# Hey Emacs, this is a -*- Makefile -*- # platform_linux_borland.GNU ifndef BCB BCB = /usr/local/kylix3 endif ifndef exceptions exceptions = 1 endif ifeq (,$(debug)) debug = 1 endif ifeq (,$(optimize)) optimize = 1 endif ifeq (,$(threads)) threads = 1 endif PLATFORM_AIO_SUPPORT := \ $(shell test -e /usr/lib/librt.so && echo -DACE_HAS_AIO_CALLS) ifeq ($(threads),0) CPPFLAGS += -DACE_MT_SAFE=0 else LIBS += libpthread.so ifeq (-DACE_HAS_AIO_CALLS,$(PLATFORM_AIO_SUPPORT)) CPPFLAGS += -DACE_HAS_AIO_CALLS LIBS += librt.so endif endif # threads PLATFORM_XT_CPPFLAGS= PLATFORM_XT_LIBS=-lXt PLATFORM_XT_LDFLAGS= PLATFORM_FL_CPPFLAGS= PLATFORM_FL_LIBS=-lfltk PLATFORM_FL_LDFLAGS= PLATFORM_X11_CPPFLAGS=-I/usr/X11R6/include PLATFORM_X11_LIBS=-lX11 PLATFORM_X11_LDFLAGS=-L/usr/X11R6/lib PLATFORM_GL_CPPFLAGS=-I/usr/X11R6/include PLATFORM_GL_LIBS =-lGL PLATFORM_GL_LDFLAGS =-L/usr/X11R6/lib PLATFORM_GTK_CPPFLAGS=$(shell gtk-config --cflags) PLATFORM_GTK_LIBS =$(shell gtk-config --libs) PLATFORM_GTK_LDFLAGS= PLATFORM_WX_CPPFLAGS= $(shell wx-config --cflags) $(PLATFORM_GTK_CPPFLAGS) PLATFORM_WX_LIBS = $(shell wx-config --libs) $(PLATFORM_GTK_LIBS) PLATFORM_WX_LDFLAGS = ifeq ($(insure),1) CC = insure CXX = insure else CC = $(BCB)/bin/bc++ CXX = $(BCB)/bin/bc++ endif # Test for template instantiation. # # # Common flags # ifdef debug DCFLAGS = -v -y -Od -r- -vi- -D_DEBUG DCCFLAGS = #-v -y -Od -r- -vi- -k -D_DEBUG else DCFLAGS = -DNDEBUG DCCFLAGS = endif kylix = 1 INCLUDEPATH = $(BCB)/include/stlport:$(BCB)/include:$(BCB)/include/vcl:/usr/include:$(ACE_ROOT) LIBPATH = $(BCB)/lib/obj:$(BCB)/lib:/usr/lib:/lib:/usr/X11R6/lib:$(BCB)/bin ACELIBPATH = $(ACE_ROOT)/ace:./ AR = ar ARFLAGS = rsuv RANLIB = @true DLD = $(BCB)/bin/ilink LD = $(BCB)/bin/ilink WARNINGS_CFLAGS = -w-rvl -w-rch -w-ccc -w-obs -w-aus -w-pia -w-inl CFLAGS = $(WARNINGS_CFLAGS) -q -VP -Vx -a8 -b- -k $(DCFLAGS) \ -c -I$(INCLUDEPATH) CPPFLAGS += #$(CFLAGS) CCFLAGS += $(CFLAGS) BORLDFLAGS = -c -L$(LIBPATH):$(ACELIBPATH) -x -Gn -v BORINITOBJ = borinitso.o borinit.o crt1.o BORSHAREDOBJ += libborcrtl.so libborstl.so libborunwind.so libc.so libm.so libdl.so PRELINK= SOFLAGS= -Tpd SOLINK.cc = $(LD) -Tpd LINK.cc = override LINK.cc.override = $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(BORINITOBJ) $(BORSHAREDOBJ) $(BORLDFLAGS) $(POSTLINK) SONAME= SOVERSION= # ARFLAGS Flags for the archive utility (ar) # CC C compiler command # CXX C++ compiler command # COMPILE.c Flags for compiling with C # COMPILE.cc Flags for compiling with C++ # CPPFLAGS C pre-processor flags # CFLAGS C compilation flags # CCFLAGS C++ compilation flags # DCFLAGS C compilation flags for debugging # DCCFLAGS C++ compilation flags for debugging # DEFFLAGS C++ preprocessor flag for defining symbols # DLD Name of dynamic linker # LD Name of linker # IDL Name of the CORBA IDL compiler # TEMPLATES_FLAG Flag to pass to the compiler to control the instantiation of # templates. # INSBIN Binary (executable) installation directory # INSINC Include file installation directory # INSMAN Manpage installation directory # INSLIB Library installation directory # LDFLAGS ld linker flags # LINK.c Flags for linking with C # LINK.cc Flags for linking with C++ # MAKEFLAGS Flags that are passed into the compilation from the commandline # OCFLAGS Optimizing C compilation flags # OCCFLAGS Optimizing C++ compilation flags # PCFLAGS C compilation flags for profiling # PCCFLAGS C++ compilation flags for profiling