/* -*- C++ -*- */ // $Id$ // ============================================================================ // // = LIBRARY // ace // // = FILENAME // Thread_Manager.h // // = AUTHOR // Doug Schmidt // // ============================================================================ #if !defined (ACE_THREAD_MANAGER_H) #define ACE_THREAD_MANAGER_H #include "ace/Thread.h" #include "ace/Synch.h" // Forward declarations. class ACE_Task_Base; class ACE_Thread_Manager; class ACE_Export ACE_Thread_Descriptor // = Title // Information for controlling threads that run under the control // of the . { friend class ACE_Thread_Manager; public: // = Initialization method. ACE_Thread_Descriptor (void); // = Accessor methods. ACE_thread_t self (void); // Unique thread id. void self (ACE_hthread_t &); // Unique handle to thread (used by Win32 and AIX). int grp_id (void); // Group ID. ACE_Thread_State state (void); // Current state of the thread. ACE_Task_Base *task_; // Pointer to an ACE_Task; void dump (void) const; // Dump the state of an object. int at_exit (void *object, ACE_CLEANUP_FUNC cleanup_hook, void *param); // Register an object (or array) for cleanup at thread termination. // "cleanup_hook" points to a (global, or static member) function // that is called for the object or array when it to be destroyed. // It may perform any necessary cleanup specific for that object or // its class. "param" is passed as the second parameter to the // "cleanup_hook" function; the first parameter is the object (or // array) to be destroyed. Returns 0 on success, non-zero on // failure: -1 if virtual memory is exhausted or 1 if the object (or // arrayt) had already been registered. private: ACE_thread_t thr_id_; // Unique thread ID. ACE_hthread_t thr_handle_; // Unique handle to thread (used by Win32 and AIX). int grp_id_; // Group ID. ACE_Thread_State thr_state_; // Current state of the thread. ACE_Cleanup_Info cleanup_info_; // Stores the cleanup info for a thread. // @@ Note, this should be generalized to be a stack of // s. }; // Forward declaration. class ACE_Thread_Control; class ACE_Export ACE_Thread_Manager // = TITLE // Manages a pool of threads. // // = DESCRIPTION // This class allows operations on groups of threads atomically. { friend class ACE_Thread_Control; public: enum { DEFAULT_SIZE = 100 }; // = Initialization and termination methods. ACE_Thread_Manager (size_t size = ACE_Thread_Manager::DEFAULT_SIZE); virtual ~ACE_Thread_Manager (void); static ACE_Thread_Manager *instance (void); // Get pointer to a process-wide . static ACE_Thread_Manager *instance (ACE_Thread_Manager *); // Set pointer to a process-wide and return // existing pointer. static void close_singleton (void); // Delete the dynamically allocated Singleton int open (size_t size = DEFAULT_SIZE); // Initialize the manager with room for SIZE threads. int close (void); // Release all resources. int spawn (ACE_THR_FUNC func, void *args = 0, long flags = THR_NEW_LWP, ACE_thread_t * = 0, ACE_hthread_t *t_handle = 0, long priority = ACE_DEFAULT_THREAD_PRIORITY, int grp_id = -1, void *stack = 0, size_t stack_size = 0); // Create a new thread, which executes . // Returns: on success a unique group id that can be used to control // other threads added to the same group. On failure, returns -1. int spawn_n (size_t n, ACE_THR_FUNC func, void *args = 0, long flags = THR_NEW_LWP, long priority = ACE_DEFAULT_THREAD_PRIORITY, int grp_id = -1, ACE_Task_Base *task = 0, ACE_hthread_t thread_handles[] = 0); // Create N new threads, all of which execute . // Returns: on success a unique group id that can be used to control // all of the threads in the same group. On failure, returns -1. int spawn_n (ACE_thread_t thread_ids[], size_t n, ACE_THR_FUNC func, void *args, long flags, long priority = ACE_DEFAULT_THREAD_PRIORITY, int grp_id = -1, void *stack[] = 0, size_t stack_size[] = 0, ACE_hthread_t thread_handles[] = 0); // Spawn N new threads, which execute with argument . // If != 0 the thread_ids of successfully spawned // threads will be placed into the buffer (which must // be the same size as ). If != 0 it is assumed to be an // array of pointers to the base of the stacks to use for the // threads being spawned. If != 0 it is assumed to be // an array of values indicating how big each of the // corresponding s are. If != 0 it is // assumed to be an array of thread_handles that will be // assigned the values of the thread handles being spawned. Returns // -1 on failure ( will explain...), otherwise returns the // group id of the threads. void *exit (void *status, int do_thread_exit = 1); // Called to clean up when a thread exits. If is // non-0 then is called to exit the thread, in // which case is passed as the exit value of the thread. int wait (const ACE_Time_Value *timeout = 0); // Block until there are no more threads running in the // or expires. Note that is // treated as "absolute" time. Returns 0 on success and -1 on // failure. int wait_grp (int grp_id); // Block until there are no more threads running in a group. // Returns 0 on success and -1 on failure. // = Accessors for ACE_Thread_Descriptors. int thread_descriptor (ACE_thread_t, ACE_Thread_Descriptor &); // Return the thread descriptor (indexed by ACE_thread_t). Returns 0 on // success and -1 if not found. int hthread_descriptor (ACE_hthread_t, ACE_Thread_Descriptor &); // Return the thread descriptor (indexed by ACE_hthread_t). Returns 0 // on success and -1 if not found. int thr_self (ACE_hthread_t &); // Passes out the "real" handle to the calling thread, caching it if // necessary in TSS to speed up subsequent lookups. This is // necessary since on some platforms (e.g., Win32) we can't get this // handle via direct method calls. ACE_thread_t thr_self (void); // Return the unique ID of the thread. This is not strictly // necessary (because a thread can always just call // ). However, we put it here to be complete. // = Suspend methods, which isn't supported on POSIX pthreads (will not block). int suspend_all (void); // Suspend all threads int suspend (ACE_thread_t); // Suspend a single thread. int suspend_grp (int grp_id); // Suspend a group of threads. int testsuspend (ACE_thread_t t_id); // True if is inactive (i.e., suspended), else false. // = Resume methods, which isn't supported on POSIX pthreads (will not block). int resume_all (void); // Resume all stopped threads int resume (ACE_thread_t); // Resume a single thread. int resume_grp (int grp_id); // Resume a group of threads. int testresume (ACE_thread_t t_id); // True if is active (i.e., resumed), else false. // = Kill methods, send signals -- which isn't supported on Win32 (will not block). int kill_all (int signum); // Send signum to all stopped threads int kill (ACE_thread_t, int signum); // Kill a single thread. int kill_grp (int grp_id, int signum); // Kill a group of threads. // = Cancel methods, which provides a cooperative thread-termination mechanism (will not block). int cancel_all (void); // Cancel's all the threads. int cancel (ACE_thread_t); // Cancel a single thread. int cancel_grp (int grp_id); // Cancel a group of threads. int testcancel (ACE_thread_t t_id); // True if is cancelled, else false. // = Set/get group ids for a particular thread id. int set_grp (ACE_thread_t, int grp_id); int get_grp (ACE_thread_t, int &grp_id); // = The following methods are new methods which resemble current // methods in ACE_Thread Manager. For example, the new apply_task() // method resembles the old apply_thr() method, and suspend_task() // resembles suspend_thr(). // = Operations on ACE_Tasks. int wait_task (ACE_Task_Base *task); // Block until there are no more threads running in . Returns // 0 on success and -1 on failure. int suspend_task (ACE_Task_Base *task); // Suspend all threads in an ACE_Task. int resume_task (ACE_Task_Base *task); // Resume all threads in an ACE_Task. int kill_task (ACE_Task_Base *task, int signum); // Kill all threads in an ACE_Task. int cancel_task (ACE_Task_Base *task); // Cancel all threads in an ACE_Task. // = The following method provide new functionality. They do not // follow the same design as current methods. They provide new // functionality. int num_tasks_in_group (int grp_id); // Returns the number of in a group. int num_threads_in_task (ACE_Task_Base *task); // Returns the number of threads in an . int task_list (int grp_id, ACE_Task_Base *task_list[], size_t n); // Returns in a list of up to in a // group. The caller must allocate the memory for int thread_list (ACE_Task_Base *task, ACE_thread_t thread_list[], size_t n); // Returns in a list of up to thread ids in an // . The caller must allocate the memory for // . int hthread_list (ACE_Task_Base *task, ACE_hthread_t hthread_list[], size_t n); // Returns in a list of up to thread handles in // an . The caller must allocate memory for // . // = Set/get group ids for a particular task. int set_grp (ACE_Task_Base *task, int grp_id); int get_grp (ACE_Task_Base *task, int &grp_id); int at_exit (void *object, ACE_CLEANUP_FUNC cleanup_hook, void *param); // Register an object (or array) for cleanup at thread termination. // "cleanup_hook" points to a (global, or static member) function // that is called for the object or array when it to be destroyed. // It may perform any necessary cleanup specific for that object or // its class. "param" is passed as the second parameter to the // "cleanup_hook" function; the first parameter is the object (or // array) to be destroyed. "cleanup_hook", for example, may delete // the object (or array). void dump (void) const; // Dump the state of an object. ACE_ALLOC_HOOK_DECLARE; // Declare the dynamic allocation hooks. protected: virtual int spawn_i (ACE_THR_FUNC func, void *args, long flags, ACE_thread_t * = 0, ACE_hthread_t *t_handle = 0, long priority = ACE_DEFAULT_THREAD_PRIORITY, int grp_id = -1, void *stack = 0, size_t stack_size = 0, ACE_Task_Base *task = 0); // Create a new thread (must be called with locks held). void run_thread_exit_hooks (int i); // Run the registered hooks when the thread exits. int resize (size_t); // Resize the pool of Thread_Descriptors. int find_thread (ACE_thread_t t_id); // Locate the index of the table slot occupied by . Returns // -1 if is not in the table doesn't contain . int find_hthread (ACE_hthread_t h_id); // Locate the index of the table slot occupied by . Returns // -1 if is not in the table doesn't contain . int find_task (ACE_Task_Base *task, int index = -1); // Locate the index of the table slot occupied by . Returns // -1 if is not in the table doesn't contain . int insert_thr (ACE_thread_t t_id, ACE_hthread_t, int grp_id = -1); // Insert a thread in the table (checks for duplicates). int append_thr (ACE_thread_t t_id, ACE_hthread_t, ACE_Thread_State, int grp_id, ACE_Task_Base *task = 0); // Append a thread in the table (adds at the end, growing the table // if necessary). void remove_thr (int i); // Remove thread from the table. // = The following four methods implement a simple scheme for // operating on a collection of threads atomically. typedef int (ACE_Thread_Manager::*THR_FUNC)(int, int); int check_state (ACE_Thread_State state, ACE_thread_t thread); // Efficiently check whether is in a particular . // This call updates the TSS cache if possible to speed up // subsequent searches. int apply_task (ACE_Task_Base *task, THR_FUNC, int = 0); // Apply to all members of the table that match the int apply_grp (int grp_id, THR_FUNC, int = 0); // Apply to all members of the table that match the . int apply_all (THR_FUNC, int = 0); // Apply to all members of the table. int join_thr (int i); // Join the thread at index . int resume_thr (int i); // Resume the thread at index . int suspend_thr (int i); // Suspend the thread at index . int kill_thr (int i, int signum); // Send signal to the thread at index . int cancel_thr (int i); // Set the cancellation flag for the thread at index . ACE_Thread_Descriptor *thr_table_; // Vector that describes thread state within the Thread_Manager. size_t max_table_size_; // Maximum number of threads we can manage (should be dynamically // allocated). size_t current_count_; // Current number of threads we are managing. int grp_id_; // Keeps track of the next group id to assign. // = ACE_Thread_Mutex and condition variable for synchronizing termination. #if defined (ACE_HAS_THREADS) ACE_Thread_Mutex lock_; ACE_Condition_Thread_Mutex zero_cond_; #endif /* ACE_HAS_THREADS */ private: static ACE_Thread_Manager *thr_mgr_; // Pointer to a process-wide . static int delete_thr_mgr_; // Must delete the if non-0. }; class ACE_Export ACE_Thread_Control // = TITLE // Used to keep track of a thread's activities within its entry // point function. // // = DESCRIPTION // A uses this class to ensure that threads // it spawns automatically register and unregister themselves // with it. // // This class can be stored in thread-specific storage using the // wrapper. When a thread exits the // function deletes this object, thereby // ensuring that it gets removed from its associated // . { public: ACE_Thread_Control (ACE_Thread_Manager *tm = 0, int insert = 0); // Initialize the thread control object. If != 0, then // register the thread with the Thread_Manager. ~ACE_Thread_Control (void); // Remove the thread from its associated and exit // the thread if is enabled. void *exit (void *status, int do_thr_exit); // Remove this thread from its associated and exit // the thread if is enabled. int insert (ACE_Thread_Manager *tm); // Store the and use it to register ourselves for // correct shutdown. ACE_Thread_Manager *thr_mgr (void); // Returns the current . ACE_Thread_Manager *thr_mgr (ACE_Thread_Manager *); // Atomically set a new and return the old // . void *status (void *status); // Set the exit status (and return existing status). void *status (void); // Get the current exit status. void dump (void) const; // Dump the state of an object. ACE_ALLOC_HOOK_DECLARE; // Declare the dynamic allocation hooks. private: ACE_Thread_Manager *tm_; // Pointer to the thread manager for this block of code. void *status_; // Keeps track of the exit status for the thread. #if defined (ACE_MT_SAFE) && (ACE_MT_SAFE != 0) static ACE_Thread_Mutex ace_thread_lock_; // Lock the creation of the Singleton. #endif /* defined (ACE_MT_SAFE) */ }; class ACE_Export ACE_Thread_Exit // = TITLE // Keep exit information for a Thread in thread specific storage. // so that the thread-specific exit hooks will get called no // matter how the thread exits (e.g., via , C++ // or Win32 exception, "falling off the end" of the thread entry // point function, etc.). // // = DESCRIPTION // This clever little helper class is stored in thread-specific // storage using the wrapper. When a thread exits the // function deletes this object, thereby // closing it down gracefully. { public: ACE_Thread_Exit (void); // Capture the Thread that will be cleaned up automatically. void thr_mgr (ACE_Thread_Manager *tm); // Set the . void *status (void *s); // Set the exit status. void *status (void); // Get the exit status. ~ACE_Thread_Exit (void); // Destructor calls the thread-specific exit hooks when a thread // exits. static ACE_Thread_Exit *instance (void); // Singleton access point. static void cleanup (void *instance, void *); // Cleanup method, used by the to destroy the // singleton. private: void *status_; // Exit status... ACE_Thread_Control thread_control_; // Automatically add/remove the thread from the // . #if defined (ACE_MT_SAFE) && (ACE_MT_SAFE != 0) static ACE_Thread_Mutex ace_thread_exit_lock_; // Lock the creation of the Singleton. #endif /* defined (ACE_MT_SAFE) */ }; #if defined (__ACE_INLINE__) #include "ace/Thread_Manager.i" #endif /* __ACE_INLINE__ */ #endif /* ACE_THREAD_MANAGER_H */