package JACE.netsvcs.Token; import*; import*; import java.util.*; import JACE.OS.*; import JACE.Misc.*; import JACE.Connection.*; import JACE.netsvcs.Server; /** * Server for the token service. Launches TokenRequestHandlers as * connections are made. Currently, the activation strategy must be * thread per connection since the operations are allowed to block * during acquires, etc. *

* Two types of locks are supported by default -- Mutex and RWMutex. * New lock types can be added from the command line without changing * any code in the service. To do this, just create a class which * implements the LockHandler interface. *

* When a request for a new lock comes in, a LockHandler of the corresponding * type is created and a mapping is created between the lock name and the * handler. Later requests reuse that mapping. *

* Valid command line arguments: *

 *    -f (class name):(type)  Specify a LockHandler for a type of lock");
 *    -p (port number)        Port to listen on for clients");
 *    -d                      Enable debugging messages");
* *@see JACE.netsvcs.Server *@see TokenRequestHandler *@see LockHandler *@see LockTypes */ public class TokenAcceptor extends Server { protected void addDefaultFactories() throws ClassNotFoundException { addHandlerFactory(LockTypes.MUTEX, Class.forName("JACE.netsvcs.Token.MutexHandler")); addHandlerFactory(LockTypes.RWLOCK, Class.forName("JACE.netsvcs.Token.RWMutexHandler")); } /** * Default constructor. */ public TokenAcceptor() { // Set the name in case we aren't using the service configurator. name ("Token Service"); lockHandlerMap_ = new Hashtable(); handlerFactoryMap_ = new Hashtable(); clientHandlerMap_ = new Hashtable (); } /** * Add a map between a type of lock and the factory which * creates LockHandler instances that handle it. * *@see LockTypes *@param type number representing the type of lock *@param factory Class object for a LockHandler class */ public void addHandlerFactory(Integer type, Class factory) { handlerFactoryMap_.put(type, factory); } /** * Add a map between a type of lock and the factory which * creates LockHandler instances that handle it. * *@see LockTypes *@param type number representing the type of lock *@param factory Class object for a LockHandler class */ public void addHandlerFactory(int type, Class factory) { addHandlerFactory(new Integer(type), factory); } /** * Remove the LockHandler factory which handles locks * of the specified type. * *@param type type of LockHandler to cease supporting *@return the LockHandler instance (or null if not found) */ public Object removeHandlerFactory(Integer type) { return handlerFactoryMap_.remove(type); } /** * Remove the LockHandler factory which handles locks * of the specified type. * *@param type type of LockHandler to cease supporting *@return the LockHandler instance (or null if not found) */ public Object removeHandlerFactory(int type) { return handlerFactoryMap_.remove(new Integer(type)); } /** * Retrieve the LockHandler corresponding to the given name * or create a new one if it doesn't exist. This is called by * TokenRequestHandlers. * *@param lockName name of the lock to retrieve or create a LockHandler for *@param lockType type of the lock *@return LockHandler which handles the lock with that name */ public LockHandler getLockHandler (String lockName, int lockType) { synchronized (lockHandlerMap_) { Object obj = lockHandlerMap_.get(lockName); if (obj != null) return (LockHandler)obj; else { LockHandler handler = newHandler (lockType); lockHandlerMap_.put (lockName, handler); return handler; } } } /** * Create a new LockHandler of the specified type. * *@param type type of LockHandler to create *@return a new LockHandler instance */ protected LockHandler newHandler (int type) { ACE.DEBUG ("Creating new handler of type " + type); Object factoryObj = handlerFactoryMap_.get(new Integer(type)); if (factoryObj == null) return null; Class factory = (Class)factoryObj; LockHandler handler = null; try { handler = (LockHandler)factory.newInstance(); } catch (InstantiationException e) { ACE.ERROR("Can't create a handler of type " + type); } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { ACE.ERROR("Handler of type " + type + " must have a default constructor"); } return handler; } /** * Simple main program. See the class description for more * information about command line arguments. */ public static void main(String args[]) { TokenAcceptor ta = new TokenAcceptor(); ta.init(args); } /** * Create a new TokenRequestHandler instance. */ protected SvcHandler makeSvcHandler() { return new TokenRequestHandler(); } /** * Sets up the default factories so the user can override them on * the command line, then delegates back to Server.init (String[]). * *@see JACE.netsvcs.Server#init *@param args command line arguments *@return -1 on failure, 0 on success */ public int init(String [] args) { try { addDefaultFactories (); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { ACE.ERROR ("Can't find default factory " + e.getMessage ()); return -1; } return super.init (args); } /** * Prints out the valid command line arguments. See the class * description for more information. Called by Server.init when * parseArgs returns -1. */ protected void printUsage () { ACE.ERROR ("Valid options:\n"); ACE.ERROR ("-f : Specify a handler for a type of lock"); ACE.ERROR ("-p Port to listen on for clients"); ACE.ERROR ("-d Enable debugging messages"); } /** * Parses the command line arguments. See the class description * for more information. * *@param args command line arguments *@return -1 on failure, 0 on success */ protected int parseArgs(String [] args) { int c = 0; GetOpt opt = new GetOpt(args, "p:f:d", true); try { while ((c = ()) != -1) { switch (c) { case 'd': ACE.enableDebugging (); ACE.DEBUG ("Debugging is enabled"); break; case 'p': if (!port (opt.optarg ())) return -1; break; case 'f': if (newHandlerFactory (opt.optarg ()) < 0) return -1; break; default: ACE.ERROR("Unknown argument: " + (char)c); return -1; } } } catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException e) { ACE.ERROR ("Option -" + (char)c + " requires an argument"); return -1; } return 0; } /** * Load the Class for the specified LockHandler and create a mapping * from its type to the Class instance. Used to parse the command * line pair of (class name):(type). * *@param nameAndType (class name):(type) pair from the command line *@return -1 on failure, 0 on success */ protected int newHandlerFactory (String nameAndType) { int colon = nameAndType.lastIndexOf (':'); if (colon < 1) { ACE.ERROR ("Invalid -f : for handler: " + nameAndType); return -1; } int type = 0; try { type = Integer.parseInt (nameAndType.substring (colon + 1)); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { ACE.ERROR ("Invalid token type: " + e.getMessage ()); return -1; } String name = nameAndType.substring (0, colon); Class factory; try { factory = Class.forName (name); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { ACE.ERROR (e.getMessage ()); return -1; } addHandlerFactory (type, factory); ACE.DEBUG ("New handler " + name + " with type " + type); return 0; } /** * Create a mapping between a client ID and a LockHandler. This is * only used by TokenRequestHandlers in order to keep track of which * locks a client touches. That way, if/when a client disconnects, * all its locks can be abandoned successfully. * *@param clientID client identification (key in the mapping) *@param handler LockHandler to map to (value in the mapping) * */ void addClientLockHandler (String clientID, LockHandler handler) { Object obj = clientHandlerMap_.get (clientID); if (obj == null) { // Probably won't have more than 10 locks per client ID, and the Vector // should resize automatically even if someone does. Vector handlerList = new Vector (10); handlerList.addElement (handler); clientHandlerMap_.put (clientID, handlerList); } else { Vector handlerList = (Vector)obj; int alreadyThereIndex = handlerList.indexOf (handler); if (alreadyThereIndex == -1) handlerList.addElement (handler); } } /** * Called by TokenRequestHandlers to remove a specified client ID * from the client ID to LockHandler mapping. */ void removeClient (String clientID) { clientHandlerMap_.remove (clientID); } /** * Called by TokenRequestHandlers to obtain a list of all LockHandlers * accessed by a particular client. Useful for abandoning the locks. */ Enumeration getClientLockHandlers (String clientID) { Object obj = clientHandlerMap_.get (clientID); if (obj == null) return null; else return ((Vector)obj).elements (); } // These should be replaced by weak hash maps when available // Map consisting of (token name) to (LockHandler instance) pairs private Hashtable lockHandlerMap_; // Map consisting of (Integer token type) to (Class instance for // corresponding LockHandler class) private Hashtable handlerFactoryMap_; // Map consisting of (client ID) to (Vector of LockHandler) pairs private Hashtable clientHandlerMap_; }