/* -*- C++ -*- */ // $Id$ // ============================================================================ // // = LIBRARY // drwho // // = FILENAME // BS_Client.h // // = AUTHOR // Douglas C. Schmidt // // ============================================================================ #ifndef _BS_CLIENT_H #define _BS_CLIENT_H #include "Binary_Search.h" class BS_Client : public Binary_Search { // = TITLE // Provides the client's binary search lookup table abstraction. public: // = Initialization. BS_Client (void); // Constructor. virtual Protocol_Record *insert (const char *key_name, int max_len = MAXUSERIDNAMELEN); // This function is used to merge the from server // into the sorted list of userids kept on the client's // side. Since we *know* we are going to find the name we use the // traditional binary search. virtual Protocol_Record *get_each_entry (void); // An iterator, similar to Binary_Search::get_next_friend, though in // this case the friend records are returned in the order they // appeared in the friend file, rather than in sorted order. Also, // we skip over entries that don't have any hosts associated with // them. }; #endif /* _BS_CLIENT_H */