%{ // $Id$ #define ACE_BUILD_DLL #include "ace/ARGV.h" #include "ace/Svc_Conf.h" #include "ace/Module.h" #include "ace/Stream.h" ACE_RCSID(ace, Svc_Conf_y, "$Id$") // Prototypes. static ACE_Module_Type *ace_get_module (ACE_Static_Node *str_rec, ACE_Static_Node *svc_type); static ACE_Module_Type *ace_get_module (ACE_Static_Node *str_rec, const char *svc_name); #define YYDEBUG_LEXER_TEXT (yytext[yyleng] = '\0', yytext) // Force the pretty debugging code to compile. #define YYDEBUG 1 // Efficient memory allocation technique. ACE_Obstack *ace_obstack; %} %token ACE_DYNAMIC ACE_STATIC ACE_SUSPEND ACE_RESUME ACE_REMOVE ACE_USTREAM %token ACE_MODULE_T ACE_STREAM_T ACE_SVC_OBJ_T ACE_ACTIVE ACE_INACTIVE %token ACE_PATHNAME ACE_IDENT ACE_STRING %token ACE_LPAREN ACE_RPAREN ACE_LBRACE ACE_RBRACE ACE_STAR ACE_COLON %start svc_config_entries %type ACE_IDENT ACE_STRING ACE_PATHNAME pathname parameters_opt %type type status %type dynamic static suspend resume remove module_list stream %type stream_modules module svc_config_entry %type stream_ops %type svc_location %type svc_initializer %% svc_config_entries : svc_config_entries svc_config_entry { if ($2 != 0) { $2->apply (); delete $2; } ace_obstack->release (); } | svc_config_entries error { ace_obstack->release (); } | /* EMPTY */ ; svc_config_entry : dynamic | static | suspend | resume | remove | stream ; dynamic : ACE_DYNAMIC svc_location parameters_opt { if ($2 != 0) $$ = new ACE_Dynamic_Node ($2, $3); else $$ = 0; } ; static : ACE_STATIC ACE_IDENT parameters_opt { $$ = new ACE_Static_Node ($2, $3); } ; suspend : ACE_SUSPEND ACE_IDENT { $$ = new ACE_Suspend_Node ($2); } ; resume : ACE_RESUME ACE_IDENT { $$ = new ACE_Resume_Node ($2); } ; remove : ACE_REMOVE ACE_IDENT { $$ = new ACE_Remove_Node ($2); } ; stream : ACE_USTREAM stream_ops stream_modules { $$ = new ACE_Stream_Node ($2, $3); } | ACE_USTREAM ACE_IDENT { $$ = new ACE_Static_Node ($2); } stream_modules { $$ = new ACE_Dummy_Node ($3, $4); } ; stream_ops : dynamic { } | static { } ; stream_modules : ACE_LBRACE { // Initialize left context... $$ = $0; } module_list ACE_RBRACE { $$ = $3; } | /* EMPTY */ { $$ = 0; } ; module_list : module_list module { if ($2 != 0) { $2->link ($1); $$ = $2; } } | /* EMPTY */ { $$ = 0; } ; module : dynamic { ACE_Static_Node *svc_type = $1; if (svc_type != 0) { ACE_Static_Node *module = $-1; ACE_ARGV args (ASYS_WIDE_STRING (svc_type->parameters ())); ACE_Module_Type *mt = ace_get_module (module, svc_type); ACE_Stream_Type *st = ACE_dynamic_cast (ACE_Stream_Type *, ACE_const_cast (ACE_Service_Type_Impl *, module->record ()->type ())); if (mt->init (args.argc (), args.argv ()) == -1 || st->push (mt) == -1) { ACE_ERROR ((LM_ERROR, ASYS_TEXT ("dynamic initialization failed for Module %s\n"), ASYS_WIDE_STRING (svc_type->name ()))); yyerrno++; } } } | static { ACE_Module_Type *mt = ace_get_module ($-1, $1->name ()); if (((ACE_Stream_Type *) ($-1)->record ()->type ())->push (mt) == -1) { ACE_ERROR ((LM_ERROR, ASYS_TEXT ("Problem with static\n"))); yyerrno++; } } | suspend { ACE_Module_Type *mt = ace_get_module ($-1, $1->name ()); if (mt != 0) mt->suspend (); } | resume { ACE_Module_Type *mt = ace_get_module ($-1, $1->name ()); if (mt != 0) mt->resume (); } | remove { ACE_Static_Node *stream = $-1; ACE_Static_Node *module = $1; ACE_Module_Type *mt = ace_get_module (stream, module->name ()); ACE_Stream_Type *st = ACE_dynamic_cast (ACE_Stream_Type *, ACE_const_cast (ACE_Service_Type_Impl *, stream->record ()->type ())); if (mt != 0 && st->remove (mt) == -1) { ACE_ERROR ((LM_ERROR, ASYS_TEXT ("cannot remove Module_Type %s from STREAM_Type %s\n"), ASYS_WIDE_STRING (module->name ()), ASYS_WIDE_STRING (stream->name ()))); yyerrno++; } } ; svc_location : ACE_IDENT type svc_initializer status { u_int flags = ACE_Service_Type::DELETE_THIS | ($3->dispose () == 0 ? 0 : ACE_Service_Type::DELETE_OBJ); ACE_Service_Object_Exterminator gobbler = 0; void *sym = $3->symbol (&gobbler); if (sym != 0) { ACE_Service_Type_Impl *stp = ace_create_service_type (ASYS_WIDE_STRING ($1), $2, sym, flags, gobbler); $$ = new ACE_Service_Type (ASYS_WIDE_STRING ($1), stp, $3->handle (), $4); } else { ACE_ERROR ((LM_ERROR, ASYS_TEXT ("Unable to find service: %s\n"), ASYS_WIDE_STRING ($1))); ++yyerrno; $$ = 0; } delete $3; } ; status : ACE_ACTIVE { $$ = 1; } | ACE_INACTIVE { $$ = 0; } | /* EMPTY */ { $$ = 1; } ; svc_initializer : pathname ACE_COLON ACE_IDENT { $$ = new ACE_Object_Node ($1, $3); } | pathname ACE_COLON ACE_IDENT ACE_LPAREN ACE_RPAREN { $$ = new ACE_Function_Node ($1, $3); } | ACE_COLON ACE_IDENT ACE_LPAREN ACE_RPAREN { $$ = new ACE_Static_Function_Node ($2); } ; type : ACE_MODULE_T ACE_STAR { $$ = ACE_MODULE_T; } | ACE_SVC_OBJ_T ACE_STAR { $$ = ACE_SVC_OBJ_T; } | ACE_STREAM_T ACE_STAR { $$ = ACE_STREAM_T; } ; parameters_opt : ACE_STRING | /* EMPTY */ { $$ = 0; } ; pathname : ACE_PATHNAME | ACE_IDENT ; %% // Prints the error string to standard output. Cleans up the error // messages. void yyerror (const char *s) { #if defined (ACE_NLOGGING) ACE_UNUSED_ARG (s); #endif /* ACE_NLOGGING */ ACE_ERROR ((LM_ERROR, ASYS_TEXT ("[error %d] on line %d: %s\n"), ++yyerrno, yylineno, ASYS_WIDE_STRING (s))); } // Note that SRC_REC represents left context, which is the STREAM * // record. static ACE_Module_Type * ace_get_module (ACE_Static_Node *str_rec, const char *svc_name) { const ACE_Service_Type *sr = str_rec->record (); const ACE_Service_Type_Impl *type = sr->type (); ACE_Stream_Type *st = sr == 0 ? 0 : ACE_dynamic_cast (ACE_Stream_Type *, ACE_const_cast (ACE_Service_Type_Impl *, type)); ACE_Module_Type *mt = st == 0 ? 0 : st->find (ASYS_WIDE_STRING (svc_name)); if (sr == 0 || st == 0 || mt == 0) { ACE_ERROR ((LM_ERROR, ASYS_TEXT ("cannot locate Module_Type %s in STREAM_Type %s\n"), ASYS_WIDE_STRING (svc_name), ASYS_WIDE_STRING (str_rec->name ()))); yyerrno++; } return mt; } static ACE_Module_Type * ace_get_module (ACE_Static_Node *str_rec, ACE_Static_Node *svc_type) { const ACE_Service_Type *sr = str_rec->record (); const ACE_Service_Type_Impl *type = sr->type (); ACE_Stream_Type *st = sr == 0 ? 0 : (ACE_Stream_Type *) type; const ACE_Service_Type *sv = svc_type->record (); type = sv->type (); ACE_Module_Type *mt = (ACE_Module_Type *) type; const char *module_type_name = svc_type->name (); if (sr == 0 || st == 0 || mt == 0) { ACE_ERROR ((LM_ERROR, ASYS_TEXT ("cannot locate Module_Type %s or STREAM_Type %s\n"), ASYS_WIDE_STRING (module_type_name), ASYS_WIDE_STRING (str_rec->name ()))); yyerrno++; } // Make sure that the Module has the same name as the // Module_Type object from the svc.conf file. ACE_Module *mp = (ACE_Module *) mt->object (); if (ACE_OS::strcmp (mp->name (), ASYS_WIDE_STRING (module_type_name)) != 0) { ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, ASYS_TEXT ("warning: assigning Module_Type name %s to Module %s since names differ\n"), ASYS_WIDE_STRING (module_type_name), mp->name ())); mp->name (ASYS_WIDE_STRING (module_type_name)); } return mt; } ACE_Service_Type_Impl * ace_create_service_type (const ASYS_TCHAR *name, int type, void *symbol, u_int flags, ACE_Service_Object_Exterminator gobbler) { ACE_Service_Type_Impl *stp = 0; // Note, the only place we need to put a case statement. This is // also the place where we'd put the RTTI tests, if the compiler // actually supported them! switch (type) { case ACE_SVC_OBJ_T: ACE_NEW_RETURN (stp, ACE_Service_Object_Type ((ACE_Service_Object *) symbol, name, flags, gobbler), 0); break; case ACE_MODULE_T: ACE_NEW_RETURN (stp, ACE_Module_Type (symbol, name, flags), 0); break; case ACE_STREAM_T: ACE_NEW_RETURN (stp, ACE_Stream_Type (symbol, name, flags), 0); break; default: ACE_ERROR ((LM_ERROR, ASYS_TEXT ("unknown case\n"))); yyerrno++; break; } return stp; } #if defined (DEBUGGING) // Current line number. int yylineno = 1; // Name given on the command-line to envoke the program. char *program_name; // Main driver program. int main (int argc, char *argv[]) { yyin = stdin; ace_obstack = new ACE_Obstack; // Try to reopen any filename argument to use YYIN. if (argc > 1 && (yyin = freopen (argv[1], "r", stdin)) == 0) (void) ::fprintf (stderr, "usage: %s [file]\n", argv[0]), exit (1); return yyparse (); } #endif /* DEBUGGING */