eval '(exit $?0)' && eval 'exec perl -w -S $0 ${1+"$@"}' & eval 'exec perl -w -S $0 $argv:q' if 0; # ****************************************************************** # Author: Chad Elliott # Date: 6/17/2002 # $Id$ # ****************************************************************** # ****************************************************************** # Pragma Section # ****************************************************************** use strict; use Cwd; use Config; use File::Basename; if ( $^O eq 'VMS' ) { require VMS::Filespec; import VMS::Filespec qw(unixpath); } my($basePath) = getExecutePath($0) . '/MakeProjectCreator'; unshift(@INC, $basePath . '/modules'); my($mpcroot) = $ENV{MPC_ROOT}; my($mpcpath) = (defined $mpcroot ? $mpcroot : dirname(dirname($basePath)) . '/MPC'); unshift(@INC, $mpcpath . '/modules'); if (defined $mpcroot) { print STDERR "MPC_ROOT was set to $mpcroot.\n"; } if (! -d "$mpcpath/modules") { print STDERR "ERROR: Unable to find the MPC modules in $mpcpath.\n"; if (defined $mpcroot) { print STDERR "Your MPC_ROOT environment variable does not point to a ", "valid MPC location.\n"; } else { print STDERR "You can set the MPC_ROOT environment variable to the ", "location of MPC.\n"; } exit(255); } require MPC; # ************************************************************ # Data Section # ************************************************************ my(@creators) = ('GNUACEProjectCreator', 'BorlandProjectCreator', ); # ************************************************************ # Subroutine Section # ************************************************************ sub getBasePath { return $mpcpath; } sub which { my($prog) = shift; my($exec) = $prog; if (defined $ENV{'PATH'}) { my($part) = ''; my($envSep) = $Config{'path_sep'}; foreach $part (split(/$envSep/, $ENV{'PATH'})) { $part .= "/$prog"; if ( -x $part ) { $exec = $part; last; } } } return $exec; } sub getExecutePath { my($prog) = shift; my($loc) = ''; if ($prog ne basename($prog)) { my($dir) = ($^O eq 'VMS' ? unixpath(dirname($prog)) : dirname($prog)); if ($prog =~ /^[\/\\]/ || $prog =~ /^[A-Za-z]:[\/\\]?/) { $loc = $dir; } else { $loc = ($^O eq 'VMS' ? unixpath(getcwd()) : getcwd()) . '/' . $dir; } } else { $loc = dirname(which($prog)); if ($^O eq 'VMS') { $loc = unixpath($loc); } } $loc =~ s/\/\.$//; if ($loc eq '.') { $loc = ($^O eq 'VMS' ? unixpath(getcwd()) : getcwd()); } return $loc; } # ************************************************************ # Main Section # ************************************************************ ## Allocate a driver my($driver) = new MPC(); ## Add our creators to the front of the list my($creators) = $driver->getCreatorList(); unshift(@$creators, @creators); ## Add the mpc path to the include paths unshift(@ARGV, '-include', "$mpcpath/config", '-include', "$mpcpath/templates"); ## Execute the driver exit($driver->execute($basePath, basename($0), \@ARGV));