/* -*- C++ -*- */ // $Id$ // ============================================================================ // // = LIBRARY // ace // // = FILENAME // Token_Manager.h // // = AUTHOR // Tim Harrison (harrison@cs.wustl.edu) // // ============================================================================ #if !defined (ACE_TOKEN_MANAGER_H) #define ACE_TOKEN_MANAGER_H #include "ace/Synch.h" #include "ace/Map_Manager.h" #include "ace/Local_Tokens.h" #if !defined (ACE_LACKS_PRAGMA_ONCE) #pragma once #endif /* ACE_LACKS_PRAGMA_ONCE */ class ACE_Local_Mutex; class ACE_Mutex_Token; class ACE_Export ACE_Token_Manager : public ACE_Cleanup { // = TITLE // Manages all tokens in a process space. // // = DESCRIPTION // Factory: Proxies use the token manager to obtain token // references. This allows multiple proxies to reference the same // logical token. // Deadlock detection: Tokens use the manager to check for // deadlock situations during acquires. // To add a new type of token (e.g. semaphore), do the following // steps: 1. Create a new derivation of ACE_Token. This class // defines the semantics of the new Token. 2. Create a // derivation of ACE_Token_Manager. You will only need to // redefine make_mutex. public: ACE_Token_Manager (void); virtual ~ACE_Token_Manager (void); // Set/get a pointer to token manager singleton. static ACE_Token_Manager *instance (void); void instance (ACE_Token_Manager *); void get_token (ACE_Token_Proxy *, const ASYS_TCHAR *token_name); // The Token manager uses ACE_Token_Proxy::token_id_ to look for // an existing token. If none is found, the Token Manager calls // ACE_Token_Proxy::create_token to create a new one. When // finished, sets ACE_Token_Proxy::token_. uniquely // id's the token name. int check_deadlock (ACE_Token_Proxy *proxy); int check_deadlock (ACE_Tokens *token, ACE_Token_Proxy *proxy); // returns 1 if the acquire will _not_ cause deadlock. // returns 0 if the acquire _will_ cause deadlock. // this method ignores recursive acquisition. That is, it will not // report deadlock if the client holding the token requests the // token again. Thus, it assumes recursive mutexes. void release_token (ACE_Tokens *&token); // notify the token manager that a token has been released. If as a // result, there is no owner of the token, the token is deleted. ACE_TOKEN_CONST::MUTEX &mutex (void); // This is to allow Tokens to perform atomic transactions. The // typical usage is to acquire this mutex, check for a safe_acquire, // perform some queueing (if need be) and then release the lock. // This is necessary since safe_acquire is implemented in terms of // the Token queues. void dump (void) const; // Dump the state of the class. void debug (int d); // Turn debug mode on/off. private: int debug_; // Whether to print debug messages or not. static ACE_Token_Manager *token_manager_; // pointer to singleton token manager. ACE_Tokens *token_waiting_for (const ASYS_TCHAR *client_id); // return the token that the given client_id is waiting for, if any ACE_TOKEN_CONST::MUTEX lock_; // ACE_Mutex_Token used to lock internal data structures. typedef ACE_Token_Name TOKEN_NAME; // This may be changed to a template type. typedef ACE_Map_Manager COLLECTION; // COLLECTION maintains a mapping from token names to ACE_Tokens* typedef ACE_Map_Iterator COLLECTION_ITERATOR; // Allows iterations through collection_ typedef ACE_Map_Entry COLLECTION_ENTRY; // Allows iterations through collection_ COLLECTION collection_; // COLLECTION maintains a mapping from token names to ACE_Tokens*. }; #if defined (__ACE_INLINE__) #include "ace/Token_Manager.i" #endif /* __ACE_INLINE__ */ #endif /* ACE_TOKEN_MANAGER_H */