eval '(exit $?0)' && eval 'exec perl -S $0 ${1+"$@"}' & eval 'exec perl -S $0 $argv:q' if 0; # $Id$ # # Wraps cvs log, and substitutes messages of form "ChangeLogTag" # with their corresponding ChangeLog entries. # # Authors: Luther J. Baker and David L. Levine #### #### global #### use strict; my $dir_sep = $^O eq 'MSWin32' ? '\\' : '/'; my $cvs_log_options = ''; my @changelogs = (); my %changelog_hash = (); #### #### main (I do this for reading clarity) #### { #### #### Save any command line options (beginning with -), to pass to cvs log. #### while ($#ARGV >= $[ && $ARGV[0] =~ /^-/) { $cvs_log_options .= $cvs_log_options ? " " . shift : shift; } #### #### Build up the array of ChangeLog files to search, #### &find_changelogs($ARGV[0]); #### #### Build the hash table of key=tags value=entry #### &build_changelog_hash(); #### #### Print the cvs log for each filename argument. #### Inserting expanded entries after ChangeLog tags #### foreach my $arg (@ARGV) { &print_log ($arg); } } #### #### Function surrounding cvs log #### sub print_log () { my $file = shift; open (CVSLOG, "cvs log $cvs_log_options $file |") || die "$0: unable to open cvs log\n"; while () { if (/ChangeLog(Tag)?: *(.*)/i || /ChangeLog( *Entry)?: *(.*)/i) { chomp; print "$_:\n"; # An array reference HAS to be defined, the following will NOT work # print "$changelog_hash{$2})" || "ChangeLogTag NOT FOUND!!!!\n"; if (defined $changelog_hash{$2}) { print "@{$changelog_hash{$2}}"; } else { print "\n\tChangeLogTag \"$2\" NOT FOUND!!!!\n\n"; } } else { print; } } close CVSLOG; } #### #### Build the hash #### sub build_changelog_hash () { my $key = 0; my @entry = (); foreach my $changelog_file (@changelogs) { open (CHANGELOG, $changelog_file) || die "$0: unable to open '$changelog_file'\n"; while () { if (/^\w/) { if ($key) { if (defined $changelog_hash{$key}) { #### Deal with multiple identical ChangeLogTags. push @{$changelog_hash{$key}}, @entry; } else { $changelog_hash{$key} = [ @entry ]; } } @entry = (); chomp; $key = $_; } else { push @entry, $_; } } close CHANGELOG; } } #### #### Find the ChangeLog(s) associated with the file. #### sub find_changelogs () { my $file = shift; if ($#changelogs >= 0) { @changelogs; } else { my $pwd = &basename ($file) || '.'; #### The [C] ensures that the glob will actually look for the file. while (! (@changelogs = glob ("$pwd/[C]hangeLog " . "$pwd/[C]hangeLog-97 " . #### ACE_wrappers/TAO "$pwd/[C]hangeLog-97b " . #### ACE_wrappers "$pwd/ChangeLog-9[89]* " . "$pwd/ChangeLog-0*"))) { if ($pwd !~ m%^${dir_sep}%) { #### We're starting with a relative path. Get the #### absolute path. chomp ($pwd = `pwd`); $pwd .= "/$file"; } $pwd = &basename ($pwd); if ($pwd eq '') { warn "$0: ChangeLog NOT FOUND for '$file'!!!!\n"; return (); } } } } #### #### Return directory component of a filename, without trailing $dir_sep. #### Return '' if there is no directory component. #### sub basename () { my $filename = shift; $filename =~ s%[${dir_sep}][^${dir_sep}]+$%% ? $filename : ''; }