Modified Version of the OSE Documentation Tools
This directory
contains versions of the freely available OSE
tools modified by Karlheinz Dorn ( I (Doug
Schmidt) am grateful to him for contributing his efforts to help
improve ACE. You can obtain these files via the ACE release.
The primary goal of the modifications was to create a class.hxx and
class.cxx file (for each class, struct, union included within the
original ACE header file) from the ACE *.h header files by collecting
the comments from that file and feeding them into the newly created
files, but keeping the ACE *.h file untouched.
This helps when making product documentation using commercial
documentation tools (e.g., George,
etc.) by feeding in these newly created files with a customizable
layout. The modifications should be an upgrade to the original
OSE-tools, but many bug-fixes are also done for the OSE-tool files
(some are listed below).
This extensions make it very easy to include new ACE versions into
commercial documentations without doing any painful modifications of
the deltas within a frozen ACE-version or directly within ACE source
files when a new release arises.
The following changes were made to the original OSE tools:
- The vendor headers can be suppressed within the hiding.fmt file,
so it is possible to generate class.cxx and
class.hxx files consisting only of pure class description
(hxx) and pure prototypes (cxx). Look at the vendor.fmt file and
change the field vendor in replacing it with your company
identifying line.
- Added a new script class2hxxcxx for making a class.hxx file for each
class, struct, union included in an ACE *.h file as well as a *.cxx
file that includes the correct prototypes for all classes within that
*.h file.
- Added new script info2headsrc for creating a class.hxx file for each
class, struct, union included in an ACE *.h file as well as a class.cxx
file that includes the correct prototypes for that class.
- added a new script class2hxxcxxsingle for the feature listed above.
- added a new format file named "hiding.fmt" to control more fine grained output
of a class in separating/suppressing PUBLIC, PROTECTED, PRIVATE parts of a
class, struct, union for output explicitly.
- added a new format file named "vendor.fmt" to control vendor specific
compilation-unit headers as well as class and method headers for the newly
created class.hxx and class.cxx files. The information for these headers
is collected from the headers and comments of the according ACE *.h files.
- changed info2doc and info2src for the features listed above.
- added the ability for handling multiline ENUMs properly (class2info,info2doc).
- added the ability for handling operator functions properly (info2src).
- added the ability for handling template functions properly (info2src).
- added the ability for handling nested classes, structs, unions properly
by introducing nawk-function recursion within info2doc (class2info,
info2doc, info2src).
- added the ability for handling default values properly (info2src).
Known Bugs
Some bugs inherited from the original OSE-tools are remaining. So the
developer of the *.h files should the following keep in mind:
- do not write multiline inheritance!
class x :
public y
class x : public y
- do not write multiline templates!
template <class t,
class x
template <class t, class u>
class x
Other documentation tools are available at the following URLs:
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