#!/bin/sh -- # -*- perl -*- eval 'exec perl -pi.Array.$$ -S $0 ${1+"$@"}' if 0; # $Id$ # # After the 4.6.10 release the template instantiations for ACE_Array # have changed, the class is implemented in terms of ACE_Array_Base; # this script fixes the template instantiations if needed. # # It changes instantiations of: # # ACE_Array # # into: # # ACE_Array # ACE_Array_Base # # Notice the use of the -pi options: the while(<>) loop is implicit, # printing the current line is also implicit as well as fixing the # file in place. if (m/template class\s+ACE_Array\s*<(.*)>\s*;\s*/) { print "template class ACE_Array_Base<", $1, ">;\n"; } elsif (m/#pragma instantiate\s+ACE_Array\s*<(.*)>\s*$/) { print "#pragma instantiate ACE_Array_Base<", $1, ">\n"; }