# ============================================================================= # # = DESCRIPTION # Awk script for converting C++ class header file to classinfo file. # Requires nawk or gawk. # comments like /* ... */ with ... goes over multiple lines are not ok # and will be not printed as comments! # class xxx # : public yyyy is not allowed but : class xxx : public yyyy # # = AUTHOR(S) # Graham Dumpleton # K. Dorn # # = COPYRIGHT # Copyright 1991 OTC LIMITED # # ============================================================================= BEGIN { initialised = 0 accpubl = "on" accprot = "on" accpriv = "on" accpubl = publ accprot = prot accpriv = priv accpubl = "on" accprot = "off" accpriv = "off" } { if ( initialised == 0 ) { initialised = 1 "date" | getline line printf( "CLASS2INFO\n%s\n%s\n\n", line, filename ) anonenum = 1 } doParse(); next } { print "error" | "cat 1>&2" exit } # # If a comment starts with '// ==', discard lines until the end of the # comment or a line of the form '// = NAME' is found. This is special # case to deal with comment headers in files. e.g: # # // ========== ... # // # // = LIBRARY # // ... # # lines up to '// = LIBRARY' would be discarded. # # /^[\t ]*\/\/[\t ]*==+[\t ]*$/ { # handleHeader() # } function handleHeader() { getline while ( \ ( $0 ~ "^[\t ]*//" ) \ && \ ( $0 !~ "^[\t ]*//[\t ]*= [a-zA-Z0-9]+[^<>]*[\t ]*$" ) \ ) { getline } } # # Extract labelled comments. These are denoted by '// = NAME', where the word # NAME is actually replaced by the some identifying label. # A labelled section is terminated by the end of the comment block, another # labelled comment, or a comment line of the form '// =='. e.g: # Note: a label cannot contain the characters '<>', these are identified # as being special commands and are simply passed through. # # // = LIBRARY # // C++ # // # // = VERSION # // ... # // # // ========== ... # # the LIBRARY section would be terminated by '// = VERSION', and the VERSION # section by '// =====...'. # # /^[\t ]*\/\/[\t ]*= [a-zA-Z0-9]+[^<>]*[\t ]*$/ { # handleInfo() # } function handleInfo( label ) { sub( "^[\t ]*//", "", $0 ) while ( $0 ~ "^[\t ]*= [a-zA-Z0-9]+[^<>]*[\t ]*$" ) { match( $0, " [a-zA-Z0-9]+[^<>]*$" ) label = substr( $0, RSTART, RLENGTH ) sub( "^[\t ]*", "", label ) if ( name ~ "^$" ) printf( "INFO\nGLOBAL\n%s\n", label ) else if ( hiding ~ "^$" ) printf( "INFO\nHDR\n%s\n%s\n", label, name ) else printf( "INFO\nBODY\n%s\n%s\n%s\n", label, name, hiding ) $0 = outputComment() } } function SetCommentClrComment( line, comment) { if ( match( line, "(\/\\*.*\\*\/)?$" ) > 0) { comment = substr( line, RSTART, RLENGTH ) sub( "//.*$", "", line ) } else if ( match( line, "(//.*)?$" ) > 0) { comment = substr( line, RSTART, RLENGTH ) sub( "\/\\*.*$", "", line ) } } function check_print_first() { if ( ((hiding == "private") && (accpriv == "on") ) || ((hiding == "public") && (accpubl == "on") ) || ((hiding == "protected") && (accprot == "on") ) ) pra = 1 else { pra = 0 $0 = "" } return pra } function check_print() { if ( ( type ~ "class" ) && ( hiding ~ "^$" ) ) { if (accpriv == "on") { pra = 1 return pra } else { pra = 0 $0 = "" return pra } } else { if ((accpubl == "on") || ( hiding ~ "^$" )) { pra = 1 return pra } else { pra = 0 $0 = "" return pra } } if ( ((hiding == "private") && (accpriv == "on") ) || ((hiding == "public") && (accpubl == "on") ) || ((hiding == "protected") && (accprot == "on") ) ) { pra = 1 } else { pra = 0 $0 = "" } return pra } # # transfer a c comment /* ... */ to a C++ // ... comment # the comment comes in feld and goes back in feld # function Set_c_Comment_to_CPP_Comment( feld) { if ( match( feld, "\/\\*.*\\*\/$" ) > 0) { # printf("\n----feldb=|%s|----\n",feld); sub( "\/\\*", "\/\/", feld ) sub( "\\*\/", "", feld ) # printf("\n----felda=|%s|----\n",feld); } return feld } # # Gather up unlabelled comments. # # /^[\t ]*\/\/.*$/ { # handleComment() # } function handleComment() { if ( name ~ "^$" ) printf( "COMMENT\nGLOBAL\n" ) else if ( hiding ~ "^$" ) printf( "COMMENT\nHDR\n%s\n", name ) else printf( "COMMENT\nBODY\n%s\n%s\n", name, hiding ) $0 = outputComment( $0 ) } # # Skip past '#define's. Leave it up to programmers to document important # definitions with a section. # # /^[\t ]*#[\t ]*define/ { # handleDefine() # } function handleDefine( line ) { if ( $0 ~ ".*\\\\$" ) { end = 0 while ( end == 0 ) { getline line if ( line !~ ".*\\\\$" ) end = 1 } } # next $0 = "" } # # Record name of files which are included. # Note: Since we do not process '#if's we will get all includes, even if # some are particular to some systems etc. # # /^[\t ]*#[\t ]*include[\t ]*<.+>/ { # () # } function handleInclude() { match( $0, "<.+>" ) $0 = substr( $0, RSTART, RLENGTH ) printf( "INCLUDE\n%s\n\n", $0 ) # next $0 = "" } # /^[\t ]*#[\t ]*include[\t ]*".+"/ { # handleLocalInclude() # } function handleLocalInclude() { match( $0, "\".+\"" ) $0 = substr( $0, RSTART, RLENGTH ) printf( "INCLUDE\n%s\n\n", $0 ) # next $0 = "" } # # Skip any other pre-processor directives. # # /^[\t ]*#.*$/ { # handlePreprocessor() # } function handlePreprocessor_alt() { # next $0 = "" } function handlePreprocessor() { printf( "PREPROC\n%s\n\n", $0 ) # next $0 = "" } # # Trap typedefs. # # /^typedef[\t ]+/ { # handleTypedef() # } function handleTypedef( comment, line ) { line = $0 while ( line !~ ";[\t ]*(//.*)?$" ) { line = uncomment( line ) getline sub( "^[\t ]*", "", $0 ) line = line " " $0 sub( "\\) \\(", ")(", line ) } match( line, "(//.*)?$" ) comment = substr( line, RSTART, RLENGTH ) sub( "//.*$", "", line ) sub( "^[\t ]*typedef[\t ]*", "typedef ", line ) if ( name ~ "^$" ) printf( "TYPEDEF\n%s\n%s\n%s\n", "::", "public", line ) else printf( "TYPEDEF\n%s\n%s\n%s\n", name, hiding, line ) $0 = outputComment( comment ) } # # Trap externs. # # /^extern[\t ]+/ { # handleExtern() # } function handleExtern( lang, comment ) { if ( $0 ~ "\"C\"[\t ]*$" || $0 ~ "\"C\"[\t ]*\{[\t ]*$" ) { # Bracketed includes (??). Skip them for now. while ( $0 !~ "}[\t]*$" && $0 !~ "}[\t ]*;[\t]*$" ) getline getline } else { if ( $0 !~ ";[\t ]*(//.*)?$" ) $0 = handleArgs( $0 ) match( $0, "(//.*)?$" ) comment = substr( $0, RSTART, RLENGTH ) sub( "//.*$", "", $0 ) sub( "^extern[\t ]*", "", $0 ) if ( match( $0, "\"[^\"]*\"" ) != 0 ) { lang = substr( $0, RSTART, RLENGTH ) sub( "^\"[\t ]*", "", lang ) sub( "[\t ]*\"$", "", lang ) } else lang = "C++" sub( "\"[^\"]*\"[\t ]*", "", $0 ) printf( "EXTERN\n%s\n%s\n", lang , $0 ) $0 = outputComment( comment ) } } # # Trap class, struct, union and template definitions. # Note: handleADT() does the hard work of determining if the particular # use is in a definition, declaration or other. # # /^[\t ]*class/ { # handleClass() # } function handleClass() { class = 1 sub( "^[\t ]*class[\t ]+(ACE_[.]*Export[\t ]+)?", "", $0 ) if ( handleADT( $0 ) == 1 ) { if ( topName ~ "^$" ) printf( "CLASS\n%s\n", name ) else printf( "CLASS\n%s::%s\n", topName, name ) outputSuperClasses( bases ) bases = "" } class = 0 # next $0 = "" } # /^[\t ]*enum/ { # handleEnumCsa() # } function handleEnumCsa() { enum = 1 sub( "^[\t ]*enum[\t ]+", "", $0 ) if ( handleADT( $0 ) == 1 ) { if ( topName ~ "^$" ) printf( "ENUM\n%s\n", name ) else printf( "ENUM\n%s::%s\n", topName, name ) bases = "" } enum = 0 # next $0 = "" } # /^[\t ]*struct/ { # handleStruct() # } function handleStruct() { struct = 1 sub( "^[\t ]*struct[\t ]+", "", $0 ) if ( handleADT( $0 ) == 1 ) { if ( topName ~ "^$" ) printf( "STRUCT\n%s\n", name ) else printf( "STRUCT\n%s::%s\n", topName, name ) outputSuperClasses( bases ) bases = "" } struct = 0 # next $0 = "" } # /^[\t ]*union/ { # handleUnion() # } function handleUnion() { union = 1 sub( "^[\t ]*union[\t ]+", "", $0 ) if ( handleADT( $0 ) == 1 ) { if ( topName ~ "^$" ) printf( "UNION\n%s\n", name ) else printf( "UNION\n%s::%s\n", topName, name ) outputSuperClasses( bases ) bases = "" } union = 0 # next $0 = "" } # /^[\t ]*template[\t ]*<.+>[\t ]+class/ { # handleTemplate() # } function handleTemplate() { template = 1 match( $0, "^[\t ]*template[\t ]*<.+>[\t ]+(class|struct|union)[\t ]+" ) # nested template error!!! match( $0, "^template[\t ]*<.+>[\t ]+(class|struct|union)[\t ]+" ) line = substr( $0, RSTART, RLENGTH ) match( line, "[\t ]+(class|struct|union)[\t ]+$" ) adttype = substr( line, RSTART, RLENGTH ) sub( "^[\t ]*", "", adttype ) sub( "[\t ]*$", "", adttype ) match( line, "<.+>" ) targs = substr( line, RSTART, RLENGTH ) sub( "^[\t ]*template[\t ]*<.+>[\t ]+(class|struct|union)[\t ]+", "", $0 ) if ( handleADT( $0 ) == 1 ) { # printf( "TEMPLATE\n%s\n%s\n%s\n", adttype, name, targs ) if ( topName !~ "^$" ) printf( "TEMPLATE\n%s\n%s::%s\n%s\n", adttype, topName, name, targs ) else printf( "TEMPLATE\n%s\n%s\n%s\n", adttype, name, targs ) outputSuperClasses( bases ) bases = "" } template = 0 # next $0 = "" } # # Trap enumerated types. # # This handles enums where there is potentially more than one entry on # a line. We throw away all comments in this case. function handleLineEnum() { enum = 1 sub( "^[\t ]*enum[\t ]*", "", $0 ) line = $0 sub( "[\t ]*\{.*", "", line ) pushLevel() name = line if ( name != "" ) { if ( topName ~ "^$" ) printf( "ENUM\n%s\n\n", name ) else printf( "ENUM\n%s::%s\n\n", topName, name ) } else { name = anonenum anonenum++ if ( topName ~ "^$" ) printf( "ANONENUM\n%s\n\n", name ) else printf( "ANONENUM\n%s::%s\n\n", topName, name ) } line = $0 sub( "^.*\{[\t ]*", "", line ) sub( "[\t ]*//.*$", "", line ) while ( line !~ "}.*" ) { getline line = line $0 sub( "[\t ]*//.*$", "", line ) } # Forget about variables for now. sub( "[\t ]*}.*", "", line ) gsub( "[\t ]+", "", line ) num = split( line, item, "," ) for ( i=1; i<=num; i++ ) { if ( topName ~ "^$" ) printf( "ENUMITEM\n%s\n%s\n\n", name, item[i] ) else printf( "ENUMITEM\n%s::%s\n%s\n\n", topName, name, item[i] ) } $0 = "" popLevel( $0 ) enum = 0 } # This handles enums which are formatted to preferred style. # Can collect comments meaningfully in this format. function handleEnum() { enum = 1 sub( "^[\t ]*enum[\t ]*", "", $0 ) sub( "([\t ]*\{)?[\t ]*$", "", $0 ) sub( "^[\t ]*", "", $0 ) pushLevel() name = $0 if ( name != "" ) { if ( topName ~ "^$" ) printf( "ENUM\n%s\n\n", name ) else printf( "ENUM\n%s::%s\n\n", topName, name ) } else { name = anonenum anonenum++ if ( topName ~ "^$" ) printf( "ANONENUM\n%s\n\n", name ) else printf( "ANONENUM\n%s::%s\n\n", topName, name ) } getline while ( $0 ~ /^[\t ]*\/\/[\t ]*=/ ) handleInfo() while ( 1 ) { while ( $0 ~ /^[\t ]*$/ || $0 ~ /^[\t ]*\{/ ) getline if ( $0 ~ /,[^\/]*,/ ) { line = $0 sub( "[,\t ]*//.*", " ", line ) gsub( "[\t ]+", "", line ) num = split( line, item, "," ) for ( i=1; i<=num; i++ ) { if ( topName ~ "^$" ) printf( "ENUMITEM\n%s\n%s\n", name, item[i] ) else printf( "ENUMITEM\n%s::%s\n%s\n", topName, name, item[i] ) if ( i != num ) printf( "\n" ) } sub( "^.*//", "//", $0 ) currentlevel = level $0 = outputComment( $0 ) # if ( $0 ~ /^$/ ) if ( currentlevel != level ) { enum = 0 return } } else if ( $0 ~ /^.*,[\t ]*(\/\/.*)?$/ ) { match( $0, ".*,([\t ]*//)?" ) enumval = substr( $0, RSTART, RLENGTH ) sub( "[\t ]*,.*$", "", enumval ) sub( "^[\t ]*", "", enumval ) if ( topName ~ "^$" ) printf( "ENUMITEM\n%s\n%s\n", name, enumval ) else printf( "ENUMITEM\n%s::%s\n%s\n", topName, name, enumval ) sub( "^.*//", "//", $0 ) currentlevel = level $0 = outputComment( $0 ) # if ( $0 ~ /^$/ ) if ( currentlevel != level ) { enum = 0 return } } else if ( $0 ~ /^.*(\/\/.*)?$/ ) { match( $0, ".*([\t ]*//)?" ) enumval = substr( $0, RSTART, RLENGTH ) sub( "[\t ]*([\t ]*//.*)?$", "", enumval ) sub( "^[\t ]*", "", enumval ) if ( topName ~ "^$" ) printf( "ENUMITEM\n%s\n%s\n", name, enumval ) else printf( "ENUMITEM\n%s::%s\n%s\n", topName, name, enumval ) sub( "^.*//", "//", $0 ) currentlevel = level $0 = outputComment( $0 ) # if ( $0 ~ /^$/ ) if ( currentlevel != level ) { enum = 0 return } $0 = "" } else if ( $0 ~ /^[\t ]*}[\t ]*;/ ) { # Shouldn't happen, but just in case. popLevel( $0 ) enum = 0 return } } enum = 0 } # # Trap the end of a abstract data type or enumerated type. # Note: arrays are going to cause a problem here. e.g: # # int foo[] = # { # }; # # so this needs to be cleaned up a bit. # # /^[\t ]*}.*;[\t ]*/ { # handleEndADT() # } function handleEndADT() { popLevel( $0 ) # next $0 = "" } # # Trap private, protected and public keywords in class, struct or union. # # ( name !~ "^$" ) && # ( type !~ "enum" ) && # /^[\t ]*private[\t ]*:[\t ]*(\/\/.*)?$/ { # handlePrivate() # } function handlePrivate() { #if (accpriv == "on" ) printf( "ACCESS\n%s\nprivate\n\n", name ) hiding = "private" # next $0 = "" } # ( name !~ "^$" ) && # ( type !~ "enum" ) && # /^[\t ]*protected[\t ]*:[\t ]*(\/\/.*)?$/ { # handleProtected() # } function handleProtected() { #if (accprot == "on" ) printf( "ACCESS\n%s\nprotected\n\n", name ) hiding = "protected" # next $0 = "" } # ( name !~ "^$" ) && # ( type !~ "enum" ) && # /^[\t ]*public[\t ]*:[\t ]*(\/\/.*)?$/ { # handlePublic() # } function handlePublic() { #if (accpubl == "on" ) printf( "ACCESS\n%s\npublic\n\n", name ) hiding = "public" # next $0 = "" } # # Handle friend declaration. # function handleFriend( comment, line ) { line = $0 if ( $0 ~ /[,(][\t ]*(\/\/.*)?$/ ) { line = uncomment( line ) line = handleArgs( line ) } if ( line !~ /;[\t ]*(\/\/.*)?$/ ) { line = uncomment( line ) comment = handleInline() line = line ";" } else { match( line, "//.*$" ) comment = substr( line, RSTART, RLENGTH ) } gsub( "\t", " ", line ) gsub( " +", " ", line ) sub( "^ *", "", line ) if ( name ~ "^$" ) printf( "FRIEND\n%s\n%s\n%s\n", "::", "public", line ) else if ( hiding ~ "^$" ) printf( "FRIEND\n%s\n%s\n%s\n", name, "public", line ) else printf( "FRIEND\n%s\n%s\n%s\n", name, hiding, line ) $0 = outputComment( comment ) } # # Trap inline constructors with an initialiser list. # # ( name !~ "^$" ) && # ( type !~ "enum" ) && # /\)[\t ]*:[\t ]*.*\(.*\)[\t ]*({(.*})?[\t ]*)?(\/\/.*)?$/ { # handleInlineCtor() # } function handleInlineCtor() { sub( "[\t ]*//.*", "", $0 ) match( $0, ".*\\)[\t ]*:[\t ]*" ) prototype = substr( $0, RSTART, RLENGTH ) sub( "[\t ]*:[\t ]*$", "", prototype ) outputFunction( prototype ) if ( $0 !~ "}[\t ]*$" ) { $0 = handleInline() if ( $0 ~ "^[\t ]*//.*$" ) $0 = outputComment( $0 ) } else $0 = outputComment( "" ) } # # Trap any inline functions, including constructors/destructors, with # a complete prototype on the first line. # # ( name !~ "^$" ) && # ( type !~ "enum" ) && # /\)[\t ]*(const[\t ]*)?({(.*})?[\t ]*)?(\/\/.*)?$/ { # handleInlineFunction() # } function handleInlineFunction() { sub( "[\t ]*//.*$", "", $0 ) # XXXX v1 match( $0, ".*\\)[\t ]*(const[\t ]*)?([^{]*{)?[\t ]*" ) # XXXX v2 match( $0, ".*\\)[\t ]*(const)?([\t ]*\{)?[\t ]*" ) # XXXX v2 prototype = substr( $0, RSTART, RLENGTH ) pos = index($0,"{") if ( pos != 0 ) prototype = substr( $0, 1, pos-1 ) else prototype = $0 sub( "[\t ]*\{[\t ]*$", "", prototype ) outputFunction( prototype ) if ( $0 !~ "}[\t ]*$" ) { savename = name $0 = handleInline() if ( $0 ~ "^[\t ]*//.*$" ) $0 = outputComment( $0 ) else { if ( savename == name ) printf( "\n" ) } } else $0 = outputComment() } # # Trap normal Enum declaration. # # ( name !~ "^$" ) && # ( type !~ "enum" ) && # /\)[\t ]*(enum[\t ]*)?(=[\t ]*0[\t ]*)?,[\t ]*(\/\/.*)?$/ { # handleenum() # } function handleEnumFun() { $0 = Set_c_Comment_to_CPP_Comment( $0) match( $0, "//.*" ) comment = substr( $0, RSTART, RLENGTH ) $0 = uncomment( $0 ) outputEnum( $0 ) $0 = outputComment( comment ) } # # Trap normal function declaration. # # ( name !~ "^$" ) && # ( type !~ "enum" ) && # /\)[\t ]*(const[\t ]*)?(=[\t ]*0[\t ]*)?;[\t ]*(\/\/.*)?$/ { # handleFunction() # } function handleFunction() { $0 = Set_c_Comment_to_CPP_Comment( $0) match( $0, "//.*" ) comment = substr( $0, RSTART, RLENGTH ) $0 = uncomment( $0 ) outputFunction( $0 ) $0 = outputComment( comment ) } # # Trap member variables. # # ( name !~ "^$" ) && # ( type !~ "enum" ) && # /[\t ]*;[\t ]*(\/\/.*)?$/ { # handleMember() # } function handleMember() { $0 = Set_c_Comment_to_CPP_Comment( $0) match( $0, "//.*" ) comment = substr( $0, RSTART, RLENGTH ) sub( "[\t ]*//.*", "", $0 ) outputMember( $0 ) $0 = outputComment( comment ) } function handleMember_orig() { match( $0, "//.*" ) comment = substr( $0, RSTART, RLENGTH ) sub( "[\t ]*//.*", "", $0 ) outputMember( $0 ) $0 = outputComment( comment ) } function handleMember_neu() { match( $0, "/\\*.*\\*/" ) comment = substr( $0, RSTART, RLENGTH ) if ( length(comment) == 0 ) { match( $0, "//.*" ) comment = substr( $0, RSTART, RLENGTH ) } # else # sub( "[\t ]*//.*", "", $0 ) $0 = uncomment( $0 ) outputMember( $0 ) $0 = outputComment( comment ) } # # Trap remainder of functions and constructors, where prototypes go # over more than one line. # # ( name !~ "^$" ) && # ( type !~ "enum" ) && # /((\((.*,)?)|([_a-zA-Z0-9_]+))[\t ]*(\/\/.*)?$/ { # handleMultilineEnums() # } function handleMultilineEnums( prototype ) { $0 = uncomment( $0 ) prototype = handleEnumArgs( $0 ) prototype = uncomment( prototype ) sub( "\{.*}[\t ]*$", "", prototype ) outputEnum( prototype ) if ( prototype !~ ";[\t ]*" ) { savename = name $0 = handleInline() if ( line ~ "^[\t ]*//.*$" ) $0 = outputComment( $0 ) else { if ( savename == name ) printf( "\n" ) } } else $0 = outputComment() } # # Trap remainder of functions and constructors, where prototypes go # over more than one line. # # ( name !~ "^$" ) && # ( type !~ "enum" ) && # /((\((.*,)?)|([_a-zA-Z0-9_]+))[\t ]*(\/\/.*)?$/ { # handleMultilineFunctions() # } function handleMultilineFunctions( prototype ) { $0 = uncomment( $0 ) prototype = handleArgs( $0 ) prototype = uncomment( prototype ) sub( "\{.*}[\t ]*$", "", prototype ) outputFunction( prototype ) if ( prototype !~ ";[\t ]*" ) { savename = name $0 = handleInline() if ( line ~ "^[\t ]*//.*$" ) $0 = outputComment( $0 ) else { if ( savename == name ) printf( "\n" ) } } else $0 = outputComment() } # # pushLevel() and popLevel() implement a stack for classes encountered. # This is to handle class definitions local to classes. # pushLevel() is invoked when entering a abstract data type, and # popLevel() is executed when leaving. # function pushLevel() { level++ names[level] = name types[level] = type hidings[level] = hiding topName = name # 3.11.95 evtl auskommentieren! hiding = "" if ( class == 1 ) { type = "class" # hiding = "private" } else if ( struct == 1 ) { type = "struct" # hiding = "public" } else if ( union == 1 ) { type = "union" # hiding = "public" } else if ( enum == 1 ) type = "enum" } function popLevel( line ) { if ( name !~ "^$" ) { printf( "END\n%s\n\n", name ) oldname = name name = names[level] type = types[level] hiding = hidings[level] level-- topName = names[level] if ( line ~ "^[\t ]*}.*[_a-zA-Z0-9]+.*;[\t ]*(//.*)?$" ) { line = uncomment( line ) sub( "^[\t ]*}[\t ]*", "", line ) if ( line ~ "^[_a-zA-Z0-9]+" ) line = oldname " " line else line = oldname line outputMember( line ) return outputComment() } return "" } } # # Removes comments from a line. # function uncomment( line ) { sub( "/\\*.*\\*/", "", line ) sub( "[\t ]*//.*$", "" , line ) return line } # # Accumulates comment blocks and outputs them, followed by a blank line. # function outputComment( line ) { if ( line !~ "^[\t ]*//" ) getline line num = 0 while ( line ~ "^[\t ]*//" ) { sub( "^[\t ]*//", "", line ) if ( line ~ "^[\t ]*=(( [a-zA-Z0-9]+[^<>]*)|(=+))[\t ]*$" ) break else lines[num++] = line getline line } indent = -1 for ( i=0; i)?[\t ]*" ) { printf( "// %s\n", substr( lines[i], indent+1 ) ) } else { sub( "^[\t ]*", "", lines[i] ) printf( "// %s\n", lines[i] ) } } } printf( "\n" ) if ( line ~ "^[\t ]*}.*;[\t ]*$" ) line = popLevel( line ) return line } # # Checks occurences of ADT and determines if they are in fact a definition # or a declaration. If they are definition, it will generate any superclasses # for the ADT. # function handleADT( line ) { # # Check for class declaration: # class Foo; # if ( line ~ "[_a-zA-Z][ <,>_0-9a-zA-Z]*[\t ]*;" ) { # Do nothing, this is a declaration. return 0 } # # Check for derived classes: # class Foo : Foobar # else if ( line ~ "[^:]:[^:]*" ) { pushLevel() match( line, ".*[^:]:[^:]?" ) name = substr( line, RSTART, RLENGTH-1 ) sub( ":.*", "", name ) sub( "[\t ]*$", "", name ) if ( template == 1) { if ( name ~ "<.+>" ) { match( name, "<.+>" ) args = substr( name, RSTART, RLENGTH ) sub( "[\t ]*<.+>[\t ]*", "", name ) } } match( line, ":.*" ) bases = substr( line, RSTART, RLENGTH ) sub( ":[\t ]*", "", bases ) sub( "[\t ]*$", "", bases ) if ( bases !~ ",$" && bases !~ "^$" ) { sub( "[\t ]*\{[\t ]*$", "", bases ) } else { while ( bases ~ ".*,[\t ]*$" || bases ~ "^$" ) { getline contbases contbases = uncomment( contbases ) while ( length( contbases ) == 0 ) { getline contbases contbases = uncomment( contbases ) } bases = bases " " contbases } sub( "[\t ]*\{[\t ]*$", "", bases ) } } # # Check for non-derived classes: # class Foo # # else if ( line ~ "[_a-zA-Z][ <>,_0-9a-zA-Z]*(<.+>)?[\t ]*\{*$" ) else if ( line ~ "[_a-zA-Z][ <>,_0-9a-zA-Z]*(<.+>)?[\t ]*(\{[\t ]*)?$" ) { pushLevel() if ( template == 1) match( line, "[_a-zA-Z][_0-9a-zA-Z]*" ) else match( line, "[_a-zA-Z][ <>,_0-9a-zA-Z]*" ) name = substr( line, RSTART, RLENGTH ) sub( "[\t ]*$", "", name ) if ( template == 1) { sub( "[_a-zA-Z][_0-9a-zA-Z]*", "", line ) if ( line ~ "^<" ) { match( line, "<.+>" ) args = substr( line, RSTART, RLENGTH ) } } } else { # Discard anything else. return 0 } return 1 } # # Generates the actual list of superclasses. # function outputSuperClasses( line ) { if ( line ~ /^[\t ]*$/ ) printf( "\n" ) else { gsub( "(\t| )+", " ", line ) narg = 0 while ( match( line, "[^<>,# ]*<[^<>]*>" ) ) { narg++ arg = substr( line, RSTART, RLENGTH ) sub( "[^<>,# ]*<[^<>]*>", "#" narg, line ) bargs["#" narg] = arg # Need the following to stop resubstitution of the pattern matched # back into the string. gsub( "&", "\\\\&", bargs["#" narg] ) } num = split( line, item, "," ) i = 1 while ( i<=num ) { access = "private" inherit = "" if ( item[i] ~ "[\t ]*public[\t ]*" ) { access = "public" sub( "[\t ]*public[\t ]*", "", item[i] ) } else if ( item[i] ~ "[\t ]*protected[\t ]*" ) { access = "protected" sub( "[\t ]*protected[\t ]*", "", item[i] ) } sub( "[\t ]*private[\t ]*", "", item[i] ) if ( item[i] ~ "[\t ]*virtual[\t ]*" ) { inherit = " virtual" sub( "[\t ]*virtual[\t ]*", "", item[i] ) } while ( match( item[i], "#[0-9]+" ) ) { arg = substr( item[i], RSTART, RLENGTH ) sub( arg, bargs[arg], item[i] ) } sub( "^[\t ]*", "", item[i] ) sub( "[\t ]*$", "", item[i] ) printf( "%s%s %s\n", access, inherit, item[i] ) ++i } printf( "\n" ) } } # # Outputs enum prototypes. # function outputEnum( line ) { if ( line !~ ";[\t ]*$" ) { sub( "[\t ]*$", ";", line ) if ( line !~ /^[\t ]*inline[\t ]+/ ) sub( "^[\t ]*", "inline ", line ) } if ( ( type ~ "class" ) && ( hiding ~ "^$" ) ) hide = "private" else hide = "public" printf( "ENUM\n%s\n%s\n", name, hiding ~ "^$" ? hide : hiding ) gsub( "\t", " ", line ) gsub( " +", " ", line ) sub( "^ *", "", line ) sub( " *$", "", line ) sub( "( ?;)*$", ";", line ) printf( "%s\n", line ) } # # Outputs function prototypes. # function outputFunction( line ) { if ( line !~ ";[\t ]*$" ) { sub( "[\t ]*$", ";", line ) if ( line !~ /^[\t ]*inline[\t ]+/ ) sub( "^[\t ]*", "inline ", line ) } if ( ( type ~ "class" ) && ( hiding ~ "^$" ) ) hide = "private" else hide = "public" printf( "FUNC\n%s\n%s\n", name, hiding ~ "^$" ? hide : hiding ) gsub( "\t", " ", line ) gsub( " +", " ", line ) sub( "^ *", "", line ) sub( " *$", "", line ) sub( "( ?;)*$", ";", line ) printf( "%s\n", line ) } # # Output member variables. # function outputMember( line ) { if ( ( type ~ "class" ) && ( hiding ~ "^$" ) ) hide = "private" else hide = "public" printf( "MEMBER\n%s\n%s\n", name, hiding ~ "^$" ? hide : hiding ) gsub( "\t", " ", line ) gsub( " +", " ", line ) sub( "^ *", "", line ) sub( " *$", "", line ) sub( "( ?;)*$", ";", line ) printf( "%s\n", line ) } # # Output member variables. # function outputMemberEnum( line ) { if ( ( type ~ "class" ) && ( hiding ~ "^$" ) ) hide = "private" else hide = "public" printf( "ENUM\n%s\n%s\n", name, hiding ~ "^$" ? hide : hiding ) gsub( "\t", " ", line ) gsub( " +", " ", line ) sub( "^ *", "", line ) sub( " *$", "", line ) sub( "( ?;)*$", ";", line ) printf( "%s\n", line ) } # # Gathers up argument lists which cover more than one line. # function handleArgs( prototype ) { getline line line = uncomment( line ) sub( "^[\t ]*", "", line ) sub( "[\t ]*$", "", line ) # 3.11.95 supress preproc in fuctions args sub( "#.*$", "", line ) if ( ( prototype ~ "\\($" || line ~ "^\\(" || line ~ "^\\)" ) && \ prototype !~ ",$" ) prototype = prototype line else prototype = prototype " " line while ( \ ( prototype !~ "\\)[\t ]*(const[\t ]*)?((\{.*)|(//.*))?$" ) \ && \ ( prototype !~ "\\)[\t ]*(const[\t ]*)?(=[\t ]*0[\t ]*)?;[\t ]*(//.*)?$" ) \ && \ ( prototype !~ "\\)[\t ]*:.*$" ) \ ) { getline line line = uncomment( line ) sub( "^[\t ]*", "", line ) sub( "[\t ]*$", "", line ) # 3.11.95 supress preproc in fuctions args sub( "#.*$", "", line ) if ( ( prototype ~ "\\($" || line ~ "^\\(" || line ~ "^\\)" ) && \ prototype !~ ",$" ) prototype = prototype line else prototype = prototype " " line } if ( prototype ~ "\\)[\t ]*:.*$" ) sub( "\\)[\t ]*:.*$", ")", prototype ) else if ( prototype ~ "\\)[\t ]*\{.*$" ) sub( "\\)[\t ]*\{.*$", ")", prototype ) return prototype } # # Gathers up enum argument lists which cover more than one line. # function handleEnumArgs( prototype ) { getline line line = uncomment( line ) sub( "^[\t ]*", "", line ) sub( "[\t ]*$", "", line ) if ( ( prototype ~ "\\{$" || line ~ "^\\{" || line ~ "^\\}" ) && \ prototype !~ ",$" ) prototype = prototype line else prototype = prototype " " line while ( \ ( prototype !~ "\\}[\t ]*(const[\t ]*)?((\{.*)|(//.*))?$" ) \ && \ ( prototype !~ "\\}[\t ]*(const[\t ]*)?(=[\t ]*0[\t ]*)?;[\t ]*(//.*)?$" ) \ && \ ( prototype !~ "\\}[\t ]*:.*$" ) \ ) { getline line line = uncomment( line ) sub( "^[\t ]*", "", line ) sub( "[\t ]*$", "", line ) if ( ( prototype ~ "\\($" || line ~ "^\\(" || line ~ "^\\)" ) && \ prototype !~ ",$" ) prototype = prototype line else prototype = prototype " " line } if ( prototype ~ "\\}[\t ]*:.*$" ) sub( "\\}[\t ]*:.*$", "}", prototype ) else if ( prototype ~ "\\}[\t ]*\{.*$" ) sub( "\\}[\t ]*\{.*$", "}", prototype ) return prototype } # # Skips inline code. End of such code is determined when either a blank line, # comment, or end of ADT is encountered. # function handleInline() { getline line while (line !~ "^[\t ]*(}.*;[\t ]*)?(//.*)?$" ) getline line if ( line ~ "[\t ]*}[\t ]*[_a-zA-Z0-9]*[\t ]*;[\t ]*$" ) { printf( "\n" ) popLevel( line ) } if ( line ~ "^[\t ]*//.*" ) return line else return "" } # # The main parsing loop. # This implements a recursive descent parser of sorts. # function doParse() { while ( $0 !~ "^$" ) { if ( $0 ~ /^[\t ]*template[\t ]*<[^:]+>[\t ]*$/ ) { getline line $0 = $0 " " line } if ( $0 ~ /^[\t ]*\/\/[\t ]*==+[\t ]*$/ ) { handleHeader() } else if ( $0 ~ /^[\t ]*\/\/[\t ]*= [a-zA-Z0-9]+[^<>]*[\t ]*$/ ) { handleInfo() } else if ( $0 ~ /^[\t ]*\/\/.*$/ ) { handleComment() } else if ( $0 ~ /^[\t ]*#[\t ]*define/ ) { handleDefine() } else if ( $0 ~ /^[\t ]*#[\t ]*include[\t ]*<.+>/ ) { handleInclude() } else if ( $0 ~ /^[\t ]*#[\t ]*include[\t ]*".+"/ ) { handleLocalInclude() } else if ( $0 ~ /^[\t ]*#.*$/ ) { handlePreprocessor() } else if ( $0 ~ /^[\t ]*typedef[\t ]+/ ) { handleTypedef() } else if ( $0 ~ /^extern[\t ]+/ ) { handleExtern() } else if ( $0 ~ /^[\t ]*class[\t ]/ ) { handleClass() } else if ( $0 ~ /^[\t ]*struct[\t ]/ ) { handleStruct() } else if ( $0 ~ /^[\t ]*union[\t ]/ ) { handleUnion() } else if ( $0 ~ /^[\t ]*template[\t ]*<.+>[\t ]+class[\t ]/ ) { handleTemplate() } else if ( $0 ~ /^[\t ]*enum[\t ]*.*;[\t ]*(\/\/.*)?$/ ) { #printf("\ntype=%s-------single------\n",type); handleEnumFun() } else if ( ($0 ~ /((\((.*,)?)|([_a-zA-Z0-9_]+))[\t ]*(\/\/.*)?$/) && ( name !~ "^$" ) && ( $0 ~ /^[\t ]*enum/ ) ) { #printf("\ntype=%s-------multi------\n",type); handleMultilineEnums() } else if ( $0 ~ /^[\t ]*}.*;[\t ]*/ ) { handleEndADT() } else if ( ( name !~ "^$" ) && ( type !~ "enum" ) ) { if ( $0 ~ /^[\t ]*private[\t ]*:[\t ]*(\/\/.*)?$/ ) { handlePrivate() } else if ( $0 ~ /^[\t ]*protected[\t ]*:[\t ]*(\/\/.*)?$/ ) { handleProtected() } else if ( $0 ~ /^[\t ]*public[\t ]*:[\t ]*(\/\/.*)?$/ ) { handlePublic() } else if ( $0 ~ /^[\t ]*friend[\t ]+/ ) { handleFriend() } else if ( $0 ~ /\)[\t ]*:[\t ]*.*\(.*\)[\t ]*(\{(.*})?[\t ]*)(\/\/.*)?$/ ) { handleInlineCtor() } else if ( $0 ~ /\)[\t ]*(const[\t ]*)?(\{(.*})?[\t ]*)?(\/\/.*)?$/ && $0 !~ /^.*operator[\t ]*\(\)[\t ]*(\/\/.*)?$/ ) { handleInlineFunction() } else if ( $0 ~ /\)[\t ]*(const[\t ]*)?(=[\t ]*0[\t ]*)?;?[\t ]*(\/\/.*)?$/ && $0 !~ /^.*operator[\t ]*\(\)[\t ]*(\/\/.*)?$/ ) { handleFunction() } else if ( $0 ~ /[\t ]*;[\t ]*(\/\/.*)?(\/\\*.*\\*\/)?$/ ) { handleMember() } else if ( $0 ~ /((\((.*,)?)|([_a-zA-Z0-9_>)]+[*&]?))[\t ]*(\/\/.*)?$/ ) { handleMultilineFunctions() } else $0 = "" } else $0 = "" } }