// -*- MPC -*- // $Id$ feature(ace_svcconf) { macros += ACE_HAS_ACE_SVCCONF Source_Files(ACE_COMPONENTS) { DLL.cpp DLL_Manager.cpp Dynamic_Service_Base.cpp Parse_Node.cpp Service_Config.cpp Service_Manager.cpp Service_Object.cpp Service_Repository.cpp Service_Types.cpp Service_Templates.cpp Shared_Object.cpp Svc_Conf_l.cpp Svc_Conf_y.cpp Svc_Conf_Lexer_Guard.cpp XML_Svc_Conf.cpp } verbatim(gnuace, local) { "Svc_Conf_y.cpp: Svc_Conf.y" "ifeq ($(notdir $(YACC)), bison)" " $(YACC) -l -d Svc_Conf.y" " sed -e 's/char \\*getenv/char *ace_foo/g' \\" " -e 's/= getenv/= ACE_OS::getenv/g' \\" " -e 's/fprintf/ACE_OS::fprintf/g' \\" " -e 's/yy/ace_yy/g' \\" " -e 's/->ace_yyerrno/->yyerrno/g' \\" " -e 's/->ace_yylineno/->yylineno/g' \\" " -e 's/YY/ACE_YY/g' \\" " -e 's/^char /ACE_TCHAR /g' \\" " -e 's/ char / ACE_TCHAR /g' \\" " -e 's/(char/(ACE_TCHAR/g' \\" " -e 's/ NULL/ 0/g' \\" " -e 's/ace_yyerror[ ]*(\"/ace_yyerror (ACE_SVC_CONF_PARAM->yyerrno, ACE_SVC_CONF_PARAM->yylineno, \"/g' \\" " -e 's/ace_yyerror[ ]*(ace_yymsg/ace_yyerror (ACE_SVC_CONF_PARAM->yyerrno, ACE_SVC_CONF_PARAM->yylineno, ace_yymsg/g' \\" " -e 's/ace_yyerror (int ace_yyerrno, int ace_yylineno, const ACE_TCHAR/ace_yyerror (int ace_yyerrno, int ace_yylineno, const char/' \\" " -e 's@#include @@' \\" " -e 's/Svc_Conf\\.tab\\.c/Svc_Conf_y.cpp/g' < Svc_Conf.tab.c > /tmp/$@" " cp /tmp/$@ $@" " echo \/\/ '$$I''d$$' > Svc_Conf_Tokens.h" " cat Svc_Conf.tab.h >> Svc_Conf_Tokens.h" " $(RM) -f /tmp/$@ Svc_Conf.tab.c Svc_Conf.tab.h Svc_Conf_y.cpp.orig" "else" " @echo 'ERROR: You must use bison 1.35 or higher to process this file'" " @/bin/false" "endif" "Svc_Conf_l.cpp: Svc_Conf.l" "ifeq ($(notdir $(LEX)), flex)" " echo '#define YY_NO_UNPUT' > $@" " echo >> $@" " echo '#include \"ace/Object_Manager.h\"' >> $@" " echo '#include \"ace/Guard_T.h\"' >> $@" " echo '#include \"ace/Recursive_Thread_Mutex.h\"' >> $@" " echo '#include \"ace/Synch_Traits.h\"' >> $@" " echo '#include \"ace/OS_NS_ctype.h\"' >> $@" " echo '#include \"ace/OS_NS_string.h\"' >> $@" " $(LEX) -L -t -I Svc_Conf.l >> $@" " echo '#endif /* ACE_USES_CLASSIC_SVC_CONF = 1 */' >> $@" " sed -e 's/yy/ace_yy/g' \\" " -e 's/YY/ACE_YY/g' \\" " -e 's@#define unput.*@#if (ACE_USES_CLASSIC_SVC_CONF == 1)@' \\" " -e 's/typedef unsigned char/typedef char/g' \\" " -e 's/ / /g' \\" " -e 's/^char /ACE_TCHAR /g' \\" " -e 's/ char / ACE_TCHAR /g' \\" " -e 's/(char/(ACE_TCHAR/g' \\" " -e 's/ NULL/ 0/g' \\" " -e 's/->ace_yyerrno/->yyerrno/g' \\" " -e 's/->ace_yylineno/->yylineno/g' \\" " -e 's/free( ptr );/free( ACE_MALLOC_T (ptr) );/g' \\" " -e 's/exit(/ACE_OS::exit(/g' \\" " -e 's/isatty( fileno(file)/ACE_OS::isatty( fileno (file)/g' \\" " -e 's/int isatty/int nop_isatty/g' \\" " -e 's/realloc( (ACE_TCHAR \\*) ptr/realloc( (char *) ptr/g' \\" " -e 's/unsigned ACE_TCHAR/unsigned char/g' \\" " -e 's/ACE_TCHAR msg\\[\\]/char msg[]/g' \\" " -e 's/fprintf/ACE_OS::fprintf/g' \\" " -e 's/if[ ]*([ ]*num_to_read/if ( num_to_read * sizeof (ACE_TCHAR)/g' \\" " -e 's/b->ace_yy_buf_size + 2/(&) * sizeof (ACE_TCHAR)/g' \\" " -e 's@= ACE_YY_READ_BUF_SIZE@& / sizeof (ACE_TCHAR)@g' \\" " -e 's/ace_yy_flex_alloc( n /&* sizeof (ACE_TCHAR)/g' \\" " -e 's@#include @#include \"ace/OS_NS_stdio.h\"@' \\" " -e 's@#include @#include \"ace/OS_NS_unistd.h\"@' \\" " -e 's@#include @#include \"ace/OS_NS_stdlib.h\"@' \\" " -e 's@#include <@#include /**/ <@' \\" " -e 's@ECHO@ACE_SVC_CONF_ECHO@' < $@ > /tmp/$@" " cp /tmp/$@ $@" " patch < ../etc/Svc_Conf_l.cpp.diff" " $(RM) -f /tmp/$@ Svc_Conf_l.cpp.orig" "else" " @echo 'ERROR: You must use flex 2.5.4 or higher to process this file'" " @/bin/false" "endif" } }