#!/bin/nawk # defining macros - eat them /^\.de.*/ { getline while ( $0 !~ "^\.\.$" ) { getline } getline } # eat [nt]roff comments $0 ~ /['.][\/\\]"/ || $1 == "'" { next } # remove sidebar macros $1 == ".VS" || $1 == ".VE" || $1 == ".AS" { next } # handle first .SH as special case - .SH NAME /^.SH *NAME */ { getline while ( $0 ~ /\.[a-zA-Z].*/ ) # eat dot-cmd following title { getline } print "" $0 "" print "

" $0 "

\n" next #-e 's/^.SH *NAME */{N;s#.*\n\(.*\)#


#;}' \ } # Convert .IP Paragraphs upto next .cmd to hanging indents # using
pairs without intervening
  • /^\.IP */ { if ( inIP > 0 ) { print "" } inIP = 1 startIP = 1 print "
    " match($0, /".*"/ ) if ( RSTART > 0 ) { arg = substr( $0, RSTART+1, RLENGTH-2) print "
    " arg } else if ( length( $2 ) > 0 ) { print "
    " $2 } next } $0 ~ /^\.[a-zA-Z]*/ && inIP > 0 { inIP = 0 print "
    " } # Convert # .TP # Line1 # line 2 - n # .Any # # to #
    Line1 #
    lines 2 - n #
    /^\.TP */ { if ( inTP > 0 ) { print "
    " } inTP = 1 print "
    " next } inTP == 1 && $1 !~ /\.[a-zA-Z]*/ { print "
    " $0 inTP = 2 next } inTP == 2 && $1 !~ /\.[a-zA-Z]*/{ print "" # Belt and suspenders print "
    " $0 inTP = 3 next } $0 ~ /^\.[a-zA-Z]*/ && inTP > 0 { inTP = 0 print "
    " } $1 == ".AP" { $1="" print "
    " print "
    " $2 "\t\t" $3 "\t\t("$4")" inTP = 2 next } # make a blank line $1 == ".sp" { print "
    " next # print "
    " } $1 == ".ta" { next } # just pass everything else on { if ( startIP > 0 ) { print "
    " $0 startIP = 0 } else { print $0 } }