package imaging.framework; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.image.*; import*; import*; /****************************************************** * Future idea: * * Create a smart button class with an invoke method that's * to be called when the button is pressed. * * Subclasses override the invoke method to define * specific behavior. * * That would allow things like load and save frames * to be almost exactly the same -- one could inherit * from the other and override addButtons, etc *****************************************************/ class LoadURLFrame extends Frame { public LoadURLFrame (String title, ImageApp parent) { super (title); this.parent_ = parent; this.resize (500,130); this.addButtons(); } private void addButtons() { this.setLayout (new BorderLayout ()); Panel textPanel = new Panel (); textPanel.setLayout (new BorderLayout ()); textPanel.add ("North", new Label ("Image Location:")); textPanel.add ("Center", this.openURLText_); Panel buttonPanel = new Panel (); buttonPanel.setLayout (new FlowLayout (FlowLayout.CENTER)); buttonPanel.add (this.openButton_); buttonPanel.add (this.clearButton_); buttonPanel.add (this.cancelButton_); this.add ("North", textPanel); this.add ("South", buttonPanel); } private int browseFiles (String url) { fileBrowser_ = new FileBrowser ("Browse", this.parent_); ListFiles list = new ListFiles (this.fileBrowser_, this.parent_); return this.fileBrowser_.initialize (url, list); } // Handle all action events public boolean action (Event e, Object arg) { if ( instanceof Button) { if ( == this.openButton_) { this.getURL (); } else if ( == this.clearButton_) { this.openURLText_.setText (new String ()); this.openURLText_.requestFocus (); } else if ( == this.cancelButton_) this.dispose (); validate (); return true; } else return false; } public boolean keyDown (Event e, int key) { if (key == 10) { this.getURL (); return true; } else return false; } private void getURL () { this.hide (); String url = this.openURLText_.getText (); this.dispose (); // The following is only for debugging if (url.compareTo ("ru") == 0) url = "http://www.cs/~pjain/gifs/"; else if (url.compareTo ("pj") == 0) url = "http://www.cs/~pjain/myphoto.gif"; if (!url.endsWith ("/") && (this.parent_.openURL (url) != -1)) // Try to open it as an image return; else { ListFiles list = new ListFiles (); switch (this.browseFiles (url)) { case 1: (); break; case 0: DialogManager.popDialog (DialogType.MALFORMED_URL, "Error: Directory contains index.html"); break; default: DialogManager.popDialog (DialogType.MALFORMED_URL, "Error: Not a valid image or URL not found"); break; } } } // Create the Open URL Frame and also the buttons which appear in // it private Button openButton_ = new Button ("Open"); private Button clearButton_ = new Button ("Clear"); private Button cancelButton_ = new Button ("Cancel"); private TextField openURLText_ = new TextField (40); private FileBrowser fileBrowser_ = null; private ImageApp parent_; }