/* -*- C++ -*- */
// $Id$

// ============================================================================
//    ACE
//    ACE_Time_Request_Reply.h
//     Define the format used to exchange messages between the 
//     ACE_Time_Server and clerks.
//     Prashant Jain
// ============================================================================


#include "ace/Time_Value.h"
#include "ace/SString.h"

class ACE_Export ACE_Time_Request
  // = TITLE
  //   Message format for delivering requests to the ACE_Time Server.
  //   This class is implemented to minimize data copying.  
  //   In particular, all marshaling is done in situ...
  enum Constants
    // Request message types.
    TIME_UPDATE = 01,
    FAILURE = 05,

    // Class-specific constant values.

  ACE_Time_Request (void);
  // Default constructor.

  ACE_Time_Request (ACE_UINT32 msg_type, // Type of request.
		    const ACE_UINT32 time,
		    ACE_Time_Value *timeout = 0); // Max time waiting for request.
  // Create a <ACE_Time_Request> message.  

  void init (void);
  // Initialize length_ in order to ensure correct byte ordering
  // before a request is sent.

  // Get the fixed size of message
  ssize_t size (void) const;
  // = Set/get the type of the message.
  ACE_UINT32 msg_type (void) const;
  void msg_type (ACE_UINT32);

  // = Set/get the time
  ACE_UINT32 time (void) const;
  void time (ACE_UINT32 t);

  // = Set/get the blocking semantics.
  ACE_UINT32 block_forever (void) const;
  void block_forever (ACE_UINT32);

  // = Set/get the timeout.
  ACE_Time_Value timeout (void) const;
  void timeout (const ACE_Time_Value timeout);

  int encode (void *&);
  // Encode the message before transmission.

  int decode (void);
  // Decode message after reception.

  void dump (void) const;
  // Print out the values of the message for debugging purposes.

  // = The 5 fields in the <Transfer> struct are transmitted to the server.  
  // The remaining 2 fields are not tranferred -- they are used only on
  // the server-side to simplify lookups.

  struct Transfer
    ACE_UINT32 msg_type_;
    // Type of the request (i.e., <TIME_UPDATE>)

    ACE_UINT32 block_forever_;
    // Indicates if we should block forever.  If 0, then <secTimeout_> 
    // and <usecTimeout_> indicates how long we should wait.

    ACE_UINT32 sec_timeout_;
    // Max seconds willing to wait for name if not blocking forever.

    ACE_UINT32 usec_timeout_;
    // Max micro seconds to wait for name if not blocking forever.

    ACE_UINT32 time_;
    // The data portion contains <time_>

  Transfer transfer_;
  // Transfer buffer.

  ACE_UINT32 time_;
  // Time