/* * Copyright 1996 Jan Newmarch, University of Canberra. * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this * software and its documentation for any purpose and without * fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright * notice appear in all copies. The author * makes no representations about the suitability of this * software for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without * express or implied warranty. */ package awtCommand; import java.awt.*; public class CFrame extends Frame { protected Command destroyCommand = null, deiconifyCommand = null, iconifyCommand = null, movedCommand = null; protected Command gotFocusCommand = null, lostFocusCommand = null; protected Command mouseDownCommand = null, mouseDragCommand = null, mouseEnterCommand = null, mouseExitCommand = null, mouseMoveCommand = null, mouseUpCommand = null; protected Command keyUpCommand = null, keyDownCommand = null; protected Command actionCommand = null; protected Command scrollAbsoluteCommand = null, lineDownCommand = null, lineUpCommand = null, pageDownCommand = null, pageUpCommand = null; protected Command selectCommand = null, deselectCommand = null; /** * Constructs a new, initially invisible CFrame. */ public CFrame() { super(); } /** * Constructs a new, initially invisible CFrame with the * specified title. */ public CFrame(String title) { super(title); } /** * Handles the event */ public boolean handleEvent(Event evt) { switch (evt.id) { case Event.WINDOW_DESTROY: return windowDestroy(evt); case Event.WINDOW_DEICONIFY: return windowDeiconify(evt); case Event.WINDOW_ICONIFY: return windowIconify(evt); case Event.WINDOW_MOVED: return windowMoved(evt); case Event.SCROLL_ABSOLUTE: return scrollAbsolute(evt, evt.arg); case Event.SCROLL_LINE_DOWN: return lineDown(evt, evt.arg); case Event.SCROLL_LINE_UP: return lineUp(evt, evt.arg); case Event.SCROLL_PAGE_DOWN: return pageDown(evt, evt.arg); case Event.SCROLL_PAGE_UP: return pageUp(evt, evt.arg); case Event.LIST_SELECT: return select(evt, evt.arg); case Event.LIST_DESELECT: return deselect(evt, evt.arg); default: return super.handleEvent(evt); } } /* * event handling methods */ /** * Called if the dialog's window is destroyed. This results in a call to * the destroyCommand object with what set to null */ public boolean windowDestroy(Event evt) { if (destroyCommand != null) destroyCommand.execute(this, evt, null); return false; } /** * Called if the dialog's window is deiconified. This results in a call to * the deiconifyCommand object with what set to null */ public boolean windowDeiconify(Event evt) { if (deiconifyCommand != null) deiconifyCommand.execute(this, evt, null); return false; } /** * Called if the dialog is iconified. This results in a call to * the iconifyCommand object with what set to null */ public boolean windowIconify(Event evt) { if (iconifyCommand != null) iconifyCommand.execute(this, evt, null); return false; } /** * Called if the dialog's window is moved. This results in a call to * the movedCommand object with what set to Point(x, y) */ public boolean windowMoved(Event evt) { if (movedCommand != null) movedCommand.execute(this, evt, new Point(evt.x, evt.y)); return false; } /* * I don't know where what objects this next set should belong * to. Putting them at the top is ok for now */ /** * Called if the window gains focus. This results in a call to * the gotFocusCommand object with what set to null. */ public boolean gotFocus(Event evt, Object what) { if (gotFocusCommand != null) gotFocusCommand.execute(this, evt, what); return false; } /** * Called if the window loses focus. This results in a call to * the lostFocusCommand object with what set to null. */ public boolean lostFocus(Event evt, Object what) { if (lostFocusCommand != null) lostFocusCommand.execute(this, evt, what); return false; } /** * Called if the mouse is down. * This results in a call to the mouseDownCommand object with * what set to Point(x, y) */ public boolean mouseDown(Event evt, int x, int y) { if (mouseDownCommand != null) mouseDownCommand.execute(this, evt, new Point(x, y)); return false; } /** * Called if the mouse is dragged. * This results in a call to the mouseDragCommand object with * what set to Point(x, y) */ public boolean mouseDrag(Event evt, int x, int y) { if (mouseDragCommand != null) mouseDragCommand.execute(this, evt, new Point(x, y)); return false; } /** * Called if the mouse enters the window. * This results in a call to the mouseEnterCommand object with * what set to Point(x, y) */ public boolean mouseEnter(Event evt, int x, int y) { if (mouseEnterCommand != null) mouseEnterCommand.execute(this, evt, new Point(x, y)); return false; } /** * Called if the mouse moves inside the window. * This results in a call to the mouseMoveCommand object with * what set to Point(x, y) */ public boolean mouseMove(Event evt, int x, int y) { if (mouseExitCommand != null) mouseExitCommand.execute(this, evt, new Point(x, y)); return false; } /** * Called if the mouse is up. * This results in a call to the mouseUpCommand object with * what set to Point(x, y) */ public boolean mouseUp(Event evt, int x, int y) { if (mouseUpCommand != null) mouseUpCommand.execute(this, evt, new Point(x, y)); return false; } /** * Called if a character is pressed. * This results in a call to the keyDownCommand object with * what set to Integer(key). */ public boolean keyDown(Event evt, int key) { if (keyDownCommand != null) keyDownCommand.execute(this, evt, new Integer(key)); return false; } /** * Called if a character is released. * This results in a call to the keyUpCommand object with * what set to Integer(key). */ public boolean keyUp(Event evt, int key) { if (keyUpCommand != null) keyUpCommand.execute(this, evt, new Integer(key)); return false; } /** * Called when an ACTION_EVENT is generated. * This results in a call to the actionCommand object * with what set to the event's arg. */ public boolean action(Event evt, Object what) { if (actionCommand != null) actionCommand.execute(this, evt, what); return false; } /** * Called when a scrollbar is dragged. * This results in a call to the scrollAbsoluteCommand object * with what set to the slider location value. */ public boolean scrollAbsolute(Event evt, Object what) { if (scrollAbsoluteCommand != null) scrollAbsoluteCommand.execute(this, evt, what); return false; } /** * Called when a scrollbar is incremented down. * This results in a call to the lineDownCommand object * with what set to the slider location value. */ public boolean lineDown(Event evt, Object what) { if (lineDownCommand != null) lineDownCommand.execute(this, evt, what); return false; } /** * Called when a scrollbar is incremented up. * This results in a call to the lineUpCommand object * with what set to the slider location value. */ public boolean lineUp(Event evt, Object what) { if (lineUpCommand != null) lineUpCommand.execute(this, evt, what); return false; } /** * Called when a scrollbar pages up. * This results in a call to the pageUpCommand object * with what set to the slider location value. */ public boolean pageUp(Event evt, Object what) { if (pageUpCommand != null) pageUpCommand.execute(this, evt, what); return false; } /** * Called when a scrollbar pages down. * This results in a call to the pageDownCommand object * with what set to the slider location value. */ public boolean pageDown(Event evt, Object what) { if (pageDownCommand != null) pageDownCommand.execute(this, evt, what); return false; } /** * Called if the mouse selects an item in a List. * This results in a call to the selectCommand object * with what set to the selected index. */ public boolean select(Event evt, Object what) { if (selectCommand != null) selectCommand.execute(this, evt, what); return false; } /** * Called if the mouse deselects an item in a List. * This results in a call to the deselectCommand object * with what set to the deselected index. */ public boolean deselect(Event evt, Object what) { if (deselectCommand != null) deselectCommand.execute(this, evt, what); return false; } /* * set...Command methods */ /** * Sets the destroyCommand object. */ public void setDestroyCommand(Command c) { destroyCommand = c; } /** * Sets the deiconifyCommand object. */ public void setDeiconifyCommand(Command c) { deiconifyCommand = c; } /** * Sets the iconifyCommand object. */ public void setIconifyCommand(Command c) { iconifyCommand = c; } /** * Sets the movedCommand object. */ public void setMovedCommand(Command c) { movedCommand = c; } /** * Sets the mouseDownCommand object. */ public void setMouseDownCommand(Command c) { mouseDownCommand = c; } /** * Sets the moueDragCommand object. */ public void setMouseDragCommand(Command c) { mouseDragCommand = c; } /** * Sets the mouseEnterCommand object. */ public void setMouseEnterCommand(Command c) { mouseEnterCommand = c; } /** * Sets the mouseExitCommand object. */ public void setMouseExitCommand(Command c) { mouseExitCommand = c; } /** * Sets the mouseMoveCommand object. */ public void setMouseMoveCommand(Command c) { mouseMoveCommand = c; } /** * Sets the mouseUpCommand object. */ public void setMouseUpCommand(Command c) { mouseUpCommand = c; } /** * Sets the keyDownCommand object. */ public void setKeyDownCommand(Command c) { keyDownCommand = c; } /** * Sets the keyUpCommand object. */ public void setKeyUpCommand(Command c) { keyUpCommand = c; } /** * Sets the actionCommand object. */ public void setActionCommand(Command action) { actionCommand = action; } /** * Sets the scrollAbsoluteCommand. */ public void setScrollAbsoluteCommand(Command c) { scrollAbsoluteCommand = c; } /** * Sets the lineUpCommand. */ public void setLineUpCommand(Command c) { lineUpCommand = c; } /** * Sets the lineDownCommand. */ public void setLineDownCommand(Command c) { lineDownCommand = c; } /** * Sets the pageUpCommand. */ public void setPageUpCommand(Command c) { pageUpCommand = c; } /** * Sets the pageDownCommand. */ public void setPageDownCommand(Command c) { pageDownCommand = c; } /** * Sets the selectCommand. */ public void setSelectCommand(Command select) { selectCommand = select; } public void setGotFocusCommand(Command c) { gotFocusCommand = c ; } /** * Sets the deselectCommand. */ public void setDeselectCommand(Command deselect) { deselectCommand = deselect; } }