# ============================================================================= # # = DESCRIPTION # Awk script which performs the actual conversion from classinfo file # to various types of documentation. # # = AUTHOR(S) # Graham Dumpleton # K.Dorn # # = COPYRIGHT # Copyright 1991 OTC LIMITED # Copyright 1994 DUMPLETON SOFTWARE CONSULTING PTY LIMITED # # ============================================================================= BEGIN { # # Set some defaults. # #device = "text" # access["public"] = "on" # access["protected"] = "on" # access["private"] = "on" access["public"] = publ access["protected"] = prot access["private"] = priv lower["CLASS"] = "class" lower["STRUCT"] = "struct" lower["UNION"] = "union" lower["class"] = "class" lower["struct"] = "struct" lower["union"] = "union" upper["public"] = "PUBLIC" upper["protected"] = "PROTECTED" upper["private"] = "PRIVATE" classfunc = "" rettyp = "" classname="" classtitle="" filedate="" filename="" filename1="" origfile="" author="" classdescription="" firsttime = "first" nesting_level = 0 # csaprintheader=1 # # Check that info file, class have been specified. # # if ( infile ~ /^$/ || class ~ /^$/ ) # exit # # Read in info file. # # FS="\n"; RS="" # while ( getline < infile > 0 ) # lines[++num] = $0 # # Prepare for format file. # FS=" "; RS="\n" # # Find some defaults in info file. # # findLibrary() # findFilename() } # end of Begin section!!!!! # # # function csa_print_compilation_header_alt() { if (csaprintheader == "on") { if ( length( firsttime ) > 3 ) { csa_compilation_header=sprintf("\n/*[ Compilation unit "\ "----------------------------------------------------------\n"\ "\n"\ " Component\ \ \ \ \ \ \ : CSA - OSC\n"\ "\n"\ " Name\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ : %s.h\n"\ "\n"\ " Author : %s\n"\ "\n"\ " Language : C++\n"\ "\n"\ " Creation Date : %s\n"\ "\n"\ " Test State : %%Q%%\n"\ "\n"\ " Description : %s\n"\ " %s\n"\ "\n"\ "\n"\ " Copyright (C) Siemens AG 1995 All Rights Reserved\n"\ "\n"\ "--------------------------------------"\ "---------------------------------------*/\n"\ "/*] END */\n"\ "#pragma ident \"%%Z%% %%M%% %%I%% (%%G%%), %%Y%% %%Q%%:"\ " implementation file for class \n"\ "%s\"\n"\ "\n"\ "#undef __STDC__\n"\ "#undef __GNUG__\n"\ "\n",filename1,author,filedate,classtitle,classdescription,classname); printf("%s",csa_compilation_header); firsttime = "" } } } # # # function csa_print_compilation_header() { if ((csaprintheader == "on" && merge != "on") || (merge == "on" && loop == "1")) { if ( length( firsttime ) > 3 ) { for ( i=0; i<=num; i++ ) { n = split( lines[i], line, "\n" ) if (line[1] == "INCLUDE" && line[2] !~ /^.*\.\i/) printf( "#include %s\n", line[2]) } csa_compilation_header=sprintf(vcohxx,filename1,author,filedate,classtitle,classdescription,classname); printf("%s",csa_compilation_header); firsttime = "" } } } # # # function csa_print_class_header_alt() { if (csaprintheader == "on") { csa_class_header=sprintf("\n/*[ Class ---------------------"\ "-------------------------------------------\n"\ "\n"\ " Name : %s\n"\ "\n"\ " Description : %s\n"\ " %s\n"\ "\n"\ "--------------------------------------------"\ "------------------------------*/\n\n",class,classtitle,classdescription) if ( device != "text" ) print( ".nf\n" ) printf("%s",csa_class_header); } } # # # function csa_print_class_header() { if (csaprintheader == "on") { csa_class_header=sprintf(vclhxx,class,classtitle,classdescription) if ( device != "text" ) print( ".nf\n" ) printf("%s",csa_class_header); } } # # # function csa_print_class_end() { if (csaprintheader == "on") { csa_class_end=sprintf("\n/*] END Class */\n\n") if ( device != "text" ) print( ".nf\n" ) printf("%s",csa_class_end); } } # # # function csa_collect_info() { classdescription = "" classtitle = "" found = 0 for ( i=0; i<=num; i++ ) { n = split( lines[i], line, "\n" ) csa_get_filedate_and_name() csa_get_class_name_and_title(n) csa_get_library() csa_get_author() if ( line[1] == "INFO" && line[2] == "HDR" && line[3] == "DESCRIPTION" && line[4] == class ) { found = 1 break } } if ( found == 1 ) { for ( i=5; i<=n; i++ ) { len = length(line[i]) comm = substr(line[i],4,len) classdescription = classdescription comm "\n " } } found = 0 csa_get_origfile_name() } # # # function csa_get_origfile_name() { len=length(infile) origfile=substr(infile,1,len-2) origfile = origfile "h" } # # # function csa_get_author() { if ( line[1] == "INFO" && line[2] == "GLOBAL" && line[3] == "AUTHOR" ) { len=length(line[4]) author=substr(line[4],4,len) } } # # # function csa_get_library() { if ( line[1] == "INFO" && line[2] == "GLOBAL" && line[3] == "LIBRARY" ) { #library=line[4] } } # # # function csa_get_class_name_and_title(n) { if ( line[1] == "INFO" && line[2] == "HDR" && line[3] == "TITLE" && line[4] == class ) { classname=line[4] # classtitle=line[5] # len = length(line[5]) # classtitle = substr(line[5],4,len) for ( j=5; j<=n; j++ ) { len = length(line[j]) comm = substr(line[j],4,len) classtitle = classtitle comm "\n " } } } # # # function csa_get_filedate_and_name() { if ( line[1] == "CLASS2INFO" ) { filedate=line[2] filename=line[3] len=length(line[3]) filename1=substr(line[3],1,(len-2)) } } # # # function csa_get_() { } # # # function read_ci_file() { while ( getline < infile > 0 ) lines[++num] = $0 } function read_fvclhxx_file() { vclhxx1 = "\n" while ( getline < fvclhxx > 0 ) vclhxx1 = vclhxx1 $0 "\n" vclhxx = vclhxx1 } function read_fvcohxx_file() { vcohxx1 = "\n" while ( getline < fvcohxx > 0 ) vcohxx1 = vcohxx1 $0 "\n" vcohxx = vcohxx1 } # # currently not used because not necessary (in recursion properly handled!) # function read_ci_file_and_modify() { while ( getline < infile > 0 ) { if ($1 ~ "^(CLASS|STRUCT|UNION)$" && $2 ~ "(::|<)") { #printf("\n----old=|%s|-----\n",$2) n = split( $0, line, "\n" ) len = length($2) match( $2, "(::|<).*$") $2 = substr( $2,RSTART+2,RLENGTH) #printf("\n----new=|%s|-----\n",$2) line[1] = $1 "\n" line[2] = $2 new = "" for (i=1; i<=(n+1) ;i++) new = new line[i] lines[++num] = new "\n" } else lines[++num] = $0 "\n" } # for (i=1; i<=num ;i++) # print lines[i] } # # Start next pass. # $1 == "start" { if ( pass == 0) { # # Check that info file, class have been specified. # if ( infile ~ /^$/ || class ~ /^$/ ) exit # # Read in info file. # FS="\n"; RS="" read_ci_file() FS=" "; RS="\n" if (csaprintheader == "on") { read_fvclhxx_file() read_fvcohxx_file() } # # Prepare for format file. # FS=" "; RS="\n" # # Find some defaults in info file. # findLibrary() findFilename() } pass++ } # # Sets the output device to use. # # $1 == "set" && $2 == "device" { # device = $3 # } # # Prevents a section from being printed. # $1 == "hide" && $2 == "section" { section = $3 for ( i=4; i<=NF; i++ ) section = " " section sections[section] = "" } # # Prevents a contract from being printed. # # Note: a contract will not be displayed if it occurs in a part of the class # which has been disabled. For instance, if anything occuring in the private # section of a class is being hidden, the no contracts from that section will # be displayed either. # $1 == "hide" && $2 == "contract" { contract = $3 for ( i=4; i<=NF; i++ ) contract = " " contract contracts[contract] = "" } # # Specification of whether a part of a class is hidden or not. # $1 == "set" && $2 in access { access[$2] = $3 } # # Print a prelude. This should produce any stuff necessary to initialise # the document. # pass == "2" && $1 == "print" && $2 == "prelude" { "date" | getline date split ( date, d, " " ) date = d[2] " " d[3] ", " d[6] if ( device == "text" ) { } else if ( device == "troff" ) { print( ".\\\" troff -man %" ) print( ".\\\"" ) print( ".\\\" DO NOT EDIT" ) print( ".\\\"" ) print( ".\\\" This manual page is automatically generated by class2man." ) print( ".\\\"" ) print( ".ds sL " library ) print( ".ds sV " date ) print( ".ds sC " class ) print( ".ds sS 3" ) print( ".TH \"\\*(sC\" \"\\*(sS\" \"\\*(sV\" \"\\*(sL Library\" \"\\*(sL Reference Manual\"" ) } else if ( device == "mml" ) { print( "" ) print( "" ) print( "" ) print( "" ) print( "" ) print( "" ) } } # # Print out a title. # The title should be generated from the class name and any information # in the section labelled 'TITLE" which occurs in the hdr of a class. # On pass 1 we simply note that we intend using the 'TITLE' section so # that it doesn't get printed out as a seperate section. # pass == "1" && $1 == "print" && $2 == "title" { sections["TITLE"] = "" } # # On pass 2 we actually print the title. # Note: even if a 'TITLE' section is not found for the class, then the class # name at least should be output. # pass == "2" && $1 == "print" && $2 == "title" { found = 0 for ( i=0; i<=num; i++ ) { n = split( lines[i], line, "\n" ) if ( line[1] == "INFO" && line[2] == "HDR" && line[3] == "TITLE" && line[4] == class ) { found = 1 break } } if ( device == "text" ) { if ( found == 1 ) { print( class " " ) for ( i=5; i<=n; i++ ) outputLine( line[i] ) } else print( class ) } else if ( device == "troff" ) { print( ".PP" ) print( ".SH \"NAME\"" ) if ( found == 1 ) { print( class " \\- " ) for ( i=5; i<=n; i++ ) outputLine( line[i] ) } else print( class ) } else if ( device == "mml" ) { print( "" ) print( class ) if ( found == 1 ) { print( "" ) for ( i=5; i<=n; i++ ) outputLine( line[i] ) } } } # # On pass 1 we actually store the class description for csa. # pass == "1" { if (csaprintheader == "on") csa_collect_info() } # # Print a synopsis. # This should include a line indicating which header file needs to be included # and a description of the members variables and functions in the class. # A section of the class should not be output if access["section"] == "off". # e.g.: Don't print private stuff if access["private"] == "off". # # # das ist die standard ausgabe! (nur hier!) # pass == 2 && $1 == "print" && $2 == "synopsis" { if (csaprintheader == "on") csa_print_compilation_header() if ( device == "text" ) { print( "\ "SYNOPSIS"\ " ) print( "\n" ) } else if ( device == "troff" ) { print( ".PP" ) print( ".SH \"SYNOPSIS\"" ) print( ".nf\n" ) } else if ( device == "mml" ) { print( "" ) print( "") print( "SYNOPSIS" ) printf( "" ) printf( "" ) printf( "" ) printf( "" ) printf( "" ) } # # check for includes # if ( filename != "" && library != "C++" ) { if ( device == "text" ) { if ( merge != "on") { # printf( "\n#include <%s/%s>\n", library,filename) # printf( "\n#include <%s/%s>\n", library,origfile) # print( "\n" ) } else { if ( loop == "1") { # printf( "\n#include <%s/%s>\n", library,filename) # printf( "\n#include <%s/%s>\n", library,origfile) # print( "\n" ) } } } else if ( device == "troff" ) { print( "\\f(CO#include <" library "/" filename ">" ) print( "" ) } else if ( device == "mml" ) { print( "#include \\<" library "/" filename "\\>" ) print( "" ) } if (csaprintheader == "on") csa_print_class_header() } bases = "" baseindex = 0 numfields = 0 # # start searching for loop for output 1 ADTs # for ( i=0; i<=num; i++ ) { numfields = split( lines[i], line, "\n" ) if ( line[1] ~ /(CLASS|UNION|STRUCT)/ && line[2] == class ) { type = lower[line[1]] baseindex = 3 # # # break heisst, jetzt ist richtige klasse gefunden, die von aussen mitgegeben wurde!!!!!! # break } else if ( \ line[1] == "TEMPLATE" && \ line[2] ~ /(class|union|struct)/ && \ line[3] == class \ ) { baseindex = 5 type = "template" break } } # # end of searching for loop for output 1 ADTs # ab hier function eingesetzt! # #printf("\nvor parse_and_print_adt: class=%s nesting_level=%s",class,nesting_level); class = parse_and_print_adt(class,class,class,baseindex,type) #printf("\nafter parse_and_print_adt: class=%s nesting_level=%s",class,nesting_level); # # bis hier geht parse function # #till end csa_print_class_end() if (csaprintheader == "on") csa_print_class_end() } # # Print copyright holders. This must break the line before each copyright # holder. # # wird im moment nicht gerufen # pass == "2" && $1 == "print" && $2 == "copyright" { for ( i=0; i<=num; i++ ) { n = split( lines[i], line, "\n" ) if ( line[1] == "INFO" && line[2] == "GLOBAL" && line[3] == "COPYRIGHT" ) { if ( device == "text" ) { print( "COPYRIGHT" ) } else if ( device == "troff" ) { print( ".PP" ) print( ".SH COPYRIGHT" ) } else if ( device == "mml" ) { print( "" ) print( "" ) print( "COPYRIGHT" ) printf( "" ) printf( "" ) printf( "" ) printf( "" ) printf( "" ) } start = 4 for ( k=start; k<=n; k++ ) { if ( k != start && line[k] ~ "[\t ]*Copyright" ) { if ( device == "text" ) print( "\n" ) else if ( device == "troff" ) print( ".br" ) else if ( device == "mml" ) printf( "" ) } outputLine( line[k] ) } break } } } # # Print out any sections which have not been previously printed out and # which are not hidden. # pass == "1" && $1 == "print" && $2 == "section" && $3 == "*" { next } pass == "2" && $1 == "print" && $2 == "section" && $3 == "*" { for ( i=0; i<=num; i++ ) { n = split( lines[i], line, "\n" ) if ( line[1] == "INFO" && ( line[2] == "GLOBAL" || ( line[2] == "HDR" && line[4] == class ) ) ) { if ( line[3] in sections ) continue else { section = line[3] sections[section] = "" #printf("\noutputSection() - 1 - called!!!!!!!!!!!!"); outputSection() } } } } # # Print out a section. # On pass 1 only record the fact that this section will be printed. # pass == "1" && $1 == "print" && $2 == "section" { section = $3 for ( i=4; i<=NF; i++ ) section = section " " $i sections[section] = "" } # # Print out a section. # On pass 2 actually print it out. # pass == "2" && $1 == "print" && $2 == "section" { section = $3 for ( i=4; i<=NF; i++ ) section = section " " $i found = 0 for ( i=0; i<=num; i++ ) { n = split( lines[i], line, "\n" ) if ( line[1] == "INFO" && ( line[2] == "GLOBAL" || ( line[2] == "HDR" && line[4] == class ) ) && line[3] == section ) { found = 1 break } } if ( found == 1 ) { #printf("\noutputSection() - 2 - called!!!!!!!!!!!!"); outputSection() } } # # Print out any contracts which have not previously been printed, and # which are not hidden. # # If there are no contracts in the class, then print out sections for the # private, protected and public members; thats if they are not being hidden. # pass == "1" && $1 == "print" && $2 == "contract" && $3 == "\*" { next } pass == "2" && $1 == "print" && $2 == "contract" && $3 == "\*" { for ( i=0; i<=num; i++ ) { n = split( lines[i], line, "\n" ) if ( line[1] == "INFO" && line[2] == "BODY" && line[4] == class ) { if ( line[3] in contracts ) continue else if ( access[line[5]] == "on" ) { contract = line[3] contracts[contract] = "" #printf("\noutputContract() called!!!!!"); outputContract() } } } i = 0 for ( j in contracts ) i++ if ( i == 0 ) { #printf("\noutputClassSection() -2- called!!!!!!!\n"); if ( access["public"] == "on" ) outputClassSection( "public" ) if ( access["protected"] == "on" ) outputClassSection( "protected" ) if ( access["private"] == "on" ) outputClassSection( "private" ) } } # # Print out a particular contract, regardless of whether it is hidden or # not. # On pass 1 we only note that the contract will be printed. # pass == "1" && $1 == "print" && $2 == "contract" { contract = $3 for ( i=4; i<=NF; i++ ) contract = contract " " $i contracts[contract] = "" } pass == "2" && $1 == "print" && $2 == "contract" { contract = $3 for ( i=4; i<=NF; i++ ) contract = contract " " $i found = 0 for ( i=0; i<=num; i++ ) { n = split( lines[i], line, "\n" ) if ( line[1] == "INFO" && line[2] == "BODY" && line[4] == class && line[3] == section ) { found = 1 break } } if ( found == 1 ) { #printf("\noutputContract() called!!!!!"); outputContract() } } # # Output a particular section of a class. # This ignores whether that part is hidden. # pass == "2" && $1 == "print" && $3 in access { #printf("\noutputClassSection() -1- called!!!!!!!\n"); outputClassSection( $3 ) } # # Actually prints out a particular section of a class. # # # wird nie gerufen # function outputClassSection( part ) { start = 0 for ( i=0; i<=num; i++ ) { n = split( lines[i], line, "\n" ) if ( ( line[1] == "FUNC" || line[1] == "MEMBER" || line[1] == "TYPEDEF" || line[1] == "FRIEND" ) && line[2] == class && line[3] == part ) { if ( start == 0 ) { start = 1 if ( device == "text" ) { printf( "\n %s MEMBERS\n" ,upper[line[3]]) } else if ( device == "troff" ) { print( ".PP" ) print( ".SH \"" upper[line[3]] " MEMBERS\"" ) } else if ( device == "mml" ) { print( "" ) print( "" ) print( upper[line[3]] " MEMBERS" ) printf( "" ) printf( "" ) printf( "" ) printf( "" ) printf( "" ) } } if ( device == "text" ) { print( "\n" ) } else if ( device == "troff" ) { print( ".nf" ) } else if ( device == "mml" ) { printf( "" ) } outputPrototype( line[4] ) if ( device == "text" ) { } else if ( device == "troff" ) { print( ".fi" ) print( ".RS 0.25i" ) } else if ( device == "mml" ) { printf( "" ) printf( "" ) printf( "" ) } for ( l=5; l<=n; l++ ) outputLine( line[l] ) if ( device == "text" ) { print( "" ) } else if ( device == "troff" ) { print( ".RE" ) print( "" ) } else if ( device == "mml" ) { printf( "" ) printf( "" ) } } } } # # Once a contract has been found, this prints it out. # # # wird nie gerufen # function outputContract() { if ( device == "text" ) { print( "\ " contract "\ " ) } else if ( device == "troff" ) { print( ".PP" ) print( ".SH \"" contract "\"" ) } else if ( device == "mml" ) { print( "" ) print( "" ) print( contract ) printf( "" ) printf( "" ) printf( "" ) printf( "" ) printf( "" ) } for ( k=6; k<=n; k++ ) outputLine( line[k] ) # print( "" ) for ( k=i+1; k<=num; k++ ) { n = split( lines[k], line, "\n" ) if ( ( line[1] == "INFO" && line[2] == "BODY" && line[4] == class ) || ( line[1] == "END" && line[2] == class ) || ( line[1] == "ACCESS" && line[2] == class ) ) { break } else if ( ( line[1] == "FUNC" || line[1] == "MEMBER" || line[1] == "TYPEDEF" || line[1] == "FRIEND" ) && line[2] == class ) { if ( device == "text" ) { print( "\n" ) } else if ( device == "troff" ) { print( ".nf" ) } else if ( device == "mml" ) { printf( "" ) } outputPrototype( line[4] ) if ( device == "text" ) { } else if ( device == "troff" ) { print( ".fi" ) print( ".RS 0.25i" ) } else if ( device == "mml" ) { printf( "" ) printf( "" ) printf( "" ) } for ( l=5; l<=n; l++ ) outputLine( line[l] ) if ( device == "text" ) { print( "" ) } else if ( device == "troff" ) { print( ".RE" ) print( "" ) } else if ( device == "mml" ) { printf( "" ) printf( "" ) } } else if ( line[1] == "COMMENT" && line[2] == "BODY" && line[3] == class ) { for ( l=5; l<=n; l++ ) outputLine( line[l] ) # print( "" ) } } } # # Once a section has been found, this prints it out. # # # wird nie gerufen # function outputSection() { if ( line[2] == "GLOBAL" ) start = 4 else start = 5 if ( device == "text" ) { print( "\ " section "\ " ) } else if ( device == "troff" ) { print( ".PP" ) print( ".SH \"" section "\"" ) } else if ( device == "mml" ) { print( "" ) print( "" ) print( section ) if ( line[start] != "" ) { printf( "" ) printf( "" ) printf( "" ) printf( "" ) printf( "" ) printf( "" ) printf( "" ) } } blankLine = 0 for ( k=start; k<=n; k++ ) outputLine( line[k] ) } # # Removes comment delimiter from start of line. # function removeComment( line ) { sub( "^// ?", "", line ) return line } # # Output a line. This checks for various formatting requests and will # appropriately expand them. # function outputLine( line ) { line = removeComment( line ) if ( inComment == 0 ) { if ( line ~ "^= BEGIN" ) { inCode = 1 if ( device == "text" ) { print( "\n" ) } else if ( device == "troff" ) { print( ".RS 0.25i" ) print( ".nf\n\\f(CO" ) } else if ( device == "mml" ) { printf( "" ) printf( "" ) printf( "" ) printf( "" ) printf( "" ) } } else if ( line ~ "^= END" ) { inCode = -1 if ( device == "text" ) { print( "\n" ) } else if ( device == "troff" ) { print( "\\fP\n.fi" ) print( ".RE" ) } else if ( device == "mml" ) { printf( "" ) printf( "" ) printf( "" ) printf( "") } } else if ( line ~ "^= BEGIN" ) inComment = 1 else if ( line ~ "^= BEGIN" ) { if ( device == "text" ) { } else if ( device == "troff" ) print( ".RS 0.25i" ) else if ( device == "mml" ) { printf( "" ) printf( "" ) } } else if ( line ~ "^= END" ) { if ( device == "text" ) { } else if ( device == "troff" ) print( ".RE" ) else if ( device == "mml" ) { printf( "" ) printf( "" ) } } else if ( line ~ "^= BEGIN" ) { inNoFill = 1 if ( device == "text" ) { } else if ( device == "troff" ) print( ".nf" ) else if ( device == "mml" ) printf( "" ) } else if ( line ~ "^= END" ) { inNoFill = 0 if ( device == "text" ) { } else if ( device == "troff" ) print( ".fi" ) else if ( device == "mml" ) printf( "" ) } else { if ( inCode > 0 ) { if ( device == "mml" ) { gsub( " ", "\\ ", line ) gsub( "<", "\\<", line ) gsub( ">", "\\>", line ) if ( inCode > 1 ) line = "" line } print( line ) inCode = inCode + 1 } else { gsub( "\\\\]>", "]\\fP", line ) gsub( "\\\\}>", "]\\fP", line ) gsub( "([^\\\\]|^)<\\[", "&<\\fB", line ) gsub( "[^\\\\]\\]>", "&>\\fP", line ) gsub( "<\\[<", "", line ) gsub( "\\]>>", "", line ) gsub( "([^\\\\]|^)<\{", "&<\\fI", line ) gsub( "[^\\\\]}>", "&>\\fP", line ) gsub( "<\{<", "", line ) gsub( "}>>", "", line ) gsub( "([^\\\\]|^)<", "&<\\f(CO", line ) gsub( "[^\\\\]>", "&>\\fP", line ) gsub( "<<", "", line ) gsub( ">>", "", line ) gsub( "\\\\<", "<", line ) gsub( "\\\\>", ">", line ) gsub( "\\\\", "\\\\", line ) gsub( "\\\\fB", "fB", line ) gsub( "\\\\fI", "fI", line ) gsub( "\\\\fP", "fP", line ) gsub( "\\\\f\\(CO", "f(CO", line ) if ( device == "mml" ) { if ( inNoFill > 0 ) gsub( " ", "\\ ", line ) gsub( "<", "\\<", line ) gsub( ">", "\\>", line ) gsub( "\\\\fP", "", line ) gsub( "\\\\fB", "", line ) gsub( "\\\\fI", "", line ) gsub( "\\\\f\\(CO", "", line ) if ( inNoFill > 0 ) { if ( inNoFill > 1 ) line = "" line inNoFill = inNoFill + 1 } } if ( line == "" ) { blankLine = 1 } else { if ( blankLine == 1 ) { if ( inCode == 0 ) print( "" ) blankLine = 0 if ( inCode == -1 ) inCode = 0 } print( line ) } } } } else { if ( line ~ "^= END" ) inComment = 0 } } # # Searches for the 'LIBRARY' section and sets 'library' to the value found. # function findLibrary() { for ( i=0; i<=num; i++ ) { split( lines[i], line, "\n" ) if ( line[1] == "INFO" && line[2] == "GLOBAL" && line[3] == "LIBRARY" ) { len=length(line[4]) libr = substr(line[4],4,len) library = removeComment( libr ) break } } if ( library == "" ) library = "C++" } # # Searches for the 'FILENAME' section and sets 'filename' to the value found. # function findFilename() { for ( i=0; i<=num; i++ ) { split( lines[i], line, "\n" ) if ( line[1] == "INFO" && line[2] == "GLOBAL" && ( line[3] == "FILENAME" || line[3] == "RCSID" || line[3] == "SCCSID" ) ) { filename = removeComment( line[4] ) if ( line[3] == "RCSID" ) { sub( "^.*\\$Id:[\t ]*", "", filename ) sub( ",v.*$", "", filename ) } else if ( line[3] == "SCCSID" ) { sub( "^.*@\\(#\\)", "", filename ) sub( "[\t ]+.*$", "", filename ) } break } } } # # Outputs a prototype, wrapping it if required. # function outputPrototype( prototype ) { sub( "[\t ]*$", "", prototype ) if ( prototype !~ "^.*;$" ) prototype = prototype ";" if ( device == "text" ) width = 70 else if ( device == "troff" ) width = 70 else if ( device == "mml" ) width = 60 if ( length(prototype) > width ) { # multiline enums,functions have no spaces at the beginning, insert it! if ( device == "mml" ) { gsub( ">", "\\>", prototype ) gsub( "<", "\\<", prototype ) } if ( ( funcptr = match( prototype, "^[^(]*\\([^)]*\\)\\(" ) ) !~ "0" ) match( prototype, "^[^(]*\\([^)]*\\)" ) else match( prototype, "^[^(]*\\(" ) funcname = substr( prototype, RSTART, RLENGTH ) if ( prototype ~ "^[^(]*\\(\\)[\t ]*\\(" ) { funcname = funcname ")(" sub( "^[^(]*\\(\\)[\t ]*\\(", "", prototype ) } else { if ( funcptr ~ "0" ) sub( "^[^(]*\\(", "", prototype ) else sub( "^[^(]*\\([^)]*\\)\\(", "", prototype ) } match( prototype, "\\)([\t ]*)?(=[\t ]*0|const[\t ]*(=[\t ]*0)?)?;[\t ]*" ) functail = substr( prototype, RSTART, RLENGTH ) sub( "\\)([\t ]*)?(=[\t ]*0|const[\t ]*(=[\t ]*0)?)?;.*$", "", prototype ) sub( "\\($", "", funcname ) match( funcname, "^[\t ]*" ) space = substr( funcname, RSTART, RLENGTH ) if (funcname != "") { # multiline enums or long typedefs have no funcname, so do not print it! if ( device == "text" ) { printf( funcname ) printf( "(\n" ) #printf("\n---funcname=|%s|----\n",funcname); } else if ( device == "troff" ) { printf( "\\f(CO" funcname ) printf( "(\n" ) } else if ( device = "mml" ) { gsub( " ", "\\ ", space ) gsub( " ", "\\ ", funcname ) printf( "%s(\n", funcname ) } } narg = 0 while ( match( prototype, "[^<>,#]*<[^<>]*>" ) ) { # collect the multiple line arguments narg++ arg = substr( prototype, RSTART, RLENGTH ) sub( "[^<>,#]*<[^<>]*>", "#" narg, prototype ) fargs["#" narg] = arg # Need the following to stop resubstitution of the pattern matched # back into the string. gsub( "&", "\\\\&", fargs["#" narg] ) } numargs = split( prototype, args, "," ) #------ space = "" for (z=1; z<=(nesting_level+1); z++) space = space " " # printf( "%s",outspace) #------ for ( m=1; m<=numargs; m++ ) { while ( match( args[m], "#[0-9]+" ) ) { arg = substr( args[m], RSTART, RLENGTH ) sub( arg, fargs[arg], args[m] ) } sub( "[\t ]*", "", args[m] ) # print one argument # printf( "%s %s", space, args[m] ) printf( "%s%s", space, args[m] ) if ( m == numargs ) { # print after the last argument if ( device == "text" ) print( "" ) else if ( device == "troff" ) print( "" ) else if ( device == "mml" ) printf( "\n" ) } else { # print after each argument of a line if ( device == "text" ) print( "," ) else if ( device == "troff" ) print( "," ) else if ( device == "mml" ) printf( ",\n" ) } } # print after all arguments of a multiline are printed if ( device == "text" ) print( space functail "\ " ) else if ( device == "troff" ) print( space functail "\\fP" ) else if ( device == "mml" ) print( space functail "" ) } else # prototype < width { # not multiline enums,functions have spaces at the beginning already! if ( device == "mml" ) { gsub( ">", "\\>", prototype ) gsub( "<", "\\<", prototype ) } if ( device == "text" ) print( prototype "\ " ) else if ( device == "troff" ) print( "\\f(CO" prototype "\\fP" ) else if ( device == "mml" ) { gsub( " ", "\\ ", prototype ) print( "" prototype "" ) } } } #============================================================= # neue rkursive parse function fuer nested ADTs #============================================================= function parse_and_print_adt (baseandsubclass, class, oldclass, baseindex, type) { # 3.11.95 bases = "" nesting_level++ printf( "\n") # printf("\nclass=%s oldclass=%s nesting_level=%s\n",class,oldclass,nesting_level); if ( baseindex != 0 ) { for ( i=baseindex; i<=numfields; i++ ) { if ( bases == "" ) bases = line[i] else bases = bases ", " line[i] } } outspace = "" for (z=1; z", "\\>", line[4] ) printf( "template%s\n",line[4] ) } # typestat = line[2] " " line[3] typestat = line[2] " " class outspace = "" for (z=1; z%s", typestat ) } else { # # ADT != template # typestat = type " " class if ( device == "mml" ) printf( "" ) printf( "%s", typestat ) } if ( bases != "" ) { # # analyse if ADT has base classes # typestat = typestat " : " printf( " : " ) if ( length(typestat) + length(bases) > 70 ) { print( "" ) if ( device == "mml" ) printf( "" ) narg = 0 while ( match( bases, "[^<>,# ]*<[^<>]*>" ) ) { narg++ arg = substr( bases, RSTART, RLENGTH ) sub( "[^<>,# ]*<[^<>]*>", "#" narg, bases ) bargs["#" narg] = arg # Need the following to stop resubstitution of the pattern matched # back into the string. gsub( "&", "\\\\&", bargs["#" narg] ) } numbases = split( bases, base, "," ) for ( m=1; m<=numbases; m++ ) { while ( match( base[m], "#[0-9]+" ) ) { arg = substr( base[m], RSTART, RLENGTH ) sub( arg, bargs[arg], base[m] ) } sub( "^[\t ]*", "", base[m] ) if ( device == "mml" ) { gsub( "<", "\\<", base[m] ) gsub( ">", "\\>", base[m] ) } if ( device == "text" ) printf( " %s", base[m] ) else if ( device == "troff" ) printf( " %s", base[m] ) else printf( "\\ \\ %s", base[m] ) if ( m == numbases ) print( "" ) else { print( "," ) if ( device == "mml" ) printf( "" ) } } } else { if ( device == "mml" ) { gsub( "<", "\\<", bases ) gsub( ">", "\\>", bases ) } print( bases ) } } else { # # ADT has no base classes # printf( "\n" ) } #till start if (csaprintheader == "on") csa_print_class_end() outspace = "" for (z=1; z{") if ( access["public"] == "on" ) { # # collecting loop over the public lines of 1 ADT # start = 0 for ( i=0; i<=num; i++ ) { split( lines[i], line, "\n" ) # # 3.11.95 check outermost access # if ( line[1] == "ACCESS") { outeraccess = line[3] #printf("\n----- outeraccess = |%s| --------\n",outeraccess) } # # start for nesting ADT # if ( line[1] == "CLASS" || line[1] == "STRUCT" || line[1] == "UNION" ) { # # check for a normal nested ADT # if ( line[2] ~ "(::|<)" && lastaccess == "public" && outeraccess == "public") { if (line[2] ~ "::") { len = length(line[2]) match( line[2], "(::|<).*$") newclass = substr( line[2],RSTART+2,RLENGTH) thisclass = substr( line[2],1,RSTART-1) if (class == thisclass) { # # hier is a nested class, struct, or union found!!!!!!! # basesubclass = line[2] #printf("\n----basesubclass=|%s|-----\n",basesubclass) #printf("\n----thisclass=|%s|---------newclass=|%s|-----\n",thisclass,newclass) #printf("\n----RECURSION--class=|%s|--line[1]=|%s|--line[2]=|%s|---\n", \ #class,line[1],line[2]); nesttype = lower[line[1]] nestbaseindex = 3 #printf("\nvor parse_and_print_adt: class=%s nesting_level=%s",class,nesting_level); #printf("\ni=%s num=%s line[1]=|%s| line[2]=|%s| line[3]=|%s|\n", \ #i,num,line[1],line[2],line[3]); save_i = i class = parse_and_print_adt(basesubclass,newclass,thisclass,nestbaseindex,nesttype) i = save_i #printf("\nafter parse_and_print_adt: class=%s nesting_level=%s",class,nesting_level); #printf("\ni=%s num=%s line[1]=|%s| line[2]=|%s| line[3]=|%s|\n", \ #i,num,line[1],line[2],line[3]); start = 1 continue } } } } else { # # check for a TEMPLATE nested ADT # if ( line[1] == "TEMPLATE" && line[2] ~ /(class|union|struct)/ && lastaccess == "public" && outeraccess == "public") { len = length(line[3]) match( line[3], "(::|<).*$") newclass = substr( line[3],RSTART+2,RLENGTH) thisclass = substr( line[3],1,RSTART-1) if (class == thisclass) { # # hier is a nested class, struct, or union found!!!!!!! # basesubclass = line[3] #printf("\n----basesubclass=|%s|-----\n",basesubclass) #printf("\n----thisclass=|%s|---------newclass=|%s|-----\n",thisclass,newclass) #printf("\n---RECURSION--class=|%s|--line[1]=|%s|--line[2]=|%s|--line[3]=|%s|---\n", \ #class,line[1],line[2],line[3]); nesttype = "template" nestbaseindex = 5 #printf("\nvor parse_and_print_adt: class=%s nesting_level=%s",class,nesting_level); #printf("\ni=%s num=%s line[1]=|%s| line[2]=|%s| line[3]=|%s|\n", \ #i,num,line[1],line[2],line[3]); save_i = i class = parse_and_print_adt(basesubclass,newclass,thisclass,nestbaseindex,nesttype) i = save_i #printf("\nafter parse_and_print_adt: class=%s nesting_level=%s",class,nesting_level); #printf("\ni=%s num=%s line[1]=|%s| line[2]=|%s| line[3]=|%s|\n", \ #i,num,line[1],line[2],line[3]); start = 1 continue } } } # # end for nesting ADT # # # now print the protoypes of the public ADT # if ( ( line[1] == "MEMBER" || line[1] == "FUNC" || line[1] == "TYPEDEF" || line[1] == "ENUM" || line[1] == "FRIEND" ) && line[2] == class && line[3] == "public" ) { outspace = "" for (z=1; z\\ \\ public:" ) } outspace = "" for (z=1; z<=nesting_level; z++) outspace = outspace " " if ( device == "text" ) { outputPrototype( outspace line[4] ) } else if ( device == "troff" ) outputPrototype( outspace line[4] ) else { printf( "" ) outputPrototype( outspace line[4] ) } } } } if ( access["protected"] == "on" ) { # # collecting loop over the protected lines of 1 ADT # start = 0 for ( i=0; i<=num; i++ ) { split( lines[i], line, "\n" ) # # 3.11.95 check outermost access # if ( line[1] == "ACCESS") { outeraccess = line[3] #printf("\n----- outeraccess = |%s| --------\n",outeraccess) } # # start for nesting ADT # if ( line[1] == "CLASS" || line[1] == "STRUCT" || line[1] == "UNION" ) { # # check for a normal nested ADT # if ( line[2] ~ "(::|<)" && lastaccess == "protected" && outeraccess == "protected") { if (line[2] ~ "::") { len = length(line[2]) match( line[2], "(::|<).*$") newclass = substr( line[2],RSTART+2,RLENGTH) thisclass = substr( line[2],1,RSTART-1) if (class == thisclass) { # # hier is a nested class, struct, or union found!!!!!!! # basesubclass = line[2] #printf("\n----basesubclass=|%s|-----\n",basesubclass) #printf("\n----thisclass=|%s|---------newclass=|%s|-----\n",thisclass,newclass) #printf("\n----RECURSION--class=|%s|--line[1]=|%s|--line[2]=|%s|---\n", \ #class,line[1],line[2]); nesttype = lower[line[1]] nestbaseindex = 3 #printf("\nvor parse_and_print_adt: class=%s nesting_level=%s",class,nesting_level); #printf("\ni=%s num=%s line[1]=|%s| line[2]=|%s| line[3]=|%s|\n", \ #i,num,line[1],line[2],line[3]); save_i = i class = parse_and_print_adt(basesubclass,newclass,thisclass,nestbaseindex,nesttype) i = save_i #printf("\nafter parse_and_print_adt: class=%s nesting_level=%s",class,nesting_level); #printf("\ni=%s num=%s line[1]=|%s| line[2]=|%s| line[3]=|%s|\n", \ #i,num,line[1],line[2],line[3]); start = 1 continue } } } } else { # # check for a TEMPLATE nested ADT # if ( line[1] == "TEMPLATE" && line[2] ~ /(class|union|struct)/ && lastaccess == "protected" && outeraccess == "protected") { len = length(line[3]) match( line[3], "(::|<).*$") newclass = substr( line[3],RSTART+2,RLENGTH) thisclass = substr( line[3],1,RSTART-1) if (class == thisclass) { # # hier is a nested class, struct, or union found!!!!!!! # basesubclass = line[3] #printf("\n----basesubclass=|%s|-----\n",basesubclass) #printf("\n----thisclass=|%s|---------newclass=|%s|-----\n",thisclass,newclass) #printf("\n---RECURSION--class=|%s|--line[1]=|%s|--line[2]=|%s|--line[3]=|%s|---\n", \ #class,line[1],line[2],line[3]); nesttype = "template" nestbaseindex = 5 #printf("\nvor parse_and_print_adt: class=%s nesting_level=%s",class,nesting_level); #printf("\ni=%s num=%s line[1]=|%s| line[2]=|%s| line[3]=|%s|\n", \ #i,num,line[1],line[2],line[3]); save_i = i class = parse_and_print_adt(basesubclass,newclass,thisclass,nestbaseindex,nesttype) i = save_i #printf("\nafter parse_and_print_adt: class=%s nesting_level=%s",class,nesting_level); #printf("\ni=%s num=%s line[1]=|%s| line[2]=|%s| line[3]=|%s|\n", \ #i,num,line[1],line[2],line[3]); start = 1 continue } } } # # end for nesting ADT # # # now print the protoypes of the public ADT # if ( ( line[1] == "MEMBER" || line[1] == "FUNC" || line[1] == "TYPEDEF" || line[1] == "ENUM" || line[1] == "FRIEND" ) && line[2] == class && line[3] == "protected" ) { outspace = "" for (z=1; z\\ \\ protected:" ) } outspace = "" for (z=1; z<=nesting_level; z++) outspace = outspace " " if ( device == "text" ) outputPrototype( outspace line[4] ) else if ( device == "troff" ) outputPrototype( outspace line[4] ) else { printf( "" ) outputPrototype( outspace line[4] ) } } } } if ( access["private"] == "on" ) { # # collecting loop over the private lines of 1 ADT # start = 0 for ( i=0; i<=num; i++ ) { split( lines[i], line, "\n" ) # # 3.11.95 check outermost access # if ( line[1] == "ACCESS") { outeraccess = line[3] #printf("\n----- outeraccess = |%s| --------\n",outeraccess) } # # start for nesting ADT # if ( line[1] == "CLASS" || line[1] == "STRUCT" || line[1] == "UNION" ) { # # check for a normal nested ADT # if ( line[2] ~ "(::|<)" && lastaccess == "private" && outeraccess == "private") { if (line[2] ~ "::") { len = length(line[2]) match( line[2], "(::|<).*$") newclass = substr( line[2],RSTART+2,RLENGTH) thisclass = substr( line[2],1,RSTART-1) if (class == thisclass) { # # hier is a nested class, struct, or union found!!!!!!! # basesubclass = line[2] #printf("\n----basesubclass=|%s|-----\n",basesubclass) #printf("\n----thisclass=|%s|---------newclass=|%s|-----\n",thisclass,newclass) #printf("\n----RECURSION--class=|%s|--line[1]=|%s|--line[2]=|%s|---\n", \ #class,line[1],line[2]); nesttype = lower[line[1]] nestbaseindex = 3 #printf("\nvor parse_and_print_adt: class=%s nesting_level=%s",class,nesting_level); #printf("\ni=%s num=%s line[1]=|%s| line[2]=|%s| line[3]=|%s|\n", \ #i,num,line[1],line[2],line[3]); save_i = i class = parse_and_print_adt(basesubclass,newclass,thisclass,nestbaseindex,nesttype) i = save_i #printf("\nafter parse_and_print_adt: class=%s nesting_level=%s",class,nesting_level); #printf("\ni=%s num=%s line[1]=|%s| line[2]=|%s| line[3]=|%s|\n", \ #i,num,line[1],line[2],line[3]); start = 1 continue } } } } else { # # check for a TEMPLATE nested ADT # if ( line[1] == "TEMPLATE" && line[2] ~ /(class|union|struct)/ && lastaccess == "private" && outeraccess == "private") { len = length(line[3]) match( line[3], "(::|<).*$") newclass = substr( line[3],RSTART+2,RLENGTH) thisclass = substr( line[3],1,RSTART-1) if (class == thisclass) { # # hier is a nested class, struct, or union found!!!!!!! # basesubclass = line[3] #printf("\n----basesubclass=|%s|-----\n",basesubclass) #printf("\n----thisclass=|%s|---------newclass=|%s|-----\n",thisclass,newclass) #printf("\n---RECURSION--class=|%s|--line[1]=|%s|--line[2]=|%s|--line[3]=|%s|---\n", \ #class,line[1],line[2],line[3]); nesttype = "template" nestbaseindex = 5 #printf("\nvor parse_and_print_adt: class=%s nesting_level=%s",class,nesting_level); #printf("\ni=%s num=%s line[1]=|%s| line[2]=|%s| line[3]=|%s|\n", \ #i,num,line[1],line[2],line[3]); save_i = i class = parse_and_print_adt(basesubclass,newclass,thisclass,nestbaseindex,nesttype) i = save_i #printf("\nafter parse_and_print_adt: class=%s nesting_level=%s",class,nesting_level); #printf("\ni=%s num=%s line[1]=|%s| line[2]=|%s| line[3]=|%s|\n", \ #i,num,line[1],line[2],line[3]); start = 1 continue } } } # # end for nesting ADT # # # now print the protoypes of the public ADT # if ( ( line[1] == "MEMBER" || line[1] == "FUNC" || line[1] == "TYPEDEF" || line[1] == "ENUM" || line[1] == "FRIEND" ) && line[2] == class && line[3] == "private" ) { outspace = "" for (z=1; z\\ \\ private:" ) } outspace = "" for (z=1; z<=nesting_level; z++) outspace = outspace " " if ( device == "text" ) outputPrototype( outspace line[4] ) else if ( device == "troff" ) outputPrototype( outspace line[4] ) else { printf( "" ) outputPrototype( outspace line[4] ) } } } } outspace = "" for (z=1; z};" ) } nesting_level-- return oldclass }