/* -*- C++ -*- */ // $Id$ // ============================================================================ // // = LIBRARY // ace // // = FILENAME // Stats.h // // = AUTHORS // David L. Levine // // ============================================================================ #if !defined (ACE_STATS_H) #define ACE_STATS_H #include "ace/ACE.h" class ACE_Export ACE_Stats_Value { // = TITLE // Helper class for ACE_Stats. // // = DESCRIPTION // Container struct for 64-bit signed quantity and its // precision. It would be nicer to use a fixed-point class, but // this is sufficient. Users typically don't need to use this // class directly; see ACE_Stats below. public: ACE_Stats_Value (const u_int precision); // Constructor, which requires precision in terms of number of // decimal digits. Don't use more than 9! u_int precision (void) const; // Accessor for precision. void whole (const ACE_UINT32); // Set the whole_ field. ACE_UINT32 whole (void) const; // Accessor for the whole_ field. void fractional (const ACE_UINT32); // Set the fractional_ field. ACE_UINT32 fractional (void) const; // Accessor for the fractional_ field. ACE_UINT32 fractional_field (void) const; // Calculates the maximum value of the fractional portion, given its // precision. void scaled_value (ACE_UINT64 &) const; // Access the value as an _unsigned_ 64 bit quantity. It scales the // value up by decimal digits, so that no precision will // be lost. It assumes that is >= 0. private: ACE_UINT32 whole_; // The integer portion of the value. ACE_UINT32 fractional_; // The fractional portion of the value. const u_int precision_; // The number of decimal digits of precision represented by // . ACE_UNIMPLEMENTED_FUNC (ACE_Stats_Value (void)) }; class ACE_Export ACE_Stats { // = TITLE // Provides simple statistical analysis. // // = DESCRIPTION // Simple statistical analysis package. Prominent features are: // 1) It does not use any floating point arithmetic. // 2) It handles positive and/or negative sample values. The // sample value type is ACE_INT32. // 3) It uses 64 bit unsigned, but not 64 bit signed, quantities // internally. // 4) It checks for overflow of internal state variables. // 5) It has no static variables of other than built-in types. // // Example usage: // ACE_Stats stats; // for (u_int i = 0; i < n; ++i) // { // const ACE_UINT32 sample = /* ... */; // stats.sample (sample); // } // stats.print_summary (3); public: ACE_Stats (void); // Default constructor. int sample (const ACE_INT32 value); // Provide a new sample. Returns 0 on success, -1 if internal overflow. // If internal overflow is reached on this or any previous call, the // state is not changed. Therefore, print_summary () can still be used. ACE_UINT32 samples (void) const; // Access the number of samples provided so far. ACE_INT32 min_value (void) const; // Value of the minimum sample provided so far. ACE_INT32 max_value (void) const; // Value of the maximum sample provided so far. void mean (ACE_Stats_Value &mean, const ACE_UINT32 scale_factor = 1) const; // Access the mean of all samples provided so far. The fractional // part is to the specified number of digits. E.g., 3 fractional // digits specifies that fractional part is in thousandths. void std_dev (ACE_Stats_Value &std_dev, const ACE_UINT32 scale_factor = 1) const; // Access the standard deviation, whole and fractional parts. See // description of method for argument descriptions. int print_summary (const u_int precision, const ACE_UINT32 scale_factor = 1, FILE * = stdout) const; // Print summary statistics. If scale_factor is not 1, then the // results are divided by it, i.e., each of the samples is scaled // down by it. Returns -1 if internal overflow had been reached. // The statistics will still be valid, but only for the samples // received prior to the overflow. void reset (); // Initialize internal state. void dump (void) const; // Print summary statictics to stdout. static void quotient (const ACE_UINT64 dividend, const ACE_UINT32 divisor, ACE_Stats_Value "ient); // Utility division function, for ACE_UINT64 dividend. static void quotient (const ACE_Stats_Value ÷nd, const ACE_UINT32 divisor, ACE_Stats_Value "ient); // Utility division function, for ACE_Stats_Value dividend. static void square_root (const ACE_UINT64 n, ACE_Stats_Value &square_root); // Sqrt function, which uses an oversimplified version of Newton's // method. It's not fast, but it doesn't require floating point // support. private: u_int overflow_; // Internal indication of whether there has been overflow. ACE_UINT32 samples_; // Number of samples. ACE_INT32 min_; // Minimum sample value. ACE_INT32 max_; // Maximum sample value. ACE_UINT64 sum_; // Running sum. ACE_UINT64 sum_of_squares_; // Running sum of squares. }; #if defined (__ACE_INLINE__) #include "ace/Stats.i" #endif /* __ACE_INLINE__ */ #endif /* ! ACE_STATS_H */