#---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # $Id$ #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # ACE supports the following flags. They can be enabled either on # the command line, e.g., "make purify=1", or added to your # platform_macros.GNU. To disable the option, set the flag to null, # e.g., "make debug=". Some flags support setting to 0 disable, # e.g., "make debug=0". debug=1 is enabled in the platform files # that are released with ACE. # # Please note that the effects of a flag may be platform specific. # Also, combinations of certain flags may or may not be allowed on # specific platforms, e.g., debug=1 opt=1 is supported by g++ but # not all other C++ compilers. # # Flag Description # ---- ----------- # debug Enable debugging; see DCFLAGS and DCCFLAGS. # exceptions Enable exception handling (not supported by all platforms). # fast Enable -fast option, e.g., with Sun C++. # inline Enable ACE inlining. Some platforms enable inlining by # default, others do not. # optimize Enable optimization; see OCFLAGS and OCCFLAGS. # orbix Enable use of Orbix. # profile Enable profiling; see PCFLAGS and PCCFLAGS. # purify Purify all executables. # quantify Quantify all executables. # shared_libs Build shared libraries. Ignored if static_libs_only is set. # static_libs Build shared libraries. Ignored if shared_libs_only is set. # shared_libs_only Only build shared libraries. Ignored if no SHLIBs are # specified by the Makefile, as in performance-tests/Misc. # static_libs_only Only build static libraries. # # Usually, users do not need to be concerned with make targets. # Just enter "make" on the command line to build. A few notable # targets are listed below. # # Target Description # ------ ----------- # show_statics Lists all static objects in object files built for # current directory. Only supported for g++. # show_uninit Lists all uninitialized in object files built for # current directory. Only supported for g++. # # The following describes the ACE wrapper macros: # # Variable Description # -------- ----------- # ARFLAGS Flags for the archive utility (ar) # CC C compiler command # CXX C++ compiler command # COMPILE.c Flags for compiling with C # COMPILE.cc Flags for compiling with C++ # CPPFLAGS C pre-processor flags # CFLAGS C compilation flags # CCFLAGS C++ compilation flags # DCFLAGS C compilation flags for debugging # DCCFLAGS C++ compilation flags for debugging # DEFFLAGS C++ preprocessor flag for defining symbols # DLD Name of dynamic linker # LD Name of linker # IDL Name of the CORBA IDL compiler # INSBIN Binary (executable) installation directory # INSINC Include file installation directory # INSMAN Manpage installation directory # INSLIB Library installation directory # LDFLAGS ld linker flags # LINK.c Flags for linking with C # LINK.cc Flags for linking with C++ # MAKEFLAGS Flags that are passed into the compilation from the commandline # OCFLAGS Optimizing C compilation flags # OCCFLAGS Optimizing C++ compilation flags # ORBIX_ROOT Root of IONA's Orbix CORBA implementation # PCFLAGS C compilation flags for profiling # PCCFLAGS C++ compilation flags for profiling # PRELINK Executable to precede linking, such as quantify # PURELINK If set, contains purify executable as well as all options # PURE_CACHE_BASE_DIR # The base directory in which Pure products will produce instrumented # libraries. # PURE_CACHE_DIR # The full name of the directory in which Pure produces will produce # instrumented libraries. # PTDIRS Pathnames of directories containing template code # RM Name of program to use to remove files # SOFLAGS Flags used to build a shared library # SOLINK.cc Link line necessary to build a share library # VAR Variant identifier suffix # VDIR Directory for object code # VSHDIR Directory for shared object code # ACE_ROOT Pathname for the root of the build tree # #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Platform-dependent macro definitions # (link to the appropriate platform-specific config file). #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #### Default to building shared libraries only. Set it here to give the #### platform a chance to override. shared_libs = 1 static_libs = 0 #### Let platform just look at whether or not exceptions is defined. #### With the following override, it doesn't have to check for 0. ifeq ($(exceptions),0) override exceptions = endif # exceptions #### Defined versioned_so = 1 if your platform requires version number #### be appended after so library. versioned_so = 0 include $(ACE_ROOT)/include/makeinclude/platform_macros.GNU #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Platform-independent macro definitions #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- CPPFLAGS += $(DEFFLAGS) $(INCLDIRS) IDL = idl IDLFLAGS = -A -B -s S.cpp -c C.cpp ifeq (,$(findstring -I$(ACE_ROOT),$(INCLDIRS))) INCLDIRS += -I. -I$(ACE_ROOT) endif INSBIN = $(ACE_ROOT)/bin INSINC = $(ACE_ROOT)/ace INSLIB = $(ACE_ROOT)/ace INSMAN = $(ACE_ROOT)/man ifeq (,$(findstring -L$(ACE_ROOT)/ace,$(LDFLAGS))) LDFLAGS += -L$(ACE_ROOT)/ace -L./ endif LEX = flex PCFLAGS += #### set in platform_macros.GNU file, e.g., -p PCCFLAGS += #### set in platform_macros.GNU file, e.g., -p RM = /bin/rm VAR = VDIR = .obj/ ifndef ACELIB ACELIB = -lACE endif ifndef VSHDIR VSHDIR = .shobj/ endif # VSHDIR # NOTE: VLDLIBS is defined below, in case it is overridden for static- # or shared-only builds. YACC = yacc # Define SOEXT trailing digits if platform needs it. ifeq ($(versioned_so),1) ACE_LDSO_Version_Number := $(shell echo .`perl -ne 'if (/ACE version/) \ { s/[^0-9]+(\d+\.\d+)\.\d+.+/\1/ ; print }' ${ACE_ROOT}/VERSION `) else ACE_LDSO_Version_Number = endif #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # make flags #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ifeq ($(optimize),0) override optimize = endif # optimize ifneq ($(optimize),) CFLAGS += $(OCFLAGS) CCFLAGS += $(OCCFLAGS) endif # optimize ifeq ($(debug),0) override debug = endif # debug ifeq ($(debug),) CFLAGS += -DACE_NDEBUG CCFLAGS += -DACE_NDEBUG else CFLAGS += $(DCFLAGS) CCFLAGS += $(DCCFLAGS) endif # debug ifdef exceptions CCFLAGS += -DACE_HAS_EXCEPTIONS else ifeq ($(CXX),g++) #### Disable the default exception handling of g++ >= 2.8.0. G++_HAS_EXCEPTIONS := \ $(shell if g++ --version | egrep -v '^2\.[0-7]' > /dev/null; then \ echo 1; fi) ifdef G++_HAS_EXCEPTIONS CCFLAGS += -fno-exceptions endif # G++_HAS_EXCEPTIONS endif # g++ endif # exceptions ifeq ($(profile),0) override profile = endif # profile ifneq ($(profile),) CFLAGS += $(PCFLAGS) CCFLAGS += $(PCCFLAGS) endif # profile ifeq ($(inline),0) CCFLAGS += -DACE_NO_INLINE else ifeq ($(inline),1) CCFLAGS += -D__ACE_INLINE__ endif # inline eq 1 endif # inline eq 0 ifeq ($(shared_libs),0) override shared_libs = endif # shared_libs ifeq ($(static_libs),0) override static_libs = endif # static_libs ifeq ($(shared_libs_only),0) override shared_libs_only = endif # shared_libs_only ifeq ($(static_libs_only),0) override static_libs_only = endif # static_libs_only ifdef shared_libs_only override shared_libs = 1 override static_libs = endif # shared_libs_only ifdef static_libs_only override shared_libs = override static_libs = 1 endif # static_libs_only ifdef shared_libs ifdef static_libs #### Build both shared and static libs. else # ! static_libs #### Build shared libs only. ifeq ($(SHLIB),) #### Makefile only specifies static libs, so only build static libs. else # ! SHLIB #### Don't build static libs. BUILD = $(VSHLIB) $(SHLIBA) $(VBIN) LIB = OBJEXT = so VDIR = .shobj/ ifeq ($(BIN),) #### No executables are being built, so don't create .obj/. OBJDIRS = .shobj endif # BIN endif # ! SHLIB endif # ! static_libs else # ! shared_libs ifdef static_libs #### Don't build shared libs. BUILD = $(VLIB) $(VBIN) OBJDIRS = .obj PIC = SHLIB = SOEXT = o VSHDIR = .obj/ VLDLIBS = $(LDLIBS:%.so=%.o) else # ! static_libs #### Don't build any libs. BUILD = $(VBIN) endif # ! static_libs endif # ! shared_libs ifdef SHLIBA VLDLIBS := $(LDLIBS) -lACEshr $(LIBS) else VLDLIBS := $(LDLIBS) $(ACELIB) $(LIBS) endif # SHLIBA ifeq ($(purify),0) override purify = endif # purify PURE_CACHE_BASE_DIR = /tmp/purifycache PURE_CACHE_DIR = $(PURE_CACHE_BASE_DIR)-$(LOGNAME)-$(CXX) ifdef purify #### You might want to adjust the Purify options below. #### -best-effort is undocumented but supported, and seems #### to help avoid occasional link failure. #### SIGINT is used by the ACE Thread_Manager_Test. PURELINK += purify -best-effort -chain-length=20 \ -cache-dir=$(PURE_CACHE_DIR) \ -fds-inuse-at-exit=no -ignore-signals=SIGINT -inuse-at-exit \ -max_threads=100 CFLAGS += -DACE_PURIFY endif # purify ifeq ($(quantify),0) override quantify = endif # quantify ifdef quantify #### You might want to adjust the Quantify options below. #### -best-effort is undocumented but supported, and seems #### to help avoid occasional link failure. PRELINK += quantify -best-effort -max_threads=100 \ -cache-dir=$(PURE_CACHE_DIR) CFLAGS += -DACE_QUANTIFY endif # quantify #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Conditional macro definitions #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- COMPILE.c = $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) -c COMPILE.cc = $(CXX) $(CCFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(PTDIRS) -c COMPILE-NO_DASH_G.cc = `echo $(COMPILE.cc) | sed 's/-g //'` # 960905 Marius Kjeldahl # Added the line below to be used for compiling executable shared objects COMPILEESO.cc = $(CXX) $(CCFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(PTDIRS) ifeq ($(LINK.c),override) LINK.c = $(LINK.c.override) else LINK.c = $(PURELINK) $(PRELINK) $(LD) $(CFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) $(LDLIBS) \ $(LIBS) endif # LINK.c.override ifeq ($(LINK.cc),override) LINK.cc = $(LINK.cc.override) else LINK.cc = $(PURELINK) $(PRELINK) $(LD) $(CCFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(PTDIRS) endif # LINK.cc.override SOLINK.cc = $(PRELINK) $(DLD) $(SOFLAGS)