%{ // $Id$ // Sample lexical analysis for regular expression subset. Must be // compiled with FLEX and an ANSI C++ compiler. // Lexical tokens values defined by YACC. #include "ace/Svc_Conf.h" #include "ace/Svc_Conf_Tokens.h" #include "ace/Svc_Conf_Lexer_Guard.h" ACE_RCSID (ace, Svc_Conf_l, "$Id$") // Keeps track of the current line for debugging output. int yylineno = 1; #define token(x) x %} %s PARAMETERS %s NORMAL letter [a-zA-Z_] letter_or_digit [a-zA-Z_0-9] digit [0-9] ident {letter}{letter_or_digit}* pathname ([A-Za-z\%]:)?[a-zA-Z_0-9/\%\.\\~-]+ symbol [ -~] string (\"{symbol}*\"|\'{symbol}*\') white_space [ \t] newline \n carrage_retn \r other . %% ^#{other}*$ ; /* EMPTY */ dynamic { return token (ACE_DYNAMIC); } static { return token (ACE_STATIC); } suspend { return token (ACE_SUSPEND); } resume { return token (ACE_RESUME); } remove { return token (ACE_REMOVE); } stream { return token (ACE_USTREAM); } Module { return token (ACE_MODULE_T); } Service_Object { return token (ACE_SVC_OBJ_T); } STREAM { return token (ACE_STREAM_T); } active { return token (ACE_ACTIVE); } inactive { return token (ACE_INACTIVE); } ":" { return token (':'); } "*" { return token ('*'); } "(" { return token ('('); } ")" { return token (')'); } "{" { return token ('{'); } "}" { return token ('}'); } {string} { // Check for first type of string, i.e., // "double quotes" delimited. ACE_TCHAR *s = ACE_OS::strrchr (yytext, '"'); if (s == 0) // Check for second type of string, i.e., // 'single quotes' delimited. s = ACE_OS::strrchr (yytext, '\''); ACE_ASSERT (s != 0); // Eliminate the opening and closing double or // single quotes. *s = '\0'; yyleng -= 1; yylval->ident_ = ACE_SVC_CONF_PARAM->obstack.copy (yytext + 1, yyleng); return token (ACE_STRING); } {ident} { yylval->ident_ = ACE_SVC_CONF_PARAM->obstack.copy (yytext, yyleng); return token (ACE_IDENT); } {pathname} { yylval->ident_ = ACE_SVC_CONF_PARAM->obstack.copy (yytext, yyleng); return token (ACE_PATHNAME); } {white_space}+ ; /* EMPTY */ {carrage_retn} ; /* EMPTY */ {newline} { ACE_SVC_CONF_PARAM->yylineno++; ace_yylineno++; } {other} { ACE_ERROR ((LM_ERROR, ACE_LIB_TEXT ("unknown character = (%d"), *yytext)); if (ACE_OS::ace_isprint (*yytext)) ACE_ERROR ((LM_ERROR, ACE_LIB_TEXT ("|%c"), *yytext)); ACE_ERROR ((LM_ERROR, ACE_LIB_TEXT (")\n"))); } <> { yyterminate(); } %% int yywrap (void) { ACE_OS::fflush (yyin); yytext[0] = '#'; yyleng = 0; return 1; } void yy_push_buffer (FILE *file, yy_buffer_state *&buffer) { // External synchronization is required. if (buffer == 0) buffer = yy_create_buffer (file, YY_BUF_SIZE); yy_switch_to_buffer (buffer); } void yy_push_buffer (const ACE_TCHAR *directive, yy_buffer_state *&buffer) { // External synchronization is required. // yyparse() may invoke yylex() multiple times when parsing // a single directive. Prevent a new buffer from created during // each call to yylex(). if (YY_CURRENT_BUFFER != 0 && directive == YY_CURRENT_BUFFER->yy_ch_buf) return; if (buffer == 0) { // yy_scan_string() already switches the buffer so there is // no need to explicitly make the switch. buffer = yy_scan_string (directive); } else yy_switch_to_buffer (buffer); } void yy_pop_buffer (yy_buffer_state *buffer) { // External synchronization is required. yy_switch_to_buffer (buffer); }