Wed Sep 30 13:00:52 1998 Douglas C. Schmidt * Fixed a bunch of warnings related to char * and const char *. Thanks to Sandro Doro for reporting this. Sat Sep 12 21:21:01 1998 Douglas C. Schmidt * Made zillions of changes to "ACE"ify all of the code. Drwho is now officially working again! Sun Sep 6 22:48:52 1998 Douglas C. Schmidt * Replaced all Str::*() methods with the new ACE::*() methods, which are more "standard". * Began to work on drwho after a 5 year absence... Sun Feb 14 16:13:10 1993 Douglas C. Schmidt (schmidt at * Yow. Once again back at work... This time I fixed things up so that the release compiles properly with Solaris 2.1 C++, g++ 2.3.3, and the Sun C++ compiler on Sun OS 4.1.x. To do this I had to change the user-defined memory allocator somewhat, since the Sun C++ compiler was using the global NEW operator to allocate pools of memory behind my back... Naturally, this reaked havoc with the existing version in the server, which returns all the allocated memory to the free list once a request is satisfied. In addition, g++ had a weird multiple inheritance/pure virtual function bug that I fixed by reordering certain pure virtual functions. Oh what fun... ;-) Anyhow, everything is now back in running order! Sun Dec 6 16:13:21 1992 Douglas C. Schmidt (schmidt at * Yow, well, after about 8 months of total neglect I'm finally back at work on this program! The current changes I did today involved getting drwho to compile with g++ 2.3.2. This required a couple of small work arounds in the source code due to bugs, but hey, I guess it is better than nothing right?! Also, I had to fix a couple of places where I didn't correctly initialize static variables (the compiler implementations have changed since last year obviously). Also, I've changed a couple of the default server hosts to reflect the fascist policies of our support group ;-) (I've no longer got access to certain servers...) Anyhow, I think drwho is once again running with g++, so now I can hand the release over to Ericka... ;-) Wed May 6 23:12:02 1992 Douglas C. Schmidt (schmidt at * There is something horribly wrong with g++ 2.1. Therefore, I had to make a couple of changes in the pmc-rusers.C and pm-client.C files in order to make the blasted thing compile when I had pointers to member functions... Make sure to change this back when g++ is fixed... Tue Feb 4 11:23:12 1992 Douglas C. Schmidt (schmidt at * The blasted program was crashing when there were consecutive newlines in the input file. I fixed File_Manager::get_login_and_real_name and File_Manager::open_friends_file so that they detect and skip over these consecutive newlines. Thu Nov 21 21:55:00 1991 Douglas C. Schmidt (schmidt at * Make the time that drwho uses to consider a host idle be a command-line parameter. Wed Nov 13 14:24:40 1991 Douglas C. Schmidt (schmidt at * Something else that ought to be done: Add a flag to the -R option that allows the hostname to be printed using the internet address and/or the hostname... Sat Nov 9 13:45:30 1991 Douglas C. Schmidt (schmidt at * Added zillions more changes yet again. We now have an rusers compatibility mode (-R), to go along with the -a, -w, and default (flo) options. * Changed the -w option so that it only returns the name of the host machine where the user is logged in. This way, I can say: % talk schmidt@`drwho -w schmidt` % rsh `drwho -w schmidt` w etc... ;-) * Added support for the -L option (print using login name rather than real name). Also added support for the -l option (print out verbosely, a la ls -l!). Sun Oct 27 21:32:15 1991 Douglas C. Schmidt (schmidt at * Need to complete the -s and -S options to support sorting the output by login name and real name, respectively... In order to support the '*' indication with this scheme we probably need to lists, one for active and one for inactive users! Tue Oct 22 00:13:21 1991 Douglas C. Schmidt (schmidt at * Make another zillion changes... Sun Oct 20 21:35:24 1991 Douglas C. Schmidt (schmidt at * Added support for the -p option to allow setting the client and server port number from the command-line. * Things done so far: * Owen also wants an new rflo feature (done) I also want a version that given a command like: whereis omalley would return the login where that login is active if there is one (ie. omalley@zola). Then you could have commands like: talk `whereis omalley` that would find where I am and try to talk to me there. * Another neat addition would be: have an option (e.g., `-a') so that rflo would return *all* the users logged in and then look up their names using the yp passwd stuff! (partially done, but not very elegantly yet...). (done) * Make the port number a command-line option... (done) * we also need think about how to incorporate inheritance and dynamic binding into this thang (probably it can be used for the local/remote split, and also perhaps for the friends/everyone split (see below)). (done) * Fix up the options stuff wrt the -F option etc... (done) * Have I fixed the is_active shit? (done) * we need a "message abstraction" that abstracts away from the details of packets protocols and remote operations protocols. (done). * Note, should make an option so we could read the names of the hosts to query from a file... (done) Fri Oct 18 16:17:39 1991 Douglas C. Schmidt (schmidt at * I've made countless changes... Wed Oct 16 17:42:40 1991 Douglas C. Schmidt (schmidt at * Undid the message manager abstraction and merged it in with the Friend_Manager client and server. This really cleans up the interface! * Yow, make zillions of important changes to make the client/server split more explicit... Now the Friend_Manager is split into client and server, the message manager is split, and the communications manager is also split. Each file is much smaller and easier to understand! Mon Oct 14 18:36:55 1991 Douglas C. Schmidt (schmidt at * Added support for the -h and -? options, that print out a long and short usage message, respectively. Tue Oct 1 09:28:29 1991 Douglas C. Schmidt (schmidt at * The -a option works a great deal better too... I added a check in the File_Manager::open_passwd_file routine to strip off the extra subfields in the pw_gecos field, since this info isn't really very useful and makes the "real name" field too long! * Added some extra stuff to the Comm_Manager so that I could change the max size of the UDP datagrams that are passed around. As it turns out, I don't really need to do this, but it is more robust this way... Thu Sep 26 14:00:45 1991 Douglas C. Schmidt (schmidt at * Make sun3 and sun4 subdirectories to help the build process! * Changed the UDP port number from 12346 to 12344 so I wouldn't collide with Owen! * There is a weird bus error problem on the sun 4s... Hum... * Yow, got everything working again... * Still to do: * Think about fixing the -f option to work correctly for *relative* filenames... * Make UDP_BUFFER_SIZE a command-line option... * Modify server.C to be started by inetd. * For -a option... if they are a friend, use the name from .friend.dta otherwise use the name from the passwd file. * Don't forget about: delete Friend_Manager::friend_record; delete Friend_Manager::sorted_record; Need to figure out a good way to deal with this! Mon Sep 23 16:09:46 1991 Douglas C. Schmidt (schmidt at * Added a neat feature that now allows the user to specify which hosts to examine by specifying an option ('-F') on the command-line that reads the contents of that file and inserts it into the list of files. Wed Sep 18 10:46:41 1991 Douglas C. Schmidt (schmidt at * We need to make all the interfaces throughout rflo much more object-oriented, e.g.: * Made a host-manager abstraction to handle all the host machine related operations. This makes the options stuff *much* cleaner! * Make rflo compile with g++ 1.37.2! Now it compiles with cfront 2.0, Saber C++ 1.0.1 and g++-1.39.0 and g++-1.37.2. Tue Sep 17 19:02:47 1991 Douglas C. Schmidt (schmidt at * Started merging in the stuff Owen did. I'm trying to maintain a consistent programming style... The Owen stuff adds support for timeouts and fixes problems with returning a count of the number of friends! Wed Sep 4 10:14:51 1991 Douglas C. Schmidt (schmidt at * Things to do: * Add comprehensive daemon support for server.C. * Add timeout stuff in case hosts are down! * Talk to support about making a standard daemon. * Fix the problem with returning the number of friends.