# # Rules for linking a dll # # Inputs: # ~~~~~~~ # NAME - undecorated name of target # CFLAGS - extra compiler flags for building target # CPPDIR - list of directories containing source files # OBJFILES - list of (non-system) object files # LIBFILES - list of (non-system) libraries # PASCAL - if defined means link dll against pascal run-time library # DEBUG - if defined means building with debug information # !include <$(ACE_ROOT)\include\makeinclude\decorator.bor> !include <$(ACE_ROOT)\include\makeinclude\outputdir.bor> !include <$(ACE_ROOT)\include\makeinclude\compiler.bor> TARGET = $(BINDIR)\$(NAME)$(LIB_DECORATOR).dll $(TARGET): $(OBJFILES) $(RESOURCE) @$(MAKE_BINDIR) $(LD) @&&! $(COMMON_LFLAGS) $(DLL_LFLAGS) $(LFLAGS) + $(DLL_STARTUP_OBJ) $(OBJFILES), + $(TARGET),, + $(COMMON_LIBS) $(LIBFILES),, + $(RESOURCE) ! !ifdef CPPDIR .path.cpp = $(CPPDIR) !endif !ifdef RESDIR .path.rc = $(RESDIR) !else .path.rc = . !endif .path.obj = $(OBJDIR) .cpp.obj: @$(MAKE_OBJDIR) $(CC) $(COMMON_CFLAGS) $(DLL_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -n$(@D) $< .rc.res: @$(MAKE_OBJDIR) $(RC) -fo$@ $< .autodepend