Continuous Metrics for ACE+TAO+CIAO

These pages track footprint, compilation and performance metrics for ACE+TAO+CIAO. The results are collected from our nightly regression tests. The complete source for the tests is available as part of the ACE+TAO+CIAO distribution . The hardware and software configuration used for these tests is described here. Notice, however, that the results contained here may be different from what you will obtain using a TAO release or beta kit, since the experiments are based on our current source tree.

More information about ACE+TAO+CIAO footprints, and the continuing effort to reduce the library and application's code size can be found in the ACE+TAO+CIAO subsetting page.

Additional Development Process Related Pages

In addition to the statistics described above, a number of other ACE/TAO/CIAO development process related web pages we use are the following:

The Code Coverage pages illustrate which areas of ACE+TAO+CIAO code are used, and how frequently. The Scoreboard pages contain compile- and link-time build results of recent snapshots of our main development branch.