package gjt; import java.awt.*; /** * Lays out components as though they were pinned to * a bulletin board.

* * Components are simply reshaped to their location and their * preferred size. BulletinLayout is preferrable to setting * a container's layout manager to null and explicitly positioning * and sizing components.

* * @version 1.0, Apr 1 1996 * @author David Geary */ public class BulletinLayout implements LayoutManager { public BulletinLayout() { } public void addLayoutComponent(String name, Component comp) { } public void removeLayoutComponent(Component comp) { } public Dimension preferredLayoutSize(Container target) { Insets insets = target.insets(); Dimension dim = new Dimension(0,0); int ncomponents = target.countComponents(); Component comp; Dimension d; Rectangle preferredBounds = new Rectangle(0,0); Rectangle compPreferredBounds; for (int i = 0 ; i < ncomponents ; i++) { comp = target.getComponent(i); if(comp.isVisible()) { d = comp.preferredSize(); compPreferredBounds = new Rectangle(comp.location()); compPreferredBounds.width = d.width; compPreferredBounds.height = d.height; preferredBounds = preferredBounds.union(compPreferredBounds); } } dim.width += insets.left + insets.right; dim.height += + insets.bottom; return dim; } public Dimension minimumLayoutSize(Container target) { Insets insets = target.insets(); Dimension dim = new Dimension(0,0); int ncomponents = target.countComponents(); Component comp; Dimension d; Rectangle minimumBounds = new Rectangle(0,0); Rectangle compMinimumBounds; for (int i = 0 ; i < ncomponents ; i++) { comp = target.getComponent(i); if(comp.isVisible()) { d = comp.minimumSize(); compMinimumBounds = new Rectangle(comp.location()); compMinimumBounds.width = d.width; compMinimumBounds.height = d.height; minimumBounds = minimumBounds.union(compMinimumBounds); } } dim.width += insets.left + insets.right; dim.height += + insets.bottom; return dim; } public void layoutContainer(Container target) { Insets insets = target.insets(); int ncomponents = target.countComponents(); Component comp; Dimension ps; Point loc; for (int i = 0 ; i < ncomponents ; i++) { comp = target.getComponent(i); if(comp.isVisible()) { ps = comp.preferredSize(); loc = comp.location(); comp.reshape(insets.left + loc.x, + loc.y, ps.width, ps.height); } } } }