *bytes_transferred = 0) const;

  /// Receive an <iovec> of size <iovcnt> to the connected socket.
  ssize_t recvv_n (iovec iov[],
                   size_t iovcnt,
                   const ACE_Time_Value *timeout = 0,
                   size_t *bytes_transferred = 0) const;

  /// Try to send exactly <len> bytes into <buf> from <handle>.
  ssize_t send_n (const void *buf,
                  size_t len,
                  int flags,
                  const ACE_Time_Value *timeout = 0,
                  size_t *bytes_transferred = 0) const;

  /// Try to send exactly <len> bytes into <buf> from <handle>.
  ssize_t send_n (const void *buf,
                  size_t len,
                  const ACE_Time_Value *timeout = 0,
                  size_t *bytes_transferred = 0) const;

  /// Send an <iovec> of size <iovcnt> to the connected socket.
  ssize_t sendv_n (const iovec iov[],
                   size_t iovcnt,
                   const ACE_Time_Value *timeout = 0,
                   size_t *bytes_transferred = 0) const;

  // = Send/receive ``urgent'' data (see TCP specs...).
  ssize_t send_urg (const void *ptr,
                    size_t len = sizeof (char),
                    const ACE_Time_Value *timeout = 0) const;

  ssize_t recv_urg (void *ptr,
                    size_t len = sizeof (char),
                    const ACE_Time_Value *timeout = 0) const;

  // = Selectively close endpoints.
  /// Close down the reader.
  int close_reader (void);

  /// Close down the writer.
  int close_writer (void);

   * Close down the socket (we need this to make things work correctly
   * on Win32, which requires use to do a <close_writer> before doing
   * the close to avoid losing data).
  int close (void);

  // = Meta-type info
  typedef ACE_INET_Addr PEER_ADDR;

  /// Dump the state of an object.
  void dump (void) const;

  /// Declare the dynamic allocation hooks.

#include "ace/SOCK_Stream.i"

#include "ace/post.h"
#endif /* ACE_SOCK_STREAM_H */