package gjt; import java.awt.*; /** * A panel containing a single component, around which a border * is drawn. Of course, the single component may be a * container which may contain other components, so a Border * can surround multiple components.

* * Thickness of the border, and the gap between the Component * and the border are specified at time of construction. * Default border thickness is 2 - default gap is 0.

* * Border color may be set via setLineColor(Color).

* * Border employs a DrawnRectangle to paint the border. Derived * classes are free to override DrawnRectangle border() if they * wish to use an extension of DrawnRectangle for drawing their * border.

* * The following code snippet, from gjt.test.BorderTest creates * and AWT Button, and embeds the button in a border. That * border is then embedded in another border. The AWT Button * winds up inside of a cyan border with a pixel width of 7, * inside of a black border (pixel width 2):

* *

 *      private Border makeBorderedAWTButton() {
 *          Button button;
 *          Border cyanBorder, blackBorder;
 *          button = new Button("Button Inside Two Borders");
 *          cyanBorder = new Border(button, 7);
 *          cyanBorder.setLineColor(Color.cyan);
 *          blackBorder = new Border(cyanBorder);
 *          return blackBorder;
 *      }
* * @version 1.0, Apr 1 1996 * @author David Geary * @see DrawnRectangle * @see ThreeDBorder * @see EtchedBorder * @see gjt.test.BorderTest */ public class Border extends Panel { protected int thickness; protected int gap; protected DrawnRectangle border; protected static int _defaultThickness = 2; protected static int _defaultGap = 0; public Border(Component borderMe) { this(borderMe, _defaultThickness, _defaultGap); } public Border(Component borderMe, int thickness) { this(borderMe, thickness, _defaultGap); } public Border(Component borderMe, int thickness, int gap) { this.thickness = thickness; = gap; setLayout(new BorderLayout()); add("Center", borderMe); } public Insets insets() { return new Insets(thickness+gap, thickness+gap, thickness+gap, thickness+gap); } public Rectangle getInnerBounds() { return border().getInnerBounds(); } public void setLineColor(Color c) { border().setLineColor(c); } public Color getLineColor() { return border().getLineColor(); } public void paint(Graphics g) { border().paint(); } public void resize(int w, int h) { Point location = location(); reshape(location.x, location.y, w, h); } public void reshape(int x, int y, int w, int h) { super.reshape(x, y, w, h); border().resize(w, h); } protected String paramString() { return super.paramString() + ",border=" + border().toString() + ",thickness=" + thickness + ",gap=" + gap; } protected DrawnRectangle border() { if(border == null) border = new DrawnRectangle(this, thickness); return border; } }