#include "ace/Naming_Context.h" int main (int, char *[]) { static u_long ACE_DEFAULT_BASE_ADDR_1 = (1 * 64 * 1024 * 1024); static u_long ACE_DEFAULT_BASE_ADDR_2 = (2 * 64 * 1024 * 1024); int i; ACE_Naming_Context * ns_ptr = new ACE_Naming_Context (); ACE_Name_Options *name_options = ns_ptr->name_options (); ACE_Naming_Context * ns_ptr1 = new ACE_Naming_Context (); ACE_Name_Options *name_options1 = ns_ptr1->name_options (); char address_arg1[BUFSIZ]; char address_arg2[BUFSIZ]; ACE_OS::sprintf (address_arg1, "-b%d", ACE_DEFAULT_BASE_ADDR_1); char * m_argv[] = {"MyName1", "-cNODE_LOCAL", address_arg1, NULL}; int m_argc = sizeof (m_argv) / sizeof (char *) -1; ACE_OS::sprintf (address_arg2, "-b%d", ACE_DEFAULT_BASE_ADDR_2); char * n_argv[] = {"MyName2", "-cNODE_LOCAL", address_arg2, NULL}; int n_argc = sizeof (n_argv) / sizeof (char *) -1; name_options->parse_args (m_argc, m_argv); i = ns_ptr->open (ACE_Naming_Context::NODE_LOCAL); cout << ACE_OS::getpid () << ": opened with " << i << endl; if (i != 0) return -1; name_options1->parse_args (n_argc, n_argv); i = ns_ptr1->open (ACE_Naming_Context::NODE_LOCAL); cout << ACE_OS::getpid () << ": 1 opened with " << i << endl; if (i != 0) return -1; return 0; }