eval '(exit $?0)' && eval 'exec perl -S $0 ${1+"$@"}' & eval 'exec perl -S $0 $argv:q' if 0; # $Id$ # Win32 auto_compile script. use File::Find; use Cwd; if (!$ENV{ACE_ROOT}) { $ACE_ROOT = getcwd ()."\\"; warn "ACE_ROOT not defined, defaulting to ACE_ROOT=$ACE_ROOT"; } else { $ACE_ROOT = $ENV{ACE_ROOT}; } @directories = (); @ace_core_dirs = ("$ACE_ROOT\\ace", "$ACE_ROOT\\Kokyu", "$ACE_ROOT\\ACEXML", "$ACE_ROOT\\protocols", "$ACE_ROOT\\examples", "$ACE_ROOT\\tests"); @tao_core_dirs = ("$ACE_ROOT\\TAO\\tao", "$ACE_ROOT\\apps", "$ACE_ROOT\\TAO\\TAO_IDL", "$ACE_ROOT\\TAO\\tests"); @ciao_core_dirs = ("$ACE_ROOT\\TAO\\orbsvcs\\orbsvcs", # CIAO dependancy "$ACE_ROOT\\TAO\\CIAO"); $debug = 0; $verbose = 0; $print_status = 0; $Ignore_errors = 0; # By default, bail out if an error occurs. $Build_Debug = 0; $Build_Release = 0; $build_all = 0; $Build_Cmd = "/BUILD"; $use_custom_dir = 0; $useenv = ''; $vc7 = 0; # Build_Config takes in a string of the type "project--configuration" and # runs msdev to build it. # sub Build_Config ($) #{ # my ($arg) = @_; # my ($project, $config) = split /--/, $arg; # # return Build ($project, $config); #} # Build sub Build ($$) { my ($project, $config) = @_; if ($debug == 1) { print "$project\n"; return 0; } else { print "Auto_compiling $project : $config\n"; print "Building $project $config\n" if $verbose; return system ("msdev.com $project /MAKE \"$config\" $Build_Cmd $useenv"); } } # Build sub Build_VC7 ($$) { my ($project, $config) = @_; if ($debug == 1) { print "$project\n"; return 0; } else { print "Auto_compiling $project : $config\n"; print "Building $project $config\n" if $verbose; return system ("devenv.com $project $Build_Cmd $config $useenv"); } } sub Find_Dsw (@) { my (@dir) = @_; @array = (); sub wanted_dsw { $array[++$#array] = $File::Find::name if ($File::Find::name =~ /\.dsw$/i); } find (\&wanted_dsw, @dir); print "List of dsw's \n" if ($verbose == 1); return @array; } sub Find_Sln (@) { my (@dir) = @_; @array = (); sub wanted_sln { $array[++$#array] = $File::Find::name if ($File::Find::name =~ /\.sln$/i); } find (\&wanted_sln, @dir); print "List of sln's \n" if ($verbose == 1); return @array; } # Only builds the core libraries. sub Build_Custom () { print STDERR "Building Custom\n"; print "Building Custom directories specified\n";# if ($verbose == 1); print "Build " if ($verbose); print "Debug " if ($verbose) && ($Build_Debug); print "Release " if ($verbose) && ($Build_Release); print "\n" if ($verbose); my @custom_list = Find_Dsw (@directories); print "List now is @custom_list \n"; foreach $c (@custom_list) { print "List now is $c \n"; if ($Build_Debug) { $Status = Build ($c, "ALL - Win32 Debug"); return if $Status != 0 && !$Ignore_errors; } if ($Build_Release) { $Status = Build ($c, "ALL - Win32 Release"); return if $Status != 0 && !$Ignore_errors; } } } # Build all examples and directories sub Build_All () { push @directories, @ace_core_dirs; push @directories, @tao_core_dirs; push @directories, @ciao_core_dirs; print STDERR "First pass (libraries)\n" if ($print_status == 1); print "\nmsvc_auto_compile: First Pass CORE (libraries)\n"; Build_Custom (); my @new_directory_search = "$ACE_ROOT"; my @configurations = Find_Dsw (@new_directory_search); print STDERR "Second pass (for other things)\n" if ($print_status == 1); print "\nmsvc_mpc_auto_compile: Second Pass (rest of the stuff)\n"; foreach $c (@configurations) { print "\nUsing $c for compilation\n"; if ($Build_Debug) { $Status = Build ($c, "ALL - Win32 Debug"); return if $Status != 0 && !$Ignore_errors; } if ($Build_Release) { $Status = Build ($c, "ALL - Win32 Release"); return if $Status != 0 && !$Ignore_errors; } } } # Only builds the core libraries. sub Build_Custom_VC7 () { print STDERR "Building Custom\n"; print "Building Custom directories specified\n";# if ($verbose == 1); print "Build " if ($verbose); print "Debug " if ($verbose) && ($Build_Debug); print "Release " if ($verbose) && ($Build_Release); print "\n" if ($verbose); my @custom_list = Find_Sln (@directories); print "List now is @custom_list \n"; foreach $c (@custom_list) { print "List now is $c \n"; if ($Build_Debug) { $Status = Build_VC7 ($c, "debug"); return if $Status != 0 && !$Ignore_errors; } if ($Build_Release) { $Status = Build_VC7 ($c, "release"); return if $Status != 0 && !$Ignore_errors; } } } # Build all examples and directories sub Build_All_VC7 () { push @directories, @ace_core_dirs; push @directories, @tao_core_dirs; push @directories, @ciao_core_dirs; print STDERR "First pass (libraries)\n" if ($print_status == 1); print "\nmsvc_auto_compile: First Pass CORE (libraries)\n"; Build_Custom_VC7 (); my @new_directory_search = "$ACE_ROOT"; my @configurations = Find_Sln (@new_directory_search); print STDERR "Second pass (for other things)\n" if ($print_status == 1); print "\nmsvc_mpc_auto_compile: Second Pass (rest of the stuff)\n"; foreach $c (@configurations) { print "\nUsing $c for compilation\n"; if ($Build_Debug) { $Status = Build_VC7 ($c, "debug"); return if $Status != 0 && !$Ignore_errors; } if ($Build_Release) { $Status = Build_VC7 ($c, "release"); return if $Status != 0 && !$Ignore_errors; } } } ## Parse command line argument while ( $#ARGV >= 0 && $ARGV[0] =~ /^(-|\/)/ ) { if ($ARGV[0] =~ '-k') { # Ignore errors print "Ignore errors\n" if ( $verbose ); $Ignore_errors = 1; } elsif ($ARGV[0] =~ /^-d$/i) { # debug $debug = 1; } elsif ($ARGV[0] =~ '-vc7') { # Use VC7 project and solution files. print "Using VC7 files\n" if ( $verbose ); $vc7 = 1; } elsif ($ARGV[0] =~ '-vc8') { # Use VC8 project and solution files. print "Using VC8 files\n" if ( $verbose ); $vc7 = 1; # vc8 is like vc7 } elsif ($ARGV[0] =~ '-v') { # verbose mode $verbose = 1; } elsif ($ARGV[0] =~ '-s') { # status messages $print_status = 1; } elsif ($ARGV[0] =~ '-u') { # USEENV print "Using Environment\n" if ($verbose); $useenv = '/USEENV'; } elsif ($ARGV[0] =~ '-ACE') {# Build ACE and its tests print "Building ACE\n" if ( $verbose ); $use_custom_dir = 1; push @directories, @ace_core_dirs; } elsif ($ARGV[0] =~ '-TAO') {# Build TAO and its tests print "Building TAO\n" if ( $verbose ); $use_custom_dir = 1; push @directories, @ace_core_dirs; push @directories, @tao_core_dirs; } elsif ($ARGV[0] =~ '-CIAO') {# Build the CIAO and related # libraries print "Building only CIAO\n" if ( $verbose ); $use_custom_dir = 1; push @directories, @ace_core_dirs; push @directories, @tao_core_dirs; push @directories, @ciao_core_dirs; } elsif ($ARGV[0] =~ '-ALL') {# Build the CIAO and related # libraries print "Building ALL \n" if ( $verbose ); $build_all = 1; } elsif ($ARGV[0] =~ '-dir') { # Compile only a specific directory shift; print "Adding directory $ARGV[0]\n" if ( $verbose ); $use_custom_dir = 1; push @directories, $ARGV[0]; } elsif ($ARGV[0] =~ '-rebuild') { # Rebuild all print "Rebuild all\n" if ( $verbose ); $Build_Cmd = "/REBUILD"; } elsif ($ARGV[0] =~ '-clean') { # Clean print "Cleaning all\n" if ( $verbose ); $Build_Cmd = "/CLEAN"; } elsif ($ARGV[0] =~ '-Debug') { # Debug versions print "Building Debug Version\n" if ( $verbose ); $Build_Debug = 1; } elsif ($ARGV[0] =~ '-Release') { # Release versions print "Building Release Version\n" if ( $verbose ); $Build_Release = 1; } elsif ($ARGV[0] =~ '-(\?|h)') { # Help information print "Options\n"; print "-d = Debug (only print out projects)\n"; print "-k = Ignore Errors\n"; print "-v = Script verbose Mode\n"; print "-s = Print status messages to STDERR\n"; print "-u = Tell MSVC to use the environment\n"; print "-vc7 = Use MSVC 7 toolset\n"; print "-vc8 = Use MSVC 8 toolset\n"; print "\n"; print "-CORE = Build ACE+TAO+CIAO core \n"; print "-ACE = Build ACE and its tests\n"; print "-TAO = Build TAO and its tests\n"; print "-dir = Compile custom directories\n"; print "\n"; print "-rebuild = Rebuild All\n"; print "-clean = Clean\n"; print "-Debug = Compile Debug versions\n"; print "-Release = Compile Release versions\n"; exit; } else { warn "$0: unknown option $ARGV[0]\n"; die -1; } shift; } if (!$Build_Debug && !$Build_Release) { $Build_Debug = 1; $Build_Release = 1; } print "MPC version of msvc_mpc_auto_compile: Begin\n"; if ($vc7) { Build_All_VC7 if ($build_all && !$use_custom_dir); Build_Custom_VC7 if $use_custom_dir; } else { Build_All if ($build_all && !$use_custom_dir); Build_Custom if $use_custom_dir; } print "msvc_mpc_auto_compile: End\n"; print STDERR "End\n" if ($print_status == 1);