MedJava ~~~~~~~ Overview -------- MedJava is a prototype of a large scale distributed medical imaging system. It has been developed using Java, in particular, several components of Java ACE. Here are the key features of the MedJava toolkit: * Images can be both downloaded and uploaded across the network. * Images can be uploaded to Web servers that support HTTP PUT functionality (for example, JAWS). * The tool contains more than a dozen image filters to do image processing. * The image filters can be configured into the system dynamically using the Service Configurator pattern. Please send comments/suggestions to Prashant Jain ( ====================================================================== Getting Started --------------- MedJava applet can be configured with several (optional) parameters via the HTML file from which the applet is invoked. Here is a list of the parameters: Note: 1) * indicates test-mode parameters 2) All Default URLs begin with Name Description Default


configFile Specifies a URL that points to the filter

configuration file. filter.conf

*testFile Specifies a URL that points to the file that contains

a list of images that need to be tested. testImages.conf

*testServer Specifies the name of the test server.

*testPort Specifies the port number of the test server. 7789

*JAWSServer Specifies the name of the server to use in

doing image uploading during testing.

*JAWSPort Specifies the port number of the server to use

in doing image uploading during testing. 5432

====================================================================== Menu ---- o Open URL Allows user to specify a URL. If the URL points to an image that is readable, then the image is downloaded and displayed in the view panel. If the URL points to a directory that is readable then a window appears displaying a list of files in that directory. The user can then click on an image file in this window to fetch an image. IMPORTANT NOTE: If the URL points to a directory, the directory must not contain an "index.html" file! If it does, the query will fail and no list of files will appear. o Save Allows user to specify a URL to save the currently loaded image to. All images are saved in GIF format. Note that saving/uploading a file can take a while depending upon the size of the image. This is because, the tool first generates the GIF format and then sends the bytes across the network. IMPORTANT NOTE: The Web server must support image uploading, that is HTTP PUT functionality. Also, due to applet restrictions, the server MUST be running on the same host from which the applet was downloaded from. o Reset Resets the image to the original. Note that the effects of any filters that were applied to the image will be lost. o Reload Filters Reads the filter configuration file again and reloads all the image filters. Note that this serves as the trigger of the Service Configurator pattern allowing the tool to reconfigure based on new configuration information. The filters are specified in filter.conf. To add/remove filters, change this file and then select "Reload Filters". To specify a different configuration file, please see "Getting Started". o Zoom In Zooms in to the currently displayed image. Note that the applet only allows to zoom in 4 x times. o Zoom Out Zooms out of the currently displayed image. Note that the applet only allows to zoom out 1/4 x times. o Apply Apply the currently selected filter. By default no filter is selected. Note that applying a filter to an image can taken anywhere between a few seconds to a few minutes depending upon the image size, the filter type, and the speed of the machine on which the applet is running. o Filters: Allows the user to select a filter from the ones that have been configured into the applet. Note that this is a choice menu and its entries depend upon the filters that were specified in the filter configuration file. For more information, on how to specify the filters, please see "Getting Started". o About Displays the "About" dialog containing the version of the MedJava applet. o Help Displays this window ====================================================================== Limitations ----------- In several browsers, for images larger than 100 KB, the Java virtual machine may run out of memory while doing image processing.