Setting Up A Bugzilla Nightly Build

The Center for Distributed Object Computing has automated daily builds to keep track of the progress made each day for selected software and hardware platforms.

Unix Instructions

Below are the steps to take to add a platform to the current platforms included in the daily builds. BUILD_NAME should be replaced with the name you want to give the build (e.g., Solaris8_gcc). It can be helpful to embed the OS and the compiler used in BUILD_NAME as in the example in the previous sentence (i.e., Solaris8_gcc => the Solaris 8 operating system and GNU's gcc/g++ compiler).

Win32 Instructions

The Win32 builds use a different set of scripts from the Unix nightly builds. Instructions will be provided here for them at a future date.


The scoreboard is the web page created by ACE_wrappers/bin/nightlybuilds/ The main build scoreboard for the DOC Group is located at

The works by downloading a directory via http, determining the build that has run last, download it, and then parse and create html documents based on it. It requires that the builds name their logs based on the time that the log was created (both auto_compile and do this correctly).

To integrate into the scoreboard, the following steps should be taken:

  1. Make the directory containing the log files accessible from the internet (or at least from the machine running the scoreboard, in this case, This directory must be able to be browsed via the web and should not require a password.

  2. Add the build to the appropriate *.lst file in the ACE_wrappers/bin/nightlybuilds/*.lst. The main scoreboard uses builds.lst. Each entry looks like the following:
        LIST =
        WEB  =
    BUILD_NAME, LIST, and WEB should be updated to the appropriate values. TYPE currently needs to be TIMEONLY. LIST refers to the address needed to browse the logs directory. WEB refers to the address used to link to the logs directory (we usually put a url to the show_log_dir.cgi script here).

  3. Check in the *.lst file. The scoreboard will automatically update its copy of the list before parsing it.

Joe Hoffert
Last modified: Wed Feb 28 15:32:45 CST 2001