What is ACE+SSL?

ACE plus SSL is an addition to the core classes which allow the use of the Secure Socket Layer with the ACE framework. The following are the core classes conditionally compiled in when you run make ssl=1:

The ssl library we use is OpenSSL which is available at www.openssl.org. This library must be installed in order to use ACE+SSL. We cannot answer all of the questions you may have about OpenSSL, but hopefully through using the ACE+SSL interface your questions will be reduced.

What is the status of ACE+SSL

ACE+SSL is currently still in early development. If forced to name names, I would call the core functionality beta, while the interface and niceties are still in an alpha stage of development.

How do I get ACE+SSL?

Currently we are investigating the implications of US cryptographic export restrictions on the ACE+SSL distribution. Until this is ironed out, the only way to get the distribution is to join the mailing list ace-ssl-users, or contact me with some reasonable proof you are in the US. Reasonable proof includes sending me mail from domains only in the US. Examples include .edu s in the US, or ISP which are only in the US. Hotmail accounts won't work:).

How do I join ace-ssl-users?

Ace-ssl-users is a majordomo mailing list, ace-ssl-users@cs.wustl.edu. We will be discussing and distributing code on the list, so again it must for now be restricted to members from the US only. Any subscriptions will be forwarded to me for approval, so if it is not obvious your email is from the US, send some proof to me, jwh1@cs.wustl.edu, so that I may verify your locality.

When will this restrictive export policy change?

If you are talking about the US export policy, I don't know, hopefully as soon as possible. If you are asking when the Doc Group's policy will change, our lawyers are looking in to the situation now, so hopefully we will have a better position soon. Our current restrictive policy is only temporary, I don't think anyone here would be happy if this module couldn't be as open as the rest of the project is. I apologize to everyone inconvenienced by this. Look for announcements on ace-users when we know what the final word will be.

John Heitmann

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