/* * Copyright 1996 Jan Newmarch, University of Canberra. * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this * software and its documentation for any purpose and without * fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright * notice appear in all copies. The author * makes no representations about the suitability of this * software for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without * express or implied warranty. */ package awtCommand; import java.awt.*; public class CTextField extends TextField { protected Command actionCommand = null, gotFocusCommand = null, lostFocusCommand = null; /** * Constructs a new CTextField. */ public CTextField() { super(); } /** * Constructs a new CTextField initialized with the specified columns. * @param cols the number of columns */ public CTextField(int cols) { super(cols); } /** * Constructs a new CTextField initialized with the specified text. * @param text the text to be displayed */ public CTextField(String text) { super(text); } /** * Constructs a new CTextField initialized with the specified text and columns. * @param text the text to be displayed * @param cols the number of columns */ public CTextField(String text, int cols) { super(text, cols); } /** * Called when Enter is pressed in the text field. * This results in a call to the actionCommand object * with what set to the text contents. */ public boolean action(Event evt, Object what) { if (actionCommand != null) actionCommand.execute(this, evt, what); return false; } /** * Called when the text field gains the focus. * This results in a call to the gotFocusCommand object * with what set to null. */ public boolean gotFocus(Event evt, Object what) { if (gotFocusCommand != null) gotFocusCommand.execute(this, evt, what); return false; } /** * Called when the text field loses the focus. * This results in a call to the lostFocusCommand object * with what set to null. */ public boolean lostFocus(Event evt, Object what) { if (lostFocusCommand != null) lostFocusCommand.execute(this, evt, what); return false; } /** * Sets the actionCommand object. */ public void setActionCommand(Command c) { actionCommand = c; } /** * Sets the gotFocusCommand object. */ public void setGotFocusCommand(Command c) { gotFocusCommand = c; } /** * Sets the lostFocusCommand object. */ public void setLostFocusCommand(Command c) { lostFocusCommand = c; } }