/* -*- C++ -*- */ // $Id$ #ifndef ACE_TIMEPROBE_T_H #define ACE_TIMEPROBE_T_H #include "ace/OS.h" #if !defined (ACE_LACKS_PRAGMA_ONCE) # pragma once #endif /* ACE_LACKS_PRAGMA_ONCE */ #if defined (ACE_COMPILE_TIMEPROBES) #include "ace/Containers.h" template class ACE_Timeprobe { // = TITLE // This class is used to instrument code. This is accomplished // by inserting time probes at different location in the code. // ACE_Timeprobe then measures the time difference between two // time probes. // // = DESCRIPTION // This class provides a lightweight implementation for // measuring the time required to execute code between two time // probes. When a time probe executes, it records the time, the // id of the calling thread, and an event description. The // event description can either be an unsigned long or a string // (char *). If string are used, care must be taken cause only // pointer copies are done and the string data is *not* copied. // // The recorded time probes can then be printed by calling // print_times(). If you have used unsigned longs as event // descriptions in any of your time probes, you must have // provided an event description table that maps the unsigned // longs to readable strings. This map is a simple array of // strings, and the event number is used as the index into the // array when looking for the event description. If you have // only used strings for the event description, this map is not // necessary. // // Multiple maps can also be used to chunk up the time probes. // Each one can be added by calling event_descriptions(). // Different tables are used internally by consulting the // minimum_id for each table. It is up to the user to make sure // that multiple tables do not share the same event id range. public: enum { ACE_DEFAULT_TABLE_SIZE = 4 * 1024 // Default size of the slots in Timeprobe }; typedef ACE_Timeprobe SELF; // Self typedef ACE_Unbounded_Set EVENT_DESCRIPTIONS; // We can hold multiple event description tables. ACE_Timeprobe (u_long size = ACE_DEFAULT_TABLE_SIZE); // Create Timeprobes with slots ~ACE_Timeprobe (void); // Destructor. void timeprobe (u_long event); // Record a time. is used to describe this time probe. void timeprobe (const char *id); // Record a time. is used to describe this time probe. int event_descriptions (const char **descriptions, u_long minimum_id); // Record event descriptions. void print_times (void); // Print the time probes. void print_absolute_times (void); // Print the time probes. void reset (void); // Reset the slots. All old time probes will be lost. ACE_Timeprobe (const ACE_Timeprobe &); // Not implemented (stupid MSVC won't let it be protected). // = (Somewhat private) Accessors ACE_Unbounded_Set &event_descriptions (void); // Event Descriptions ACE_Unbounded_Set &sorted_event_descriptions (void); // Sorted Event Descriptions. u_int *current_slot_vme_address (void); // VME slot address. const char *find_description_i (u_long i); // Find description of event void sort_event_descriptions_i (void); // Sort event descriptions ACE_timeprobe_t *timeprobes (void); // Time probe slots ACE_LOCK &lock (void); // Synchronization variable. u_long max_size (void); // Max size of timestamp table u_long current_size (void); // Current size of timestamp table protected: EVENT_DESCRIPTIONS event_descriptions_; // Event Descriptions EVENT_DESCRIPTIONS sorted_event_descriptions_; // Sorted Event Descriptions. u_int *current_slot_vme_address_; // Added sections below here to make compatible with the VMETRO // board test. ACE_timeprobe_t *timeprobes_; // Time probe slots ACE_LOCK lock_; // Synchronization variable. u_long max_size_; // Max size of timestamp table u_long current_size_; // Current size of timestamp table }; template class ACE_Function_Timeprobe { // = TITLE // Auto pointer like time probes. It will record on // construction and on destruction. public: ACE_Function_Timeprobe (Timeprobe &timeprobe, u_long event); // Constructor. ~ACE_Function_Timeprobe (void); // Destructor. protected: Timeprobe &timeprobe_; // Reference to timeprobe. u_long event_; // Event. }; #if defined (ACE_TEMPLATES_REQUIRE_SOURCE) #include "ace/Timeprobe_T.cpp" #endif /* ACE_TEMPLATES_REQUIRE_SOURCE */ #if defined (ACE_TEMPLATES_REQUIRE_PRAGMA) #pragma implementation "Timeprobe_T.cpp" #endif /* ACE_TEMPLATES_REQUIRE_PRAGMA */ #endif /* ACE_COMPILE_TIMEPROBES */ #endif /* ACE_TIMEPROBE_T_H */