/* -*- C++ -*- */ // $Id$ // Option manager for Event Server. #ifndef DEVICE_OPTIONS_H #define DEVICE_OPTIONS_H #include "ace/config-all.h" #if !defined (ACE_LACKS_PRAGMA_ONCE) # pragma once #endif /* ACE_LACKS_PRAGMA_ONCE */ #include "ace/Profile_Timer.h" #if defined (ACE_HAS_THREADS) class Options { public: Options (void); ~Options (void); void parse_args (int argc, char *argv[]); void stop_timer (void); void start_timer (void); void thr_count (size_t count); size_t thr_count (void); void initial_queue_length (size_t length); size_t initial_queue_length (void); void high_water_mark (size_t size); size_t high_water_mark (void); void low_water_mark (size_t size); size_t low_water_mark (void); void message_size (size_t size); size_t message_size (void); void iterations (size_t n); size_t iterations (void); void t_flags (long flag); long t_flags (void); void supplier_port (const char *port); const char *supplier_port (void); void consumer_port (const char *port); const char *consumer_port (void); void supplier_file (const char *file); const char *supplier_file (void); void consumer_file (const char *file); const char *consumer_file (void); int debug (void); int verbose (void); void print_results (void); private: ACE_Profile_Timer itimer_; // Time the process. size_t thr_count_; // Number of threads to spawn. long t_flags_; // Flags to thr_create(). size_t high_water_mark_; // ACE_Task high water mark. size_t low_water_mark_; // ACE_Task low water mark. size_t message_size_; // Size of a message. size_t initial_queue_length_; // Initial number of items in the queue. size_t iterations_; // Number of iterations to run the test program. int debugging_; // Extra debugging info. int verbosity_; // Extra verbose messages. const char *consumer_port_; // Port that the Consumer_Router is using. const char *supplier_port_; // Port that the Supplier_Router is using. const char *consumer_file_; // file that the Consumer_Router is using. const char *supplier_file_; // file that the Supplier_Router is using. }; extern Options options; #include "Options.i" #endif /* ACE_HAS_THREADS */ #endif /* DEVICE_OPTIONS_H */