// $Id$ #ifndef WORK_H #define WORK_H #include "ace/Log_Msg.h" #if !defined (ACE_LACKS_PRAGMA_ONCE) # pragma once #endif /* ACE_LACKS_PRAGMA_ONCE */ #include "ace/Synch.h" #include "mld.h" /* Our specilized message queue and thread pool will know how to do "work" on our Unit_Of_Work baseclass. */ class Unit_Of_Work { public: Unit_Of_Work (void); virtual ~ Unit_Of_Work (void); // Display the object instance value void who_am_i (void); // The baseclass can override this to show it's "type name" virtual void what_am_i (void); // This is where you do application level logic. It will be // called once for each thread pool it passes through. It // would typically implement a state machine and execute a // different state on each call. virtual int process (void); // This is called by the last Task in the series (see task.h) // in case our process() didn't get through all of it's states. virtual int fini (void); protected: ACE_Atomic_Op < ACE_Mutex, int >state_; MLD; }; /* A fairly trivial work derivative that implements an equally trivial state machine in process() */ class Work : public Unit_Of_Work { public: Work (void); Work (int message); virtual ~ Work (void); void what_am_i (void); int process (void); int fini (void); protected: int message_; MLD; }; #endif