eval '(exit $?0)' && eval 'exec perl -S $0 ${1+"$@"}' & eval 'exec perl -S $0 $argv:q' if 0; # ****************************************************************** # Author: Chad Elliott (elliott_c@ociweb.com) # Date: 8/14/2000 # $Id$ # Description: Modify c++ source for combination with other source # files into a VxWorks module. # ****************************************************************** # ****************************************************************** # Pragma Section # ****************************************************************** use strict; use File::Basename; # ****************************************************************** # Data Section # ****************************************************************** my($name) = ""; my(@types) = ("short", "int", "long", "unsigned", "size_t", "char", "float", "double", "void", "CORBA::Boolean", "CORBA::Short", "CORBA::UShort", "CORBA::Long", "CORBA::ULong", "CORBA::Octet", "CORBA::Char", "CORBA::WChar", "CORBA::LongLong", "CORBA::ULongLong", "CORBA::Float", "CORBA::Double", "CORBA::LongDouble", "CORBA::Environment", ); # ************************************************************** # Subroutine Section # ************************************************************** sub needsToBeStatic { my($line) = shift; $line =~ s/^\s+//; $line =~ s/\s+$//; if ($line !~ /\s*static\s+/) { foreach my $type (@types) { if ($line =~ /^(const\s+)?$type\s*[\*]*[\&]*\s*[^:]+/ || $line =~ /^(const\s+)?$type\s*[\*]*[\&]*$/) { return 1; } } } } sub countChar { my($line) = shift; my($char) = shift; my($len) = length($line); my($count) = 0; my($indouble) = 0; my($insingle) = 0; for(my $i = 0; $i < $len; $i++) { my($ch) = substr($line, $i, 1); if ($char ne '"' && $ch eq '"') { $indouble ^= 1; } elsif ($char ne '\'' && $ch eq '\'') { $indouble ^= 1; } elsif ($ch eq $char && !$indouble && !$insingle) { $count++; } } return $count; } my($orbManager) = undef; sub lookForOrbRun { my($line) = shift; my($status) = 0; if ($line =~ /([\w:\-\>\.\(\)]+)->run\s*\(.*\)/ || $line =~ /.*orb.*\.run/ || (defined $orbManager && ($line =~ /$orbManager.run/ || $line =~ /$orbManager->run/))) { $status = 1; } return $status; } sub modifyOrbRun { my($line) = shift; if (defined $orbManager && $line =~ /$orbManager/ && $line =~ /(.*->run\s*\()([^\)]*)(\).*)/) { my($p1) = $1; my($p2) = $2; my($p3) = $3; $p2 =~ s/^\s+//; $p2 =~ s/\s+$//; if ($p2 eq "") { $p2 = "TAO_default_environment()"; } # I am relying on convention here if ($p2 !~ /,/ && $p2 =~ /env/i) { $line = "$p1$p2, TAO_TestCombinedThreads::getTimeout()$p3\n"; } } elsif ($line =~ /(.*->run\s*\()([^\)]*)(\).*)/) { my($p1) = $1; my($p2) = $2; my($p3) = $3; $p2 =~ s/^\s+//; $p2 =~ s/\s+$//; # I am relying on convention here if ($p2 !~ /,/ && $p2 =~ /env/i) { $p3 = ", $p2$p3"; $p2 = ""; } if ($p2 eq "") { $line = $p1 . "TAO_TestCombinedThreads::getTimeout()" . "$p3\n"; } } elsif ($line =~ /(.*\.run\s*\()([^\)]*)(\).*)/) { my($p1) = $1; my($p2) = $2; my($p3) = $3; $p2 =~ s/^\s+//; $p2 =~ s/\s+$//; if ($p2 eq "") { $p2 = "TAO_default_environment()"; } # I am relying on convention here if ($p2 !~ /,/ && $p2 =~ /env/i) { $line = "$p1$p2, TAO_TestCombinedThreads::getTimeout()$p3\n"; } } return $line; } sub lookForActivate { my($line) = shift; my($taskBase) = shift; if ($line =~ /(\w+)\.activate/) { $$taskBase = $1; } } my($orbInitArg) = 0; sub lookForOrbInit { my($line) = shift; my($status) = 0; if ($line =~ /CORBA::ORB_init\s*\(/) { $orbInitArg = 0; $status = 1; } return $status; } sub replaceOrbName { my($line) = shift; if ($orbInitArg < 3) { my($length) = length($line); my($previous) = 0; for(my $i = 0; $i < $length; $i++) { my($ch) = substr($line, $i, 1); if ($ch eq "," || $ch eq ")") { $orbInitArg++; if ($ch eq ")" && $orbInitArg == 2) { $orbInitArg = 3; $previous = $i; } if ($orbInitArg == 3) { my($size) = $i - $previous; my($part) = substr($line, $previous, $size); $part =~ s/^\s+//; $part =~ s/\s+$//; if ($part eq '""' || $part eq '0') { substr($line, $previous, $size) = " \"$name\""; } elsif ($part eq '') { substr($line, $previous, $size) = ", \"$name\""; } last; } $previous = $i + 1; } } } return $line; } my($initChildPOAArg) = 0; sub lookForInitChildPOA { my($line) = shift; my($status) = 0; if ($line =~ /init_child_poa\s*\(/) { $initChildPOAArg = 0; $status = 1; } return $status; } sub replaceChildOrbName { my($line) = shift; if ($initChildPOAArg < 4) { my($length) = length($line); my($previous) = 0; my($replace) = " TAO_TestCombinedThreads::getRandomString(" . "\"$name\").c_str()"; for(my $i = 0; $i < $length; $i++) { my($ch) = substr($line, $i, 1); if ($ch eq "," || $ch eq ")") { $initChildPOAArg++; if ($initChildPOAArg == 4) { my($size) = $i - $previous; my($part) = substr($line, $previous, $size); # I am relying on convention here if ($part !~ /env/i) { substr($line, $previous, $size) = $replace; } else { substr($line, $previous, 0) = "$replace,\n"; } last; } $previous = $i + 1; } } } return $line; } sub usageAndExit { my($str) = shift; if (defined $str) { print STDERR "$str\n"; } print STDERR "Usage: " . basename($0) . " [-orbcore] [-unix] [-notimeout] [-main
]\n" . " \n"; exit(1); } sub modifyFileAttributes { my($orig) = shift; my($new) = shift; my(@buf) = stat($orig); if (defined $buf[0]) { utime($buf[8], $buf[9] + 1, $new); } } # ************************************************************** # Main Section # ************************************************************** my($useORBCore) = 0; my($useThreadM) = 0; my($unixDefines) = 0; my($useTimeouts) = 1; while(defined $ARGV[0] && $ARGV[0] =~ /^-/) { if ($ARGV[0] eq '-threadmanager') { $useThreadM = 1; shift; } elsif ($ARGV[0] eq '-orbcore') { $useORBCore = 1; shift; } elsif ($ARGV[0] eq '-unix') { $unixDefines = 1; shift; } elsif ($ARGV[0] eq '-main') { shift; if (defined $ARGV[0]) { $name = $ARGV[0]; shift; } else { usageAndExit("-main requires a parameter"); } } elsif ($ARGV[0] eq '-notimeout') { $useTimeouts = 0; shift; } else { usageAndExit("Unknown option: $ARGV[0]"); } } ## We should have an input and output file name at this point. if ($#ARGV != 1) { usageAndExit(); } # ************************************************************** # Get the basename and remove the .cpp # We will use this as the prefix to our main function # ************************************************************** if ($name eq "") { $name = basename($ARGV[0]); $name =~ s/\.cpp//; $name =~ s/\-/_/g; } # ************************************************************** # Read in the file and push it into an array. Then, print it # out when we are done modifying it. # ************************************************************** my($status) = 0; if (open(IN, $ARGV[0])) { if (open(OUT, ">$ARGV[1]")) { my(@lines) = (); my($line) = ""; if ($useThreadM) { while() { $line = $_; $line =~ s/ACE_Thread\s*::\s*join/TAO_TestCombinedThreads::thr_join/g; # $line =~ s/^\s*template\s*class\s*.*;\s*$//g; push(@lines, $line); } unshift(@lines, "#include \n"); } elsif ($useORBCore) { my($insideInstance) = 0; while() { $line = $_; # $line =~ s/^\s*template\s*class\s*.*;\s*$//g; if ($line =~ /^TAO_ORB_Core_instance\s*\(.*\)/) { $insideInstance = 1; } if ($insideInstance && $line =~ /return\s+/) { $line = " // Find the orb for the thread that " . "registered the ORB id\n" . " TAO_ORB_Core* hack = orb_table->find(" . "TAO_TestCombinedThreads::getORBId());\n" . " if (hack != 0) {\n" . " return hack;\n" . " }\n\n" . $line; $insideInstance = 0; } push(@lines, $line); } unshift(@lines, "#include \n"); } else { my($insideComment) = 0; my($insideParens) = 0; my($scope) = 0; my($orbrunFound) = 0; my($insideORB_init) = 0; my($insideInitChildPOA) = 0; my($taskBase) = ""; while() { $line = $_; my($lookForClosingParens) = 1; ## Remove comments if ($line =~ /(.*)(\/\/[\/]+.*)/ || $line =~ /(.*)(\/\/.*)/) { my($qcount) = countChar($1, '"'); $line = "$1"; if (($qcount & 1) == 1) { $line .= $2; } $line .= "\n"; } if ($line =~ /(.*)(\/\*.*\*\/)(.*)/) { $line = "$1$3\n"; } elsif ($line =~ /(.*)(\/\*.*)/) { $insideComment = 1; $line = "$1\n"; } elsif ($insideComment && $line =~ /(.*\*\/)(.*)/) { $insideComment = 0; $line = $2; } elsif ($insideComment) { $line = "\n"; } if ($line =~ /TAO_ORB_Manager[\*\s]*\s+(\w+)/) { $orbManager = $1; } lookForActivate($line, \$taskBase); if ($taskBase ne "" && $line =~ /thr_mgr\s*\(\)\->wait\s*\(\)/) { $line =~ s/\->wait\s*\(.*\)/\->wait_grp \($taskBase.grp_id\(\)\)/; } $insideInitChildPOA = ($insideInitChildPOA ? 1 : lookForInitChildPOA($line)); if ($insideInitChildPOA) { $line = replaceChildOrbName($line); if ($line =~ /\)\s*;/) { $insideInitChildPOA = 0; } } $insideORB_init = ($insideORB_init ? 1 : lookForOrbInit($line)); if ($insideORB_init) { $line = replaceOrbName($line); if ($line =~ /\)\s*;/) { $insideORB_init = 0; } } if (!$orbrunFound && $useTimeouts) { if ($orbrunFound = lookForOrbRun($line)) { $line = modifyOrbRun($line); } } ## Check the scope if ($line =~ /{/) { $scope += countChar($line, '{'); } ## Check for parens if ($line =~ /\(/) { $insideParens += countChar($line, '('); ## This takes care of things like ## int parse_args(...), but allows things like ## int parse_args(..., ## ...) to pass through which is what we want if ($line =~ /\)/) { $insideParens -= countChar($line, ')'); $lookForClosingParens = 0; } } if ($scope == 0) { ## This section is for forward declarations if ($line =~ /;$/) { my($forward_done) = 0; my($counter) = $#lines; while(!$forward_done) { if ($lines[$counter] =~ /,$/) { if ($lines[$counter] =~ /\s+\w+\s*\(.*,$/ && needsToBeStatic($lines[$counter])) { $lines[$counter] = "static $lines[$counter]"; $forward_done = 1; } } else { $forward_done = 1; } $counter--; } } if (!$insideParens && needsToBeStatic($line)) { my($test) = $lines[$#lines]; $test =~ s/^\s+//; $test =~ s/\s+$//; if ($test ne "static") { $line = "static $line"; } } } if ($scope == 1 && $orbrunFound && ($line =~ /\s*return/ || $line =~ /\s*ACE_RETURN/)) { $orbrunFound = 0; } # Going down in scope if ($line =~ /}/) { $scope -= countChar($line, '}'); if ($orbrunFound && $scope == 1) { $orbrunFound = 0; } } if ($lookForClosingParens && $line =~ /\)/) { $insideParens -= countChar($line, ')'); } ## Work backwards to remove the static from ## the main or a method body if ($scope == 0 && ($line =~ /(main\s*(\()?)/ || $line =~ /\w+\s*::\s*\w+\s*\(/)) { if ($line =~ /^static\s+/) { $line =~ s/static\s+//; } else { if ($lines[$#lines] =~ /static\s+/) { $lines[$#lines] =~ s/static\s+//; } } } push(@lines, $line); if ($line =~ /(\smain\s*(\()?)/ || $line =~ /(^main\s*(\()?)/) { my($saved) = pop(@lines); if ($1 !~ /^\s*int/) { my($below) = pop(@lines); $saved = "$below$saved"; } if ($unixDefines) { push(@lines, "#define main $name" . "_main\n\n"); } else { push(@lines, "#define ace_main $name" . "_main\n" . "#define ace_main_i $name" . "_main_i\n\n"); } push(@lines, $saved); } } ## Look for last include and append include statement for(my $i = $#lines; $i >= 0; $i--) { if ($lines[$i] =~ /#include\s+/) { $lines[$i] .= "#include \n"; last; } } unshift(@lines, "// \$Id\$\n\n"); } print OUT @lines; close(OUT); if ($useThreadM || $useORBCore) { modifyFileAttributes($ARGV[0], $ARGV[1]); } } else { print STDERR "Unable to open $ARGV[1] for output\n"; $status = 1; } close(IN); } else { print STDERR "Unable to open $ARGV[0] for input\n"; $status = 1; } exit($status);